The emperor was assassinated?

  Ye Xiu's pupil shrank suddenly and his breathing was stagnant. Yu Qingluo behind was already running up, "Go, let's go into the palace and have a look."

   As she said, she reached out and grabbed his trembling hand, and gave him a worried look.

  Ye Xiu Duo took a deep breath, working **** her emotions, and then looked at Butler Yang and asked, “Where are the people from the palace? Is there anything wrong with the father?”

   "The man is in the front hall, and the emperor was rescued. It was Father Miao who sent the inner room and said that Miss Jade should bring the medicine kit and the prince into the palace."

  Yu Qingluo nodded, her medicine kit is on her body, ready to go.

  Ye Xiu Du can’t wait any longer, so he grabs Yu Qingluo’s waist and rushes towards the front hall.

  The three Nannans just arrived, but they only had time to see their backs.

  He hurriedly stopped Steward Yang who was still panting, and asked anxiously, "What's the matter, what happened?"

  Butler Yang squatted down and whispered in his ear, "The emperor was assassinated, and the prince and Miss Jade have entered the palace."

   "Yu, assassin?" Nan Nan's eyes widened, thinking that the emperor's grandfather who always loved him was worried about his life, he couldn't care about anything, and hurriedly chased the two Ye Xiu alone.

  Only when he arrived, Ye Xiudu and Yu Qingluo had already gotten into the carriage with the servant who had come from the palace, and rushed to the palace without stopping.

  Nannan stamped her foot, and looked back to see Ye Lansheng also very anxious, grabbed his hand hurriedly, and whispered, “Let’s enter the palace too.”

   "En." The two let Mo Xian and Shen Ying set up the carriage, and they quickly went to the palace.

At this moment, Ye Xiudu was sitting in the carriage with a blue face. He listened to the words of the waiter who was a little afraid of him and deliberately sat far away, "The emperor was reading the memorial in the royal study room after breakfast this morning. An **** was stabbed."

Seeing Ye Xiudu’s cold gaze crossed, the servant hurriedly continued and said, “The emperor sent all the people around him, and even Father Miao was waiting outside. Later, Father Miao heard the sound of fighting coming from inside. Pushing open the door of the imperial study room, there was a man in black and a man who looked like an **** who were fighting each other with swords and swords. The emperor was sitting on the dragon chair with his hands on his chest, with blood on it."

"Duke Miao thought that the man in black was an assassin, so he yelled for the guards to catch the assassin, and ran to the emperor to protect the emperor. But unexpectedly, the emperor said that the assassin was the eunuch, and the man in black was the one who protected the emperor. After that, the emperor. I fainted."

   Yexiu's single eyebrows almost knotted, "What about the assassin and the man in black?"

   "The assassin saw the guards coming, and the man in black had a high level of martial arts, and he would not achieve his goal for a while, so he turned and fled. The man in black also chased him, and his whereabouts are unknown."

  Yu Qingluo quietly held Ye Xiudu's hand, comforting him silently. Seeing his lips opened, he wanted to say something, but he couldn't speak.

   She sighed secretly, and asked on his behalf, "How is the situation with the emperor? What did the emperor say?"

"The imperial doctor said, fortunately, the stabbing was not deep, and he avoided the critical point, without worrying about his life. It's just..." The servant hesitated for a while before whispering, "It's just that the emperor has been weak recently, so he was injured this time. The damage to the emperor is great."

  I couldn’t say this originally, but Father Miao told him that he had to answer honestly what Lord Xiu and Miss Yu asked.

  Yu Qingluo nodded, she knew the emperor’s physical condition, which was normal. The emperor’s body was not good at first, but things are getting worse, and now he is being assassinated at this moment, making it worse...

  Ye Xiu Duo didn't ask any more, his eyes closed slightly, but his breathing was still tight, and he didn't dare to relax at all.

  Yu Qingluo's eyebrows also tucked up. This is not enough. Since returning to the imperial capital and knowing that the emperor's body is not good, he hasn't had a good night's sleep in the past few days.

  Now that the emperor is assassinated, his body will collapse.

  Looking back, she had better get some sleeping things to give him a good night’s sleep.

   was thinking, the carriage has entered the palace gate, Ye Xiudu couldn't wait for the servant, and after getting off the carriage, he took Yu Qingluo directly to the emperor’s bedroom.

  The emperor was assassinated in daylight, so many guards saw it, and it had been spread in the palace long ago.

When   Ye Xiu Du and Yu Qing came over, there were a lot of people around the sleeping hall. The Queen Mother and Empress Meng Gui concubine Shu Fei and others were all squeezed together.

  Yu Qingluo frowned when she saw it. With so many people crowded together, the air was not circulating, which was even more detrimental to the emperor.

  There are even many concubines who have to go in to see. If Miao Qianqiu hadn't discussed with the Queen Mother in advance, there would be an earthquake blocking the Queen Mother, I am afraid that the inner hall would be even more confined.

   Seeing Yu Qingluo coming over, the Queen Mother hurriedly got up from the chair. She didn't care about anything and greeted her personally, "Ghost doctor girl, hurry, show the emperor. The emperor hasn't woken up yet."

  Compared with the group of imperial doctors in the Taiyuan Hospital, the empress dowager showed more trust in Yu Qingluo at this moment.

Yu Qingluo nodded, hurriedly stepped forward to get the emperor's pulse, and then said after a long while, "The queen mother is relieved, the emperor is not a serious problem, and the emperor’s wounds have been taken care of by the emperor’s wounds. It is inevitable that the heart will be exhausted. , It’s just a little longer sleepy, and I'll wake up soon."

  "Then you prescribe some medicine, what you need, I will send someone to pick it up immediately."

  Yu Qingluo thought for a while, seeing the empress dowager feel like the emperor can’t get better without prescribing medicine, she nodded helplessly, let people come over with paper and pen, and prescribe some prescriptions for invigorating Qi.

  After that, she put her pen back, smiled and looked at the concubines, and said, "Ladies, the emperor is no longer a serious problem. Everyone should go back and rest. It's not a problem to be surrounded here."

   "My palace cares about the emperor, my palace must stay here until the emperor wakes up." Concubine Meng was the first to speak, viciously, looking at Yu Qingluo's eyes as if she wanted to eat her.

  Yu Qingluo This is the first time I saw the imperial concubine Meng after returning to the imperial capital. She was a little thinner than before, and her eyes were dark blue, and she didn't seem to sleep well.

  It's just that the eyes are very sharp and sharp, as if one does not pay attention, she will rush to kill you.

  Yuqing fell silent, thinking of the contents of the book, the look in her eyes became a little complicated.

  As soon as the words of the Meng imperial concubine fell, the other concubines naturally responded, "We have to stay and wait until the emperor wakes up before leaving."

   all seem to care about the emperor very much and want to express their loyalty.

  Only Concubine Shu, looked at Yu Qingluo with some worry. <

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