The Dishonest Son and The ‘Ghost’ Doctor Mother

Chapter 966: She is very short-handed

   When Ye Xiudu came out of the emperor’s bedroom, it was already early morning the next day.

  He raised his eyes to look at the golden sun in the sky, and slowly exhaled a suffocating breath.

  Miao Qianqiu also stayed up all night. Seeing him come out, he hurriedly stepped forward to ask for peace, "Master..."

  "If you pass the order, the father is unwell. No one is allowed to come in and disturb the rest of the father. Remember, no one is allowed in except this king and Qing'er."

  Miao Qianqiu stunned, his face changed slightly, and he asked with some uncertainty, "The queen mother and concubine..."

   "Same as well." Ye Xiudu's voice was cold, especially thin in the early morning breeze, "The king and You Xiang will deal with the affairs of the Central Government for the time being."

  Miao Qianqiu only felt that the cold sweat broke out all of a sudden. Today's Lord Xiu makes people feel trembling all over.

  He shook his body slightly, and quickly responded, "Yes."

   "You go in and see the emperor father, and be careful."

  Miao Qianqiu breathed a sigh of relief, and said softly, "Yes." He also let him go in and wait for the emperor, indicating that things were not what he imagined. All of this should have been acquiesced by the emperor.

  I don’t know what the emperor and Lord Xiu have been talking about all night.

  But no matter what was talked about, the news that Ye Xiudu had never left the palace since entering the palace last night, spread all over the ears of the caring people in an instant.

   Therefore, when Ye Xiudu had just left the emperor’s bedroom and walked a few steps toward the imperial garden, a figure hurriedly walked towards him.

Ye Haoting stared at Ye Xiudu coldly. For a long while, he took a few steps forward and sneered, "Fifth brother is really filial, and the father was assassinated, and he went to the palace to stay with him all night. The mother and concubine were unwell and didn’t. Seeing Brother Fifth go to Yixing Palace to take a look, could it be that in Fifth Brother's heart, the status of the father and the concubine is completely different? Or is Fifth Brother eager to show his courtesy in front of the Father, what is the shameful purpose?"

  Ye Xiu's eyes looked complicated and cold when he saw him alone, "I have any purpose, I don't need to tell you."

  Isn’t he and Concubine Meng who really have shameful goals?

   "You..." Ye Haoting felt that Ye Xiudu was a little different today. He couldn't tell what was the difference. He felt that his attitude had changed from the past.

   Ye Haoting's eyes narrowed slightly, and after a while, he sneered and walked away.

Ye Xiudu slowly turned around and looked at his gradual departure and the direction he was leaving. After a while, he said, "Father needs to rest. No one is allowed to go in and disturb you. same."

   Ye Haoting's body paused slightly, and his eyebrows frowned. But it was only a short while, and then he walked to the emperor's palace without incident.

  Ye Xiu ridiculed her lips and stood still.

  Sure enough, it didn’t take long for Ye Haoting to return, and when he saw him, he almost rushed to fight him.

   "Ye Xiu, what on earth do you want to do? Do you want to imprison Emperor Father?" He was stopped by Father Miao as soon as he walked outside the sleeping hall.

   Originally wanted to push hard, but there were many guards in front of him for an instant, and all of them were expressionless and murderous.

  As if if he dared to take a step forward, they would kill him without hesitation.

  Ye Haoting felt that something was not good, so he retired, but he did not expect that Ye Xiudu was still standing in the Imperial Garden.

  Ye Xiudu just glanced at him meaningfully and said faintly, "What I am doing has nothing to do with you."

   After he said, he turned around and left without looking at him again.

  The black robe was hunting and hunting, even after a day and a night, the robe was still meticulous, without any wrinkles.

  His back was straight, Ye Haoting looked at the back, his face was dark blue, his fingers squeezed tightly, and the joints rattled clearly.

  For a long time, he turned around abruptly and walked in the direction of Yixing Palace.

  Ye Xiu left the palace gate alone, and the sunlight outside became stronger, as it was when he came, and Da Ma returned to the Palace of Xiu by himself.

  It was still early, and when Xiu Xiu entered the mansion alone at night, the servants were busy preparing breakfast.

  Yu Qingluo...I haven't gotten up yet.

  Ye Xiu Du gently walked into her room, only washed her face a little, then took off her clothes and squeezed onto the bed, and put her soft body into her arms.

  The temperature difference between morning and evening in early autumn was very big, Ye Xiu came back and hit her horse again, she was cold, and her fingertips touched her body, and she suddenly felt extremely satisfied.

  Yu Qingluo's eyes opened slightly, seeming to be awake, but when he saw him with a low smile, he stretched out his hand and hugged his waist.

"Why are you coming back now?" She told him to go early yesterday. Yu Qingluo pursed her lips, thinking with some dissatisfaction. She didn't see him last night, and she always pretended to have something in her heart. , It’s only two hours now, so sleepy.

  Ye Xiudu looked at her tired eyebrows, couldn't help climbing up with her fingers, and stroked her hair one after another.

  Yu Qingluo closed his eyes, only to find that he had been silent, hadn't spoken for a long time, and ran clean after a moment of sleep.

   "What happened?" She rubbed her eyes, and when she saw the expression on his face, she felt a little bit uneasy.

   "...It's okay." Ye Xiu watched her stand up alone, and with a slight effort, he hugged her back, "Sleep with me again."

  Yu Qingluo’s head is buried in his arms, although his eyes are sore, where can he still fall asleep now?

  He knew so many things yesterday, stayed in the palace for another night, and came back with such an expression. How could she not think about it?

Yu Qingluo's fingers gently climbed onto his face, looked up at him, hesitated for a moment while pursing his lips, and then said softly, "Don't think too much about what happened back then, you are innocent. You are Without knowing it, you were driven to the shelves by a duck. Speaking of which, you are also a victim. Although Guifei Meng was innocent at the beginning, but she treated you that way later, that’s her fault. Life is what people live by No? She chose an extreme way. That's her problem. Just like me. Back then, I didn't survive from a desperate situation several times? But I still lived the life with the white and fat that Nannan raised, and Now I have met you and cultivated a positive result.

  Yu Qingluo is an extremely short-term person, no matter how tragic the Concubine Meng was before, and how unfair her fate is to her. But she chased and killed Ye Xiudu so many times, so many escapes, almost turned her into a widow and Nan Nan became a child without a father, then she was her enemy, undoubtedly an enemy.

  Furthermore, what is wrong with Ye Xiu? Is his birth a mistake?

  "Puff", Ye Xiudu looked at her serious and indignant expression, and suddenly couldn't help laughing. <

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