Why did you send someone to guard outside the Sixth Prince’s Mansion to help him repel the assassin? Because he should do it.

  Although Ye Xiudu doesn't get along with the Sixth Prince very much, some people, even if they don't spend much time together, can know the personality of this person.

  The six princes naturally have ambitions, but his ambitions have not yet swelled to the point where they are going to be fratricidal and frantic.

  He is the son of Concubine Min, Concubine Min has always been arrogant, even after fighting with other concubines in the palace for many years, she still retains the arrogance of her.

  With the temperament of Concubine Min, even if the son he teaches is not the same as himself, he still has his own bottom line.

   Ye Xiu Du and the Sixth Prince came back from Danyang Town together, and naturally they tried to get along with each other all the way.

  So people like the Sixth Prince is really not suitable for being an enemy. If he became an enemy, he would be even more terrifying than the Seventh Prince.

  Furthermore, even if he did not send anyone to protect him, the Sixth Prince was able to protect himself. He just bought him a favor.

  Otherwise, what the emperor father did, if it really hurts the sixth prince and makes him desperate, then it will be a big trouble in the future.

  Hiding oneself and weakening one's own existence is naturally a good way to protect yourself, but it is not a wise move to overstep it and make people unable to see through.

  For example...the superior.

  Father is precisely because he can't see through this son who has always shrunk himself behind the third and fourth princes, so he uses this method...to persecute him.

  Perhaps, the emperor father subconsciously wants to deal with this son he can't control at all.

  Ye Xiu Du chuckled, and sat down slowly, and stopped talking when he saw that the people had come over for dinner one after another.

  Until they retired and left, when only he and the sixth prince were left in the huge flower hall, he smiled and said, "I did this, naturally it was the father's order."

  The six princes were taken aback, "Father's order?"

"Naturally." Ye Xiu Duo lowered his eyes slightly, "The father deliberately wants to eliminate the unruly people, although the choice is a bit fierce. After all, the sixth brother is the son of the father and the flesh and blood of the father. How can I let Sixth Brother really fall into such a dangerous situation? That's why my father asked me to secretly send a master to guard the Sixth Brother’s palace, and prevent them from touching the sixth brother’s hair."

  Ye Xiu thought, this is a white lie, he can't say that the emperor listed him in the ranks of misbehaving, let the sixth brother hate his father.

  Sometimes, this kind of betrayal of family affection makes it easier for people to fall into desperation, and the hatred will be more intense.

  Sure enough, the sixth prince was taken aback for a moment, and the hands holding the wine glass tightened slightly, his expression a little excited.

  The relationship between him and the emperor’s father and son is very distant and indifferent. He thought that in this life, in the heart of the father, he could be called a son, and the only people who could be protected by him were the fifth elder brother. I didn't expect...

  The sixth prince's teeth were clenched tightly, and Ye Xiudu's words made ripples in his heart, swayed fiercely, and his face instantly softened.

  Ye Xiu Du secretly breathed a sigh of relief, smiled and toasted, "Come on, have a drink."

   With a "bang", the sixth prince touched him and drank it all.

   Ye Xiu tugged at the corner of his mouth alone, and pushed the wine glass in front of him, "Pour it myself."

  The six princes immediately poured a full glass, looked up and drank again.

   "Father...really..." He murmured, unconsciously wanting to check again.

  Ye Xiu turned around the wine glass, secretly sighed, "The palace is heavily guarded, but the father is assassinated at this time, what do you think?"

  The sixth prince was taken aback, suddenly raised his head, "Fifth brother means..."

   "The father sent all the secret guards to expose himself to the assassins. The father didn't use the sixth brother as bait, the father himself was the real bait." Ye Xiudu's words were true. No matter how the emperor is, it is impossible for the assassin to succeed so easily.

  After thinking about it carefully, he always felt something was wrong. Thinking about it now, the father is desperate just because he knows that his body is not as good as before.

  The six princes were shocked, his expression suddenly changed, "Father, he is using himself as bait?"

  Ye Xiudu fell silent and took a sip of wine silently. Looking back, thinking that Yu Qingluo didn't like to smell the wine on his body, he was put down again as if nothing had happened.

  The sixth prince was also silent, but his face was very solemn.

  The entire flower hall was plunged into a strange atmosphere.

  For a long time, I heard the sixth prince’s low voice, "Fifth Brother, if you need my help, just ask."

  Ye Xiu smiled alone and nodded, "A place where Sixth Brother is useful, naturally I will not be polite and eat vegetables."

  The six princes glanced at him, and exchanged a tacit smile with him.

  The two brothers ‘be honest with each other’ for the first time and ran out of dinner intimately.

  When Ye Xiudu returned to the yard, his face was slightly red, and his eyes were bright. When Yu Qingluo greeted him, he smelled a faint taste of wine.

  She was stunned for a moment, "You and the sixth prince are having a good time talking."

  As she said, she was so busy that Yuexin made sober tea.

  Ye Xiu Duo waved his hand and smiled, "No, I just drank a little bit, afraid of smoking you, so I didn’t dare to drink more."

   "I'm not afraid of smoke." The little drunk Nan Nan didn't know how many times she smoked her. "But don't you always dislike drinking? This is the first time I have seen you drink like this."

   Ye Xiu helped her to sit down on the edge of the bed alone, Yu Qingluo glanced at him again, and found that although the smell on his body was heavy, his sanity was clear and bright.

  Yes, he has always known how to stay sensible, especially at this time, he will not let himself become delirious.

   "What did you and the sixth prince say?"

   Ye Xiu shook his head alone, "I didn't say anything, it was just a chat between brothers, and I gained a brother."

  Yu Qingluo snorted, "Harvest? How do I look at your expression, it seems to be a mistake."

   "Hahaha, Qinger, you still know me."

  Yu Qingluo didn't want to talk to him even more, this person was too shameless.

  She turned around, twisted him a wet kerchief and wiped his face, "Nan Nan came over and asked you if he could come into the palace to see the emperor."

  The little guy is also afraid that the emperor's body is getting worse and worse, and wants to accompany him more.

Ye Xiu paused for a while, then shook his head, "I told him not to go out recently, just stay with Lan Sheng in the palace. By the way, you can pick up Bao'er tomorrow. It's going to change, he will be alone. It’s not safe for people to stay in Yufu."

  Yu Qingluo's heart trembled for a moment, and his face was cautious and then cautious, "I know."

  The so-called change of the sky did happen quickly and urgently.

  Early the next morning, before Yuqing’s carriage arrived at Yufu, there was a rumor about Ye Xiu independence on the street. <

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