The Dishonest Son and The ‘Ghost’ Doctor Mother

Chapter 956: The person who rushed out

  Yu Qingluo nodded, but she thought of this with her.

  She hurriedly walked out of the sleeping hall and walked directly to the door. When she raised her eyes, she saw two guards blocking two small figures.

  Yuqing slid down the three black lines on her forehead, and walked over with some speechlessness.

   "Why are you here?"

  Nan Nan's eyes lit up, and he hurriedly rushed to Yu Qingluo's body, "Mother, mother, they won't let me in, I want to see Grandpa Huang, is there anything wrong with Grandpa Huang?"

  Yu Qingluo saw that his face was full of anxiety, and then looked at Ye Lansheng. Although he was calm on the surface, but his hands were tightly twisted, he was obviously also very worried.

   She sighed and glanced at the guards guarding on both sides.

  The two guards hurriedly explained, "Young lady, it's not that we don't let the two young sons in. It is the empress dowager's intention to prevent anyone from entering to disturb the emperor."

   "Don't worry, the Queen Mother asked me to bring them in." Yu Qingluo lied seriously.

  The two guards breathed a sigh of relief, and then they stepped aside, letting a large, two and a small three people into the sleeping hall together.

  The queen mother looked at the two children who were running in a little surprise, opened her hands and hugged them, "Why are you here? Are you worried about your grandfather?"

"Queen dowager, how is my grandfather? Mother said it's okay, but I heard that he was stabbed." Nan Nan stretched his head from the empress dowager's arms, looked at the emperor lying on the bed, and blinked. .

  He wanted to open his quilt to see his injury, but he didn't dare to hurt him.

   Hesitating, it made the queen mother very heartbroken. He touched his head and said, "It's okay, it's all bandaged. The knife doesn't stabbed deeply, and I will wake up soon."

  Nannan lay on the edge of the bed, feeling very sad.

  Not long ago, I heard that Grandpa Huang’s health was not good, and now he has been assassinated. Who is so vicious? Even his grandfather didn't let it go.

   Ye Lansheng stood by the bed side by side with him, and looked at the emperor, but his expression was more restrained, not as obvious as Nan Nan’s performance.

  The queen mother looked at their two brothers, her face was full of relief.

   "Mother, Grandpa Huang seems to be awake." Nan Nan suddenly cried out.

  Yu Qingluo and the Queen Mother’s eyes suddenly turned to the bed, and they really saw the emperor’s eyelids move slightly, and slowly opened their eyes.

  Ye Lansheng suddenly became nervous, took a few steps back and hid behind.

  The queen mother asked strangely, "Lan Sheng, what's the matter with you?"

   "...I, I was supposed to be in Jincheng Garden. Now I am not only repairing the lord, but also entering the palace privately. I am afraid that the emperor will be angry, so I should stand here first."

  The empress dowager felt a great pain in her heart. Why did such a sensible Lan Sheng suffer from his father's involvement?

Yu Qingluo sighed secretly and patted Nan Nan on the shoulder. The latter quickly left the edge of the bed, and then stood beside Ye Lansheng, smiled and grabbed his hand, and said, "I'll be with you."

  "South South..."

  The emperor had already opened his eyes, saw the queen mother and Yu Qingluo guarding the bedside, opened his mouth slightly, "I'm fine. I seem to have heard the voices of Nan Nan and Lan Sheng just now, are they there?"

   "Yes, I am here, Grandpa Huang, we are here." Nan Nan hurriedly grabbed Ye Lansheng and walked to him.

The emperor   's eyes moved up the two of them for a moment, and then he whispered, "Sit here and talk to me."

   Ye Lansheng saw that the emperor didn’t mean to blame him at all, he sighed in relief, and immediately sat on the pedals, “Grandpa Emperor, how do you feel? Are you tired? Is it painful?...”

  The queen mother winked at Yu Qingluo, and the two of them walked out together.

  As soon as he walked out of the sleeping hall, he saw Ye Xiu Duzheng walking towards this side in strides.

The queen mother glanced at Yu Qing and said, "Go, Ai's family is a little tired, and the emperor wakes up, and Ai's family is relieved. The arrest of the assassin is left to Ye Xiudu. You ask him to find the murderer as soon as possible. ."

   "Yes." Yu Qingluo invited the empress dowager's personal court lady Lufu, watching them gradually walk away, and hurried to meet Ye Xiudu.

   "The emperor is awake."

  Ye Xiu Du had a happy face, and he was about to enter the sleeping hall. Only after two steps, Yu Qingluo was pulled back by Yu Qingluo, "Wait a moment, Nan Nan and Lan Sheng are speaking with him now. Seeing the emperor’s appearance, the spirit is still not good, probably because I want to hear something. Make yourself feel at ease. You go in, he is bound to ask about the assassin, and he will have to work hard again."

Ye Xiudu's footsteps stopped and nodded. He just glanced into the sleeping hall, then regained his gaze, and said to Yu Qingluo, "There are guards who have seen an assassin, but the assassin looks like a raw face. ."

   Yu Qingluo hurriedly asked, "Who is the man in black who fought the assassin?"

   "Fan Xiuyun."

Yu Qingluo was taken aback, and he heard him continue to say, "The father announced that he would make his sixth brother a prince. It is not only the sixth brother who is in danger, but also the father. So I asked Fan Xiuyun to protect his father secretly. I didn't expect it. After a hundred secrets, the emperor father was still stabbed."

   "Anyway, you can be considered foresight. At the very least, this arrangement made the emperor only injured and not lost his life."

   Ye Xiu knew that she was comforting herself, so she smiled, "What the **** is the assassin, I have to wait for Fan Xiuyun to come back."


  The two were still talking, but Nan Nan and Ye Lansheng had already come out holding hands.

   Yuqing fell for a moment, "Why is it so fast?"

   "Grandpa Emperor fell asleep again. He said that we should leave the palace earlier. Now it is not safe in the palace, so we don't have to be with him."

  Ye Xiudu and Yu Qingluo looked at each other, and then said to the two of them, "You have seen Grandpa Emperor, go back early, there is something daddy, let your mother take you back."

   "Okay." Nan Nan was particularly obedient and obedient today. Maybe the emperor was assassinated, and his mood was also very depressed.

  Yu Qingluo said a few more words with Ye Xiudu, and then she took her two children out of the palace.

  Ye Xiu Duo replaced all the guards around the emperor’s sleeping hall with his own people, guarding strictly, and not allowing a fly to fly in.

   Then she went to the queen mother's side and asked her to come forward to stabilize the concubines in the palace and prevent them from approaching the sleeping hall.

  There are also the princes, all blocked by Ye Xiudu.

  Those ministers, there are ion sails to appease.

The work of   Ye Xiu independence was very fast. The court and the imperial palace, which had been disturbed by the emperor’s assassination, did not cause any major disturbances under his deployment.

  These things are cumbersome and urgent. Yu Qingluo knows that she can't help much, so she should return to the palace as soon as possible. It is important to take good care of the children.

  However, their carriage had just arrived at Xiuwang's Mansion. As soon as Nan Nan was picked up from the carriage by Mo Xian, a little beggar suddenly slammed into him.

Nan Nan's eyes widened, and he hurried back two steps, grabbed his hand and twisted it, "What are you doing?"

  The little beggar suddenly raised his head, Nan Nan's face changed drastically, "Why, why are you?"<

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