There are people coming and going on the street, and Mo Xian, who is driving a carriage, frowns slightly, "These people know that it is true."

  Yuqing pursed her lips, "It turns out that a dead person is still useful."

  She underestimated Concubine Meng, thinking that Yu Zuo was dying. He appeared in the mansion and was not seen, and even if he died. Unexpectedly, Concubine Meng would use his death to put Ye Xiu alone.

  Mo Xian couldn’t hear clearly. He only felt that the people in the carriage were talking in a low voice. He turned his ears and asked, "What did Miss Jade say?"

   "Nothing." Yu Qingluo took a deep breath and said lazily, "Go straight to Yufu."

   "Yes." Mo Xian drove the carriage again, heading towards the route of Yufu.

  Who knows that the carriage has just rolled two steps, and someone not far away suddenly pointed to their carriage and shouted, “Look, that person seems to be the guard next to Lord Xiu. Isn’t the Lord Xiu inside the carriage?”

  Yuqing lowered her eyebrows, and it was too late for Mo Xian to speed up his pace. In the next moment, many people on the street crowded around the carriage and shouted at the carriage, "Is the person in the carriage the Lord Xiu? Lord Xiu, I heard that Lord Yu died in the prison. Dying."

  Yu Qingluo sneered a few times. This man was really brave enough to ask such questions blatantly.

  This is either instigated by someone who has the intention, or instigated.

"I heard that Lord Yu was protecting Lord Xiu at a disadvantage on the way back to the imperial capital. After Lord Xiu came back, he became angry and forced the adult to commit suicide in the prison. The emperor was furious because of this, saying that Lord Yu is the pillar of the country, and what the Lord did is insulting to the royal family. Dignity, Lord Xiu got angry and sent someone to surround the emperor’s palace. Isn’t that true?”

  This is what an angry student said. In this world, there are always some students who feel that they are full of justice and have the courage to be a censer, but they are filled with indignation and indignant at these false words, regardless of right and wrong.

"Prince Xiu, Master Yu once made contributions to the court anyway, he also wiped out the gangsters and destroyed the enemy on the battlefield. He is the young general of our wind and blue country. How could the prince kill such a person because of personal grievances? What about it?"

   "Master Xiu really can't cover the sky with one hand?"

   "Master Xiu, you are silent, is it the default?"

  I’ll go, how can such shameless people say such shameless words? Yu Qing's teeth clenched and rattled.

Mo Xian outside was even more angry, and said loudly, "Nonsense, where did you hear the rumors that came to slander our prince. You don’t know the truth of the matter, and you believe the rumors and trap our prince in injustice. Situation, what should be the crime?"

  Yu Qingluo took a deep breath, slowly closed her eyes, then opened the curtain of the car, bent over... and raised her head very gracefully.

  She stood in front of the carriage like that, looking condescendingly at the people around the carriage, her sharp eyes swept away those who were eager to ask questions again.

  She laughed, "I'm sorry everyone, I am not Lord Xiu. So there is no such thing as a silent default. For your questions just now, I can also answer you instead of Lord Xiu."

  Everyone saw that this woman was not the real ghost doctor young girl who was competing with the fake ghost doctor in the restaurant at that time?

  Ghost doctor...

  Everyone dared not make any noise. I heard that this girl was vicious and her personality was volatile. If anyone was not pleasing to the eye, she would crippled people easily. You don't know when her poison was given to you.

At this time, Yu Qing should be grateful for the convenience brought to her by her reputation outside. Otherwise, at this time, when everyone sees that she is a weak woman, they may swallow her without leaving any bones.

  Yu Qingluo's sight was swept away again, and the people shuddered inexplicably, and they all took a small step back.

  Yu Qingluo smiled very satisfied, and then pointed at a tall and thin young man who was dressed not far away, "You, yes, it is you, come here, I have something to ask you."

  The thin and tall young man's eyes dodge a little. After flinching, he raised his head very firmly and walked over with his head high.

  "Girl, if you have anything to say, just ask directly. But the girl just said it. Regarding the questions raised by everyone, the girl can also answer the questions raised by Xiu, right?"

"Yes." Yu Qingluo looked at the student who had only been questioning Ye Xiu in a loud voice, and smiled very amiably. "Can you tell me what you said is dying in the prison? It is the prince being repaired. Forced to death, why did you say that the emperor Thunder was furious and was surrounded by Lord Xiu in the bedroom, these words...who told you?"

  The student was taken aback for a moment, and looked around, feeling a little guilty.

  Of course he heard these words. Besides, even if someone told him, he couldn't say it. What is the difference between this and betraying others.

   "I, these things are spreading like this on the street."

  He stalked his neck and answered, very loudly. As if wanting to get the approval and support of the people around.

  Some people indeed nodded in agreement, "That's right, it's all spreading like this on the street."

   "Oh..." Yu Qingluo nodded, her smile still unchanged, "That is to say, you haven't verified the truth of the matter. I don't know who came out, and there is no evidence to prove these things?"

  "...I, we..." Everyone looked at each other. These are very secret things. They are just ordinary people. How could there be evidence?

"Since there is no evidence, I don't know who came from it." Yu Qingluo's face changed, and she suddenly killed her, her expression gloomy and murderous, "I don't know anything, I only know the rumored things, you dare I surrounded Lord Xiu’s carriage and questioned Lord Xiu? Who gave your dog eggs? Or, someone instigated you?"

As soon as Yu Qingluo's expression changed, those people panicked a little.

  Everyone realized afterwards, yes, they seemed to be surrounded by Lord Xiu’s carriage. They are just ordinary people, and they don't even have a backstage. If Lord Xiu wants to be investigated, they might die.

  Everyone suddenly became a little flustered, and the student's face flushed even more. Seeing Yu Qingluo's sneer, his heart was even more panicked.

  He hurriedly raised his head and explained eagerly, “We didn’t question, but, it’s just that this matter was going viral, so we just rushed over and wanted to ask the prince for confirmation. In this way, it would also prove the prince’s innocence.”

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