The Dishonest Son and The ‘Ghost’ Doctor Mother

Chapter 953: The emperor assassinated

  Yu Qingluo's rare gentleness, rare hesitation and hesitation, rare hesitation.

  In this way, the matter should be serious.

  Ye Xiudu's hands were tightly squeezed, he was not stupid. Qing'er went to Yufu alone, without even Nan Nan. It should be Grandma Ge who said something to him.

  Before Wanfei said that Grandma Ge had a secret about Menggui concubine, but since they met Grandma Ge in the Mongols, Grandma Ge had nothing to say before him.

  He thought, she should have talked to Qinger alone.

  The secrets of the imperial concubine, there are many secrets hidden in the palace. His mother and concubine hated him for chasing him since he was a child. There must be some reason.

  He once suspected that he was not the biological son of the imperial concubine Meng.

   However, Concubine Meng has a flower-shaped birthmark on her body, and he also has it. It is possible that the seventh brother is not the biological son of the concubine, but it is absolutely impossible for him.

  Why did the imperial concubine Meng treat him this way? There was a thought that continued to form in his mind, and it became more and more clear recently. This thought almost made him breathless.

  He suspects that the seventh brother is the son of the mother concubine and other people, and suspects that there is someone else in the mother concubine’s heart, so he hates himself as the son of the father and the emperor so much that he even wants to get rid of it.

  In addition, she and her uncle Mengzhi had conspired to seize the position of the patriarch of the Mongolian people, and he had no doubt about the huge ambition in the mother and concubine's heart.

  Now seeing Qing'er look like this, watching her go to Meng Ziqian, this idea in his heart is becoming more and more certain.

  But because of this, he is also more and more afraid of being confirmed.

  Such a scandal, he can bear it, but what about the father? How can the father bear it?

  Ye Xiu's chin tightened tightly, and the hands holding Yu Qingluo's body gradually tightened.

  For a long time, he said in a low voice, "Okay, when do you think about it, let me know."

  In fact, he was a little evasive, and didn't want to know too early.

  Yu Qingluo raised her head slightly, trying to see the expression on his face, but was gently pressed by his hand, she couldn't move.

  She sighed secretly, thinking of the contents of the book, her face gradually became gloomy.

I always have to say it, but this matter is very important. The people involved are closely related to Ye Xiu Duo. She can’t say it in this situation. She always has to give her a little time. A little time is enough. .

   Feeling that Ye Xiudu’s emotions are a little heavy, Yu Qingluo's hands smoothly on his back again, and she whispered softly, "Don't doubt me and Meng Ziqian?"

"Not as an example." Ye Xiu pursed his lips alone, very unhappy. "Even if there is something urgent, you are not allowed to be locked up in the house alone. I believe you, but don't believe him. What if you are bullied? "

  Yuqing slides down three black lines on his forehead. When he was in the Mongolian nationality, didn’t he cooperate with Meng Ziqian and trust him very much? Why are you doing something wrong now?

   "Since you believe me, I was so angry just now." Her hands were strangled.

  Ye Xiu Duo pursed her lips again, "Believe it is one thing, but not telling me that you have your own secret is another matter."

Yu Qing was taken aback, her hands tightened suddenly, and he hugged him tighter, "Where do we have any secrets? Just ask him if something happens. At that time...Did not Shen Ying follow behind at that time? If I don’t know who the spy is, I have to guard against him, so I closed the door. It looks as if we have something shameful, but in fact there is none."


"Don't think about it." Yu Qingluo gave him Shunmao, "I, my child was born to you, besides, you are a hundred times better than Meng Ziqian. I found you the best man in the world, others , Look down upon."

   Ye Xiu was taken aback for a while, Qing'er had never said this to him before, and his heart was soft and messed up for a moment.

  Thinking, these two sentences are enough to have her, why does he not believe her?

   "So, don't be angry, if there is anything unhappy in your heart, you, you go and beat Nannan." Yu Qing gave a serious suggestion.

   Ye Xiu Duo's mouth twitched, and her hand lightly patted her ass, "Do you have any enemies with Nan Nan?"

  Yu Qingluo smiled and raised his head, and kissed him on the chin, "I am his mother, he should block me."

  Ye Xiu Duo began to sympathize with Nan Nan, and the little guy stood so far away that Chi Yu was hit.

  The little guy standing far away sneezed fiercely and rubbed his nose vigorously.

  Ye Lansheng watched, and hurriedly grabbed his hand, "Don’t rub it, your nose is red."

   "I feel someone is scolding me." Nan Nan said positively.

   Yu Bao'er laughed at him, "Didn’t you say that you are very likable? Only people think of you, and no one scolds you?"

   Nan Nan pouted and glared at him. Just about to reply, she saw Steward Yang walking hurriedly, her face pale, as if something was going on.

  Nan Nan just raised his hand, intending to say hello, but Steward Yang walked past him as if he hadn’t even seen him.

   Nan Nan was taken aback, "It seems something has happened, let’s go, let’s go and see."

  He slipped off the stool, hurriedly followed the steward Yang, and ran towards the courtyard together.

  Ye Xiu Du is discussing the issue of names with Yu Qingluo, "You call him Ziqian, but you call me by name and surname."

  Yu Qingluo was a little stunned, she just said something that made him unhappy, but she didn't expect that he was

  Yu Qingluo was a little bit dumbfounded, and looked at him sideways, "Then what do I want to call you? Xiu-independence? Why do you look strange."

   "What's weird? I'll call it that way from now on, or I'll call you husband."

  "..." What is your husband's name if you haven't married yet? Yu Qingluo glared at him, and then as if thinking of something, he suddenly said, "By the way, I have been asking a question for a long time. Why is your name Ye Xiudu, not like other princes?"

  Like Ye Haoran and Ye Haoting, these are the names of the prince, and Ye Xiu is unique.

   "..." Ye Xiudu was silent for a moment, then said in a low voice, "I have a flower-shaped birthmark on my body. The child of the Mongolian nationality must be named by the Mongolian people. My name is taken by the mother and concubine."

  Independence means loneliness, this is the mind of Menggui.

  Weird Mongolian rules, Yu Qingluo shrugged and stopped asking.

  Some messy footsteps suddenly came from outside the courtyard. As soon as Ye Xiu's eyebrows were twisted, she heard the sound of Yang butler knocking on the door outside, "Master, prince, it's not good."

  Ye Xiu hurriedly stepped forward and opened the door. Seeing his sweaty appearance, he felt a little bit of a bad premonition.

   "What happened?"


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