Ye Xiu raised his eyebrows alone, pulled Yu Qing down and sat down, “You let him wait in the front hall for a while, just say that the king is still freshening up, wait for the past.”

   "Yes." Mo Xian retreated.

  Yu Qingluo lowered her eyes and took two bites of rice, then raised her head and asked Ye Xiudu, "What happened?"

   "It's okay, it's just that I have arranged a guard outside the father's bedroom. No one is allowed in except you and me."

   Yuqing fell for a moment, and asked in surprise, "Anyone?"


  Yu Qingluo twitched the corner of her mouth twice, and she saw Ye Xiu pick up a piece of fish with a thorn and put it in her bowl.

  She took a couple of mouthfuls indiscriminately, pursing her lips and said, “This kind of practice will be criticized. If outsiders want to say that you are plotting wrong, what should you do if you control the government?”

  Ye Xiu smiled unpredictably, "I want to make some people think that I am plotting wrongdoing and dominate the government."

   "What bad idea are you making?" Yu Qingluo moved closer, looking at him brightly.

   Seeing her alone, Ye Xiu leaned forward and bit her lip severely, “Well, it’s delicious.”

  Yuqing dropped her foot under the table and kicked it hard, "I'm telling you to be serious, you hurry up and eat well, the six princes of the family are still waiting for you."

  I had a heavy face two days ago, but now it’s okay. Are you thinking about teasing her?

"Heh." Ye Xiu laughed alone, took two mouthfuls silently, and wiped his mouth until he was half full, and said, "Some people can't hold back anymore, but at present they are only using some secret methods to assassinate his father. The emperor, threatening the prince, I'm tired of the endlessness, so I just let him come on the face, all should come all at once. But they have not been able to find an excuse to deal with me on the face, I Now just send one to them. Wait, someone should kill me soon for controlling the government, controlling the emperor, and intimidating hundreds of officials."

  Yu Qingluo blinked, and then after someone killed Ye Xiudu, could he become the emperor?


  Yu Qingluo looked at him disapprovingly, "You are using yourself as bait."

"You won't get a tiger if you don't enter the tiger's lair. My decoy is the best thing to use. Don't worry, I won't be okay. The seventh brother won people's hearts without me. Look, didn't the sixth brother come here?" Ye Xiu Seeing her annoyed alone, she couldn't help reaching out and gently squeezing the back of her hand.

  Yu Qingluo raised her eyebrows, "You mean, the Sixth Prince is here to help you?"

"Half and half." Ye Xiu stood up and tidied his clothes. "In his current situation, he has no other choice. The sixth brother is actually very smart. He knows that the seventh brother is narrow-minded. If he wins the throne, Liu Neither brother nor his mother and concubine have a foothold. Only by standing on the united front with me can he continue to be his prince."

  After he finished speaking, he turned to leave.

Yu Qingluo hurriedly grabbed him, "You can eat a little bit more, you haven't eaten for a whole day. You go to discuss things with the sixth prince and you don't know how long it will take. If you are hungry, you can't come out for a meal in the future. What if you have stomach problems?"

  Ye Xiu looked at her frowning brows contentedly, then smiled a moment later, “Sixth brother is here at this time, I will always leave him for dinner.”

  So, he will continue to eat.

   "..." Yu Qingluo glared at him, "Then you still ate with me for so long."

   "I will be very busy in the future. I am worried that I will have very little time to eat with you. Now I have to accompany you."

  Yu Qingluo didn't know that Ye Xiudu was so powerful when she talked about love, and her emotions were drawn out in an instant, causing her eyes to become dry and abnormal.

  This **** man, she turned around fiercely, "Wait a minute."

  As she said, she went to the cabinet and flipped through it. Then she found out a small medicine bottle, handed it to him, and said, “I heard that the mother and concubine of the Sixth Princes are not in good spirits recently. Give him this medicine.

  It is estimated that Concubine Min's life has not been easy recently, and Concubine Meng will definitely not let her live so comfortably.

   Ye Xiudu laughed, took the medicine bottle and left the house.

  The six princes have been waiting in the front hall for a long time. He is not in a hurry, but sits quietly in a chair, not knowing what he is thinking.

  Until he heard steady footsteps approaching little by little, he suddenly returned to his senses and looked at the tall and straight figure coming out from the door.

   "Five brothers."

   "This is for you." Ye Xiu duo threw the medicine bottle in his hand to him.

  The sixth prince subconsciously reached out and caught it, somewhat puzzled, "This is..."

  Pill bottle?

"Qing'er gave it to Concubine Min. I heard that the girl is not very well recently. This is to soothe the nerves." He said, and confessed, "Qing'er's medicine is hard to find. It is very rare. It is better than the hospital's. The medicine prescribed by the imperial physicians is much better." He said, looking very proud.

  The sixth prince was taken aback, his fingers tightened slightly, and the medicine bottle warmed slightly under the temperature in his palm. After a long while, he said in a low voice, "Thank you."

"Why are you looking for me?" Ye Xiu-du led him to the flower hall, and after a few steps, he let people pass the meal. "It's too late now. Let's go back after having dinner here. I can't think of it here. Entertain people less."

  The sixth prince did not refuse, and followed him all the way to the Flower Hall. It was only after Ye Xiu waved his hand to let all his subordinates retreat, he said helplessly, "I'm here, naturally to take refuge in Brother Five."

  "Refuge in?" Ye Xiu Du was very curious about this term.

"Fifth brother don't have to lie to me, these days, if someone from the fifth brother secretly protects my palace, I wouldn't be able to stand in front of you unscathed." Even the concubine Min in the palace said, even more. Besides, he?

  His dark guard once told him that several groups of men sneaked into the palace in the middle of the night and wanted to assassinate him.

  Just before getting close, someone secretly solved the killer.

  He thinks about it, and the only people who can think of doing this are the fifth brothers who don’t have a deep intersection with him.

  Ye Xiu felt that the Sixth Prince was really a very smart person. In fact, even if he did not send someone to protect him, he believed that the Sixth Prince would be fine.

"Why did the fifth brother do this?" The sixth prince was puzzled. "The fifth brother should understand the intentions of the father. He wants to test my ambition and know if I am the one who is unscrupulous for my own purposes. Try it. Do I care about that position? Wouldn't Brother Fifth do this to satisfy Father Father? It prevents his plan from proceeding smoothly?"

  He doesn’t believe that with the relationship between the fifth brother and the father, the fifth brother would tear down his father’s desk in this way. Isn't it... the father did not intend to try him? Or does the fifth brother disagree with the father's approach?

  Ye Xiudu was a little surprised, he actually said so bluntly and honestly. <

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