After a while, she took a deep breath and slowly said, "You ladies are sincere, of course I know. It's just that the emperor needs to rest and circulate air. So many people around here are not good for the emperor. On the contrary, It may make the emperor worsen his condition."

"The young girl makes sense." Seeing what Concubine Meng wanted to say, the queen immediately stopped before her and whispered, "The young girl is a doctor. She knows how to treat the emperor best. Everyone is around here, it's not a problem, let's all go away, and when the emperor wakes up, everyone will come to please peace."

   As she said, she glanced at Concubine Meng, "Concubine Meng, please."

  The imperial concubine Meng looked at her tightly, and the queen was a little frightened by that glance. But soon he calmed down, and smiles on his face again.

   Seeing this, the queen mother nodded, "The queen is right, it's all gone."

  The imperial concubine Meng reluctantly bowed to the Queen Mother and turned to leave.

  When everyone saw this, they also retired with blessings. Inside the sleeping hall, he walked clean in an instant.

  Yu Qingluo felt that the air in the sleeping hall had improved a lot in an instant.

   Ye Xiu Du had already talked to Miao Qianqiu for a long time, and then he came over and greeted the Queen Mother.

  The queen mother nodded slightly, with a mediocre attitude, no better than Yu Qingluo on one side.

  Yu Qing raised her eyebrows. She knew that the queen mother didn't like Meng Guifei, and she didn't even like Ye Xiu alone. However, she can allow Ye Xiu to be alone in the emperor's palace, which is actually a kind of trust in him.

  People can't ask for too much, but the queen and prince support the queen mother, I believe Ye Xiu independence is already very good.

   "How is Father Father?" Ye Xiudu took Yuqing to the side and asked in a low voice.

  Yuqing laughed and said, "The injury is not deep, but his physical foundation is poor, so he will remain unconscious, take good care of him, and he will not worry about his life."

   After she finished speaking, she obviously felt Ye Xiudu breathe a sigh of relief, and even the arm that held her was relieved a lot.

   "What did Duke Miao say?"

  Ye Xiu Du's eyebrows twisted lightly, shook his head slowly, and said, "Same as the servant said."

   "Did Mr. Miao say what the assassin looks like?"

Ye Xiu shook his head alone, "At that time, the scene was a little chaotic. Father Miao only looked at the emperor and the man in black, but ignored the assassins dressed as eunuchs, and didn't pay attention for a while. I went back and asked the guards. Someone could see the man clearly. Looks good."

   "En." Yu Qingluo nodded.

   "I'll leave it to you here, I'll be back soon." Now that I know that the emperor is fine, the most urgent thing is to find the assassin immediately, so as not to fail one time, and the next time.

  Ye Xiudu left soon, and Yu Qingluo returned to the inner room.

  The queen mother was still sitting on the edge of the emperor’s bed, looking tired. The imperial doctors who had been crowded with dangdang were all kicked out by her.

   Hearing the sound of footsteps, the queen mother turned her head back, her voice softened, "Done?"

   "..." Yu Qingluo was taken aback for a moment, and then slowly nodded, "En."

"The Aijia has ordered the Imperial Guard to conduct a thorough investigation of this matter." The queen mother's eyes fell on the emperor again, her voice a little sad, "It's just that the Aijia hasn't asked the facts for a long time, and some things are not clear. The Aijia will Order everyone to cooperate with Lord Xiu, this matter requires him to work harder."

  Yu Qingluo stood behind her, a little surprised.

"Although the Ai family doesn't like him, but the Ai family knows it too. The emperor is in an accident. Among all the princes, he is the only one who is the most nervous and worried, and is the most dedicated." The queen mother seemed to be talking to her, as if talking to herself," If he wasn't the son of Concubine Meng, the Aijia would not reject him like this."

  Yu Qingluo's heart trembled, a little frightened. Is this the rhythm of the queen mother who wants to tell her the truth? She actually told him plainly that the reason why she didn't like Ye Xiu alone was due to the imperial concubine Meng. Can she not want to listen?

   "I heard that Lan Sheng is repairing the palace?"

  Yuqing fell silent, and replied in a low voice, "Yes."

The queen mother laughed, "The little guy Nan Nan is the most cute and caring. The crown prince is abandoned, everyone avoids it for fear, or falls into trouble, or sits on the sidelines, and only you, remember whether Lan Sheng will I was bullied."

   "Lan Sheng is seeking benevolence and benevolence. If he hadn't treated Nan Nan sincerely, Nan Nan would not regard him as his most intimate friend."

  The queen mother pursed her lips, she seemed to nod her head lightly, and she didn't seem to move anything. However, there was a sudden silence.

  Yu Qingluo blinked, she just said, right? Why did you talk well and suddenly stopped talking?

  Please, so her mood also follows the ups and downs.

  "Young girl..." It took nearly a quarter of an hour to hear the Queen Mother's slightly hoarse voice, "In the future, if... in the future, please treat Lan Sheng well, the child is very bitter."

  Yu Qingluo was shocked, and she was plain about the unfinished words of the Queen Mother.

  So, she also supports Ye Xiu as the emperor alone?

  No way, but she is not very supportive.

"The Ai family has to admit that among the many princes, only Ye Xiudu has that ability." The queen mother closed her gaze back, stood up, facing Yu Qingluo, fixedly looking at her with a serious face, "Qing Girl, the Aijia wants you to agree that in the future, you will cultivate independence at will treat Lan Sheng well."

   Yu Qingluo was very embarrassed, and the corners of her mouth twitched fiercely.

"The empress mother, actually... I think, we can't do this." Yu Qingluo thought about it for a long time before hesitatingly said, "Or, first ask the emperor what you mean? And I think, right? The emperor is in his prime, and..."

  "Young girl." The queen mother interrupted her, "The Aijia wants you to agree."

  Yu Qingluo really wants to turn around and leave, forget it, what's all this. Can Ye Xiudu be the emperor or not, how can she agree?

   sighed, she was a little weak, "The empress dowager, I promise you. If that happens, I will treat Lan Sheng as my own son."

  Listen clearly, there are preconditions in her words.

  The queen mother nodded, "The Aijia believes in you."

   "..." She was really flattered, and she was speechless with excitement.

  The emperor wake up quickly, she is really not used to being alone with the queen mother, the two have no common topics, and can't talk together.

  She was thinking to herself, when suddenly there was a loud noise outside.

  Yu Qingluo's whole body shuddered, and his face brightened. No matter who it is, it is her savior to make movement outside at this moment.

  She was busy saying to the queen mother, "I'll go out and have a look."

   "Maybe it's the concubine again. If you see it, you can just be driven out." The queen mother said impatiently. <

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