The Dishonest Son and The ‘Ghost’ Doctor Mother

Chapter 973: Someone came to find Yuqingluo

  Nan Nan came over very quickly, holding a small bamboo tube in his hand.

  Mo Xian glanced twice, and saw Yu Qingluo gently pulling out a plug on her head and moving her fingers up.

  Suddenly, a burst of smoke appeared from the thin bamboo tube, the red one, rushed to the sky and exploded.

  The red smoke was extremely gorgeous, as if blood washed the sky, as if it could be seen from hundreds of miles away, very eye-catching.

  Ye Xiu Du, who was returning from the palace, sat on the horse, and was also attracted by the red smoke.

Peng Ying beside    was surprised, "The prince, it seems that it came from the palace."

  Ye Xiu looked alone, and hurriedly called, "Go."

  His speed is very fast. After a while, the horse has stopped in front of the gate of the Palace of Xiu.

  Ye Xiu Du directly turned over and threw the rein into the hand of the porter. People could not wait to rush into the palace.

  Yu Qingluo was putting away the bamboo tube in her hand, flushing and handing it to Nan Nan.

  Ye Xiu took a few steps forward, Mo Xian hurried over and told him that Yu Bao'er had been arrested.

   Ye Xiudu's eyebrows were tightly twisted, and he waved his hand to let Mo Xian go down.

  Yu Qingluo still turned her back to him. She turned her head around until there was a warm feeling in her hand. She pulled her lips slightly at Shang Ye Xiudu’s worried gaze, and said with a smile, "I'm fine."

   "I will let people find Bo'er's whereabouts as soon as possible, don't worry."

   "En." Yu Qingluo nodded lightly, and let him walk to the yard holding hands.

Nan Nan rushed to find Butler Yang, and confessed to him seriously, "If someone comes to my mother these days with a very strange flower in her hand, you have to come as soon as possible. Tell me, you know?"

  Butler Yang looked inexplicable, but seeing how serious Nan Nan said, he nodded cautiously, "I see."

  Nan Nan repeatedly explained that he must not drive the person away, even if the person is a beggar, he must come and tell him.

  Butler Yang knew that it was an eventful period recently. Nan Nan must have made such an order and immediately confessed to the concierge in front of him.

  Nan Nan was relieved, turned around and ran back.

When    ran to the courtyard of Yuqingluo, Ye Xiudu happened to ask Yuqingluo about Honglinyan.

   Seeing Nan Nan coming in, Ye Xiudu sat with him on his lap, and asked, "What the **** is Hong Linyan?"

   "It's a sign that my mother and some friends agreed to repay me." Nan Nan twisted his leg and found a more comfortable position to sit.

   "Repay your favor?"

"Well, dad, you know, my mother is a ghost doctor. She is very strange to save people, or it is very pleasing to save people, or it is very pleasing to save. Or... just to save those who have the ability to help in the future Our people. Rich people, mothers will make a fortune. Those people basically don’t know what my mother looks like. People who are pleasing to the eye, mothers basically take the same pleasing things from them. As for those who are capable, they have seen my mother's appearance, and my mother asks them to repay me in the future, and when my mother needs their help, she will use that red forest smoke to summon them."


  Ye Xiu felt that the term Nan Nan was used very strangely.

   But Qinger knows how to plan for herself, and she is very farsighted.

"That Hong Linyan has been useless for so long. Many people have to ask when they will repay their kindness when they meet their mothers. It's very interesting. It seems that they can't worry if they don't repay the kindness. This time it's because of Uncle Baoer, mother. This is the first time my pro used red forest smoke. Within a hundred miles, those who have been treated by my mother see it and will rush over."

   Ye Xiu stunned for a moment, and raised his eyes to look at Yu Qingluo.

The latter's face was gloomy, "I didn't want to use them. This is a matter of the court. Those people, they are not willing to get involved in this kind of thing. But this time they caught Bo'er, I can't tolerate it. ."

  Yu Qingluo said, looking back, holding Ye Xiudu’s hand, and whispered, "You can help me find Yu Baoer's whereabouts and save people, I will come."

  "Qinger..." Ye Xiu frowned.

"I know that you are very busy. Let's work together. Don't lie to me. I know that the Seventh Prince has already begun to dispatch troops. He will soon come in in the name of capturing the anti-thief. Bo'er was arrested, probably for To coerce us, at this time, you can't mess up because of this thing, otherwise there will be countless dead people. You are the backbone, just act according to your own plan. For other things, I will come."

  Ye Xiu's eyes were bright, looking at Yu Qingluo, she was speechless for a while.

Yu Qingluo stood up, lifted Nan Nan from his arms and threw Nan Nan to the ground. Then upstairs, he buried his head in his arms, and said softly, "I don't understand how to dispatch troops. I don't understand even if I fight it all, I only know that I have to pay a tooth for a tooth. I only know who bullied me and I will bully it back. So I can't help you with other things. The only thing I can help is to eliminate the threats that affect you. It is your responsibility to let you get rid of all the seven princes, and let Feng Cang Country be stable."

  Nannan looked at a series of actions by her mother in a daze. Did she make a mistake? He stayed in his father's arms, and the mother directly threw him, lost, lost?

  He pouted his lips and looked at the two people together, very annoyed.

   But forget it, because his mother is in a bad mood, he told her to forget it.

  Ye Xiu is holding the woman in her arms tightly. If she has a wife like this, how can her husband ask for anything?

   "...Okay." Ye Xiudu's voice was a bit hoarse, "Let's work together."

Nan Nan looked at them from the side, gritted his teeth, shook his head and shook his head for a while, then let out a dejected snort and walked out of her mother's backyard.

  Ye Lansheng has been standing not far away waiting, seeing him come out, hurriedly greeted him, “Nannan, I heard that Aunt Qing’s face is not good when she comes back, what happened?”

   "It's okay, my mother has been in a bad mood lately, so my dad will comfort her and comfort her." Nan Nan pretended to wave his hand indifferently.

  Don’t tell Xiao Shengsheng about the disappearance of Uncle Bao’er, lest he worry about it.

  But Ye Lansheng is not so foolish. He carefully looked at Nan Nan’s expression, "Really? What about... Bo'er? Didn't Aunt Qing pick him up? Why didn't he come?"

   "..." Nan Nan stared at Ye Lansheng angrily, "Xiao Shengsheng, it's not good for people to be too smart."

   "So something really happened?" Ye Lansheng hurriedly grabbed his hand and asked anxiously.

Nan Nan scratched his head, how can he answer this?

  He sighed, and just wanted to find a perfect excuse to confuse him, a little boy suddenly ran up not far away, "Little son, little son, someone outside came to Miss Jade with a strange flower." <

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