Meng Ziqian let out a sigh of relief, and he knew that Ye Xiudu would ask this question.

   "For hundreds of years, the Mongolian people have paid the most attention to the tribe with flower-shaped birthmarks. However, the tribe with such marks on their bodies can not get the same treatment."

  Ye Xiu pursed her lips alone, and suddenly felt that the birthmark on her waist was a little hot.

Meng Ziqian sighed, and said, "With this kind of honor, people who are not righteous will naturally come up with some sideways. Therefore, some people of the Mongolian people invented a potion that can draw and engrave flower-shaped birthmarks. And no matter how you wash it, it will not fade. This kind of potion caused a huge uproar in the Mongolian people back then, causing the Mongolian people to chaos and decline for a time. Therefore, the elders of the Mongolian patriarchs at the time devoted themselves to researching and washing off this fake birthmark. The potion, slowly, this phenomenon was suppressed. Later, just in case, whenever a Mongolian person with a flower-shaped birthmark was born, he had to wash it with this potion to confirm that the birthmark was genuine. , Will announce the entire Mongolian people."

  These news were recorded in the Mongolian archives. Ye Xiudu hadn't read it, so naturally he didn't know it.

  Not to mention the long time, even Meng Ziqian had just seen it once, and didn't take it seriously.

  Later, Mrs. Meng told him that Meng Xiaokui used this method to keep the birthmark on her body.

  There are not many children with flower-shaped birthmarks of the Mongolian nationality. Naturally, no one will pretend to be children who have established their identity since birth.

  It’s just who can think of it, here are two people who look exactly the same and have exchanged identities?

Although the emperor and Meng Xiaokui have slept in the same bed for many years, he is not the only concubine, after all, even if she is favored, it takes several days to meet each other. What's more, Meng Xiaokui and Meng Linglong are twin girls, sisters with eloquence in their hearts, their movements are exactly the same, and there are flower-shaped birthmarks, he would never doubt it.

  Ye Xiudu fell silent, and waved his hand after a while, "Go back and rest."

  Meng Ziqian knew he needed to digest, nodded, stood up and left.

  Yu Qingluo saw him come out, and became a little restless. After enduring it, he got up and went to the courtyard.

  As soon as he opened the door, he saw Ye Xiudu suddenly standing at the door, looking like he was about to come out.

  She was taken aback, Ye Xiudu had already spoken, "I want to go to the palace."

   "What are you doing?" Yu Qingluo asked nervously. She was really afraid that he would go to Concubine Meng.

  Ye Xiu laughed alone, reached out and touched her face, and whispered, "I'm fine, I have something to talk to my father. I have a sense of measure, don't worry."

Yu Qingluo breathed a sigh of relief and smiled, "Then you go early and return early."

   "Well, wait for me to come back." Ye Xiu retracted his hand alone and went to the stable. He didn't take anyone, and rode straight to the palace.

  The emperor has taken too long a break these days. Even though he had spoken with Nan Nan for most of the day during the day, he was still very energetic at the moment.

  I heard that Ye Xiu was here alone, and he was busy asking people to come in.

  Miao Qianqiu saw that the emperor was in a good mood, and immediately greeted people in person. After that, all the people who were waiting in the dormitory retreated, and he thoughtfully closed the door of the dormitory, leaving them two separate spaces for the father and son to speak.

  Ye Xiu sat down on the edge of the bed alone, "Father."

   "Why Xiu'er came to see Emperor Father so late? Something?" The emperor smiled and looked at him, always kind to him.

   Ye Xiudu looked at him like this, and the expression in his eyes became a little complicated. If the father knew that his biological mother deceived him, I don’t know...

  He was so busy that he got rid of all the messy thoughts in his mind. The emperor's physical condition is very bad now. He definitely can't let him know about this kind of thing, and he has to hide it from death.

  Ye Xiu Du secretly took a deep breath, his expression was slightly restrained, he hesitated for a moment, and then asked lowly, "Father is assassinated this time...Have you ever thought about who is the murderer?"

  The emperor was taken aback, and the smile on his face was put away, his eyes fell on the window sill not far away, and his expression was a bit lonely.


"Xiu'er." The emperor interrupted him, and his smile slowly climbed up again, but it was a little more melancholy and lonely, "You can just let go and do it, no matter what you do, the emperor will stand behind you. Support you."

  Ye Xiudu suddenly felt hot in his eyes, "Father, you know..."

"It's nothing more than a few candidates. Just as I announced that I would make the sixth prince the prince, some people were ready to move. How could I not know? This is no scruples... After so many years, it is finally... Can't help it."

  Even he dared to assassinate him, so what else can’t you do? If this kind of person calls the king the emperor, wouldn't this world be suffocated by the creatures?

  He is not only a father, but also an emperor. To be responsible to his people, even if you can't be an eternal king, you can't leave a scourge in your old age to ruin your ancestors.

  Ye Xiu Du's eyes drooped slightly, and his jaw collapsed tightly.

   "It's just that it's hard for you, Xiu'er."

  Ye Xiudu raised his head impressively and frowned slightly. The father was actually...a sensible person.

   Ye Xiudu secretly exhaled, "Father, my son will live up to your trust."

   "Okay, okay." The emperor laughed, and some thin hands suddenly took his hand and patted it lightly. After a while, he suddenly raised his head and looked into his eyes, and asked, "Xiu'er, this Jiangshan, do you really want it?"

  Ye Xiu was stunned, her eyebrows tightened.

"What about my body, Princess Tianfu should have spoken to Xiu'er carefully, Xiu'er knows better than me. I can't last long... listen to me and finish. You are my most important son, except for you. , I don’t know who to give this ancestral property to. Your eldest brother, the abandoned prince, the third prince, and the fourth prince are not the emperor. A prince is still young. In this country, I don't worry about it to anyone."

  "Father, Qinger said that your condition is not that serious."

"It's not that serious. There are prerequisites." The emperor laughed. "As long as I rest well, it won't be too serious. But now it's in the eventful autumn, how can I rest well? Xiu'er, you are really, really. Are you unwilling to share the burden for me?"

   Ye Xiudu's face changed slightly, her throat was dry, and some could not speak.

The emperor sighed, "I can't wait..."

   Ye Xiu Duo trembled in her heart, and shook the emperor’s hand back, her voice solemnly, saying every word, "...Okay, I will share the responsibility for my father and take over this important task."

  The emperor narrowed his eyes and laughed, tears floating in the corners of his eyes, and he could not speak.

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