The Dishonest Son and The ‘Ghost’ Doctor Mother

Chapter 967: He is very affectionate

  Yu Qingluo hit him once, "What are you laughing at? I'm serious, don't be stubborn. To put it bluntly, the concubine Meng has ambitions and is not pure in mind. Don't take the fault on yourself, do you know?"

  Ye Xiudu couldn't help but couldn't help but squeezed her close to her arms.

  Yu Qingluo’s entire head was buried in his arms, low laughter sounded above her, and her chest followed.

  She put her hand on his waist and twisted it hard, "Don’t laugh."

"Qing'er." Ye Xiu was helpless, "What do you think, I am not so... well, then someone who thinks of others. She dared to deal with the father, only this, no matter what she has encountered, I won't be merciful, do you understand?"

  Yuqing fell for a moment, and his cheeks became red in an instant.

  Ye Xiu Du’s eyes brightened, and her original heavy mood suddenly became soft and bright because of her expression.

   "What's wrong? Your face is so red?"

  Yu Qingluo saw that he even dared to make fun of her, and the fingers that pinched his waist suddenly twisted fiercely.

   Ye Xiudu "chi" snorted, "Qing'er... lightly."

   "Huh." Yu Qingluo let him go because he had spent the night. It’s just that I’m still very dissatisfied. I slapped him again and snorted coldly, "Who makes your face look so heavy, as if the sky is about to fall, I must think you still mind what you said yesterday. I'm caring about you, but you are actually embarrassed to make fun of me. If you laugh again, I will kick you down."

  As she said, she really stretched her legs.

  Ye Xiu turned over alone and pressed her under her.

   "Qing'er, I dare not." He said, with a smile on his eyebrows, he lowered his head and kissed her.

  Looking at Yu Qingluo's face still a little red, Ye Xiu couldn't help but leaned over to continue kissing.

  Yu Qingluo saw him with an unstoppable appearance, and hurriedly turned her head, propped his head and said angrily, "Shut up, I didn't even rinse my mouth."

  Ye Xiu laughed alone, then leaned forward fiercely and bit her lip. Then he turned over and lay down beside her and hugged her.

  Yu Qingluo leaned half of his body on his body, seeing the dark blue under his eyes, but kept his eyes open and refused to sleep. She paused for a moment, then asked in a low voice, "Then you went into the palace and talked with the emperor all night, what did you say?"

  After she asked, she clearly felt Ye Xiudu's body a little tight.

  Yuqing's brows frowned, and when he raised his head again, Ye Xiu pressed his head with his hands alone, and he couldn't move.

  For a long time, his low voice sounded above his head, "Qing'er, I very busy in the future."

  Yu Qingluo twitched in her heart, murmured and repeated, "Very...busy?"

"Qing'er, you know..." Ye Xiudu was hesitant to speak, and seemed to be looking for a reasonable way to explain to her, "... Father's body is too bad, you said, he, he is really unsuitable Tired, I am his son. For so many years, because of the imperial concubine, I have been avoiding the imperial capital, which is very unfilial. Now...I think my father will live a few more years, but among the few princes now , Is not suitable... My father has always trusted me with honor, but I have never been able to repay him for his kindness in nurturing and caring, and doing my filial piety in front of him, I..."

  Ye Xiudu spoke for the first time, and it seemed so messy and incoherent.

  Yu Qingluo can hear clearly, such a result...Didn’t she have expected it a long time ago?

   Ye Xiu could not let go of the emperor alone, but the emperor's body was so bad, he had no other choice but to bear the burden of Feng Cang Country.

   "Qing'er...I know this should be discussed with you first, but seeing the old appearance of the father, I really..." Ye Xiudu seemed a little nervous, and looked down to see Yu Qingluo's expression.

   Ke Yuqingluo’s head was pressed by his palm, and he could only see the back of his hand.

  Yu Qingluo could feel his anxiety, she stretched out her hand slowly, found the edge of the other side of the bed, and held his other hand under the quilt. He split his tightly squeezed fingers one by one, and inserted five fingers between his fingers, she realized that Ye Xiudu's hand was completely sweaty.

  Yu Qingluo suddenly felt a burst of joy in her heart, deserved it, letting you make decisions in private so quickly, and you were so nervous.

   "Qing'er?" Ye Xiudu was a little puzzled by her movements, so she didn't say a word.

  "Then you have to take more time to accompany Nan Nan and me." After a long time, her muffled voice finally sounded.

  Ye Xiu Duo's eyes lit up, and she sat up quickly, holding her face in both hands, "Qing'er, are you not angry?"

   "Angry?" Yu Qingluo glared at him sullenly, "What are you angry about? Are you filial piety moving God? Or angry, even if you are at this point, you still have to distract me from thinking about my mood?"

  This man, looking cold-hearted, is actually more affectionate than anyone else. As long as it is the people he cares about, he takes it too seriously.

  Before Peng Ying was injured, he could spend 15 million taels of silver to buy a medicine.

  The old clan was unconscious, he stayed on guard all night.

  The emperor’s body was getting thinner and thinner, and he was able to take on the heavy burden he had shunned.

  Now I have to worry about her mood.

  Yu Qingluo pursed her lips, and gently pulled his hand, "Okay, you haven't slept all night, so quickly lie down to sleep, I'm so sleepy, I'll talk about anything when I wake up."

  He is in urgent need of rest now, and Yu Qingluo feels sorry for him.

  Ye Xiu alone gave a soft ‘en’, yes, he wants to rest, and there is a tough battle to be fought next.

  Yu Qingluo let out a breath, pressed him down and lay down, gently covered the quilt, and the person fell asleep in his arms.

When   woke up again, the sky was full of red clouds.

  Yu Qingluo frowned slightly, why did she sleep so much?

   "Wake up?" Ye Xiu smiled and kissed the top of her head alone, and then took his hand from under her head. "Are you hungry?"

   "...hungry." She was hungry and woke up, otherwise she would probably sleep until midnight, Yu Qingluo was a little ashamed.

   Then I heard Ye Xiu stand up alone and face the humanity outside, "Yes, pass the meal."

   "Yes." Yuexin's clear and crisp voice sounded quickly, with a hint of smile.

Yu Qingluo even wanted to bury his head under the ground.

  Yuexin soon asked the maid to bring in the food, but then came along with Mo Xian.


   "How is the situation in the palace?" Ye Xiu stood alone behind the screen and asked Yu Qingluo to dress him.

  Mo Xian waited for the maidservants in the house to withdraw, and then whispered back, "The Seventh Prince stayed in Yixing Palace and just came out."

   Ye Xiudu sneered, and walked out from behind the screen after finishing her clothes, "What else?"

   "Also..." Mo Xian paused, then slowly said, "The Six Lords are here." <

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