It took a long time for Miao Qianqiu to find his own voice. He thought about it and said, "The emperor, if the crown prince is set at this moment, the prince Xiu... will become the target of public criticism."

  The emperor glanced at him, and he didn't care about his presumptuous words, and said slowly, "So you let someone pass it out. The prince's candidate is the sixth prince."

  Miao Qianqiu was shocked, "Six princes?"

"Lao Liu's recent behavior is a bit abnormal. I want to see what he is thinking." The emperor tapped his finger on the table and said softly, "My body is getting worse and worse. Before that, I must It is enough to clear out some hidden dangers for the future emperor."

  Miao Qianqiu suddenly realized that the emperor was worried, and the sixth prince, like the former concubine Wan, didn’t care about anything on the surface, but was actually very ambitious and had already deliberately wanted to get this position.

  So, is the person whom the emperor prefers, or is the Lord Xiu?

  That...what about the Seven Princes?

  Miao Qianqiu felt that the emperor had an amazing plan in his heart. He didn't dare to make more guesses or ask more. He only agreed.

   "The more I want this matter to spread, the better. You send someone to each palace and temple to preach a sentence. The imperial decree has not yet been drafted, but my heart is in favor of the six princes."

   "Yes, the minion will do it now." Miao Qianqiu bowed and retired, and quickly left the imperial study room.

After all,    is the emperor’s confidant eunuch, and his work efficiency is amazing.

  Yu Qingluo was still in the palace of Concubine Shu, so someone hurriedly told Concubine Shu about the news.

Concubine Shu's face changed drastically in an instant. She hurriedly dispatched the people who were waiting in the hall, grabbed Yu Qingluo's hand, her lips were a little trembling, "The emperor wants to register the six princes as princes."

  "...Six princes?" Yu Qing was shocked and hurriedly put the teacup in his hand on the table, "Is this news true?"

  Shu Concubine looked a little flustered, "I said it was from the Imperial Study Room, but I don’t know if it is true."

  Yu Qingluo felt that this matter was a bit weird. How could a good emperor suddenly like the six princes?

  Did the emperor have a confession in his heart, or was it decided temporarily?

  "Don’t worry, mother, this is not necessarily true or false. Besides, even if the sixth prince is really a prince, it is always better than those of the third prince who are princes."

  Shu Concubine was taken aback, after listening to these words, she fell silent.

After a while, he nodded and agreed, "You are right. Although the mother and concubine of the six princes are arrogant, they will not be evil to others. Maybe it is not a bad thing for him to become a prince."

  Yu Qingluo's mouth twitched, she couldn't bear to pour cold water on her. This temperament is really not so easy to talk about. Wasn't the concubine Wanwan's posture in the beginning? The results of it? Secretly planning for many years, he gave the emperor a chronic poison.

"I always thought that even if the emperor was appointed as a prince, he would not be Prince Xiu, but also the Seventh Prince. I didn't expect..." Concubine Shu sighed, as if suddenly thinking of something, she turned to look at Yu Qingluo, "Is it right? ...What did Lord Xiu say in front of the emperor?"

  Yuqing fell stunned. Concubine Shu suspected that the emperor had set up the sixth prince, and it meant that Ye Xiu was independent?

  She couldn't help but laugh, "How could the prince say such a thing at this time? The prince was just abolished, and the emperor was still very sad. The prince was looking forward to the emperor's good, why would he mention his sad thing?"

  Shu Fei sighed after hearing the words, "That's what I said."

  She nodded, her mind is still a little confused, a little bit silly.

  Yu Qingluo saw that she was not in good spirits, so she got up and said goodbye, “The body of the empress is no longer a serious problem, and the conditioning these days is almost the same, and it will continue to be maintained in the future. It is not early, I will go back first.”

  Shu Fei said, "Alright, you also talk to Prince Xiu about the affairs of this palace. I don’t know if the Sixth Prince is true or not. If there is anything, let’s discuss it."

   "Good." After all, it is about the future prince, and it is common sense for Concubine Shu to worry about gains and losses.

  Yu Qingluo left her a bottle of medicine again, and then left the palace.

  The Palace of Xiu was very lively at the moment, Ye Lanping grew up, and the number of times he came to repair the Palace was full, as if only two.

  Not to mention his friends, friends, this first time I saw the legendary Xiuwang Mansion, there was a feeling of admiration in it, there was a sense of embarrassment for Grandma Liu to enter the Grand View Garden, and I didn’t know where to put his hands and feet.

   On the contrary, Ye Lansheng and Yu Bao'er, who are already familiar with this place, are as excited as a fish in the water after entering the palace.

  Especially Ye Lansheng, who has been kept in Jincheng Garden for this period of time, as if he always had a pair of eyes staring at him, making him uncomfortable. Now that he has arrived at King Xiu's Mansion, the little head guard of Jincheng Garden is blocked by Ye Xiu again. He is surrounded by people who have good friends with him. His mood is extremely excited for a while, and there is water in his eyes .

Nan Nan patted him on the shoulder, went to his courtyard, took out all the things bought along the way, and stuffed it into Ye Lansheng's hand.

"Xiao Shengsheng, I bought these for you. You keep them. You see, this is the famous recorder in Zhaocheng, this is the famous writing brush in Miancheng, and this, this, this... …"

  Nannan spread a bunch of gadgets in front of Ye Lansheng, and Ye Lansheng’s eyes were bright.

  Ye Lan, who was watching from the side, felt a little tasteful, "Nan Nan, don’t I?"

Nan Nan was a little guilty, but seeing that he had helped him so much today, he nodded hurriedly, "Some and some, these are for you, I bought them specially for you. Mainly I think Brother Ping is relatively old and may not like these gadgets, but the more advanced things are not very beautiful. I can't pick them well, so I chose a few fine products for you. Do you like them?"

   Ye Lanping was overjoyed when he heard this, "I like it, and Nannan gives me everything I like."

  Nan Nan became more guilty, and hurriedly stuffed things into his arms with a dry smile.

   Ye Xiu watched alone and shook his head again. This Ye Lanping is also a small overlord, how can he be so spineless in front of Nan Nan?

   was thinking, Shen Ying ran in outside, and whispered in his ear, "Master, there is news from the palace."

  Ye Xiu single eyebrows twisted, news from the palace? Qing'er hasn't returned yet. Could it be that something happened to her?

  When he thought of this, he felt a little anxious, but before he had time to ask, he saw a familiar figure appearing not far away, and Yu Qingluo had hurriedly walked over here.

  Ye Xiudoku only breathed a sigh of relief, and asked Shen Ying on the side, "What happened in the palace?"

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