Nan Nan’s eyes lit up, so fast?

  He hurriedly greeted him, "Where are the flowers?"

   "Here." The little girl took out a...pocket, which was embroidered with a simple and rough flower crookedly.

   Nan Nan grabbed it, and it was really embroidered by my mother.

  Ahem, although it is a bit ugly, it is a unique token that others cannot imitate, isn’t it?

  Ye Lansheng also leaned over, just took a look, and frowned, "Which embroiderer is this? Is this still a flower? It looks like a very strange thing."

Nan Nan hurriedly hid the purse behind her, laughed, and said, "So what, this is so special, it can be seen at a glance, isn't it? Oh, don't care who embroidered it, I There is something else, Xiao Shengsheng, go back to the room and rest first, and I will go back."

   "Hey... Nan Nan." Ye Lansheng wanted to reach out and hold him, but Nan Nan's footsteps, let alone him, might not be able to catch up with Mo Xian, Shen Ying and others.

  He could only sigh secretly, then glanced at Yuqingluo's courtyard with some worry.

  He always felt that Bo'er had something wrong, otherwise why not come back with Aunt Qing?

   Ye Lansheng’s eyebrows were almost tied together. He knew that the imperial palace was under martial law, and even the atmosphere of the palace was very strange. Originally, Uncle Wu promised him to go back to see his mother every day, but now he can't even go out of the palace. He feels that the heaven of the imperial capital... is about to change.

   Ye Lansheng sighed secretly, turned around and returned to his yard.

Nan Nan Ze ran to the gate of the palace in twos and threes. As soon as he ran up the steps, he saw two people with their backs to him, whispering and talking.

   "Uncle Yun and Uncle Feng?" Nan Nan was surprised. What he didn't expect was that the two of them were the fastest to reach the Palace of Xiuwang.

  The two people who had spoken with their backs to him turned their heads abruptly. Seeing Nan Nan, the two of them came to him with a ‘swish’.

  The young man at the door only felt a gust of wind blowing in his ears, and when he recovered, the two of them had already picked up Nan Nan and lifted it high.

  It’s so fast, my eyes can’t keep up.

  Shen Ying, who was standing by the door, couldn’t help but be surprised when he saw it. This is... the Lu Family’s footwork?

  The man made it really belong to the Lu family's footwork. Although the woman's footwork is a little worse, it seems to be a little different, but it is also very similar to the Lu family's footwork, and it is incredible fast when moving.

  The footwork of these two people should be higher than Nannan.

  Are they from the Lu family...?

  Lu Lanfeng suddenly carried Nan Nan on his shoulders, and looked at him with a smile, “It’s been a long time, little thing, do you want your Uncle Fengyun?”

   "Yes." Nan Nan smiled, very happy, "Uncle Feng, why are you here? Are you not in the Heavenly Rain Country?"

Lu Lanfeng and Lu Lanyun glanced at each other and smiled, "We originally came to find you and your mother. The second prince said, your mother is going to get married, and they can’t come, your mother didn’t even have a letter. Give it to us, we had to come by ourselves. Unexpectedly, just the second day after coming, we saw the red forest smoke from your mother. Why, are you in trouble?"

  Nan Nan nodded, "It's a bit troublesome, but with Uncle Feng and Aunt Yun, no matter how big the trouble is, it won't be trouble."

He laughed again, struggling to get off Lu Lanfeng's shoulders, "Uncle Feng, let me arrange for you to stay first. My mother and dad are discussing important things now, and I will talk to you later. "

  In fact, it was his mother and father who are in you and me. He felt that in order to avoid being thrown on the ground by his mother again, he should not bother him.

   "Okay." The two were also refreshed, and Nan Nan led them to the guest room to rest.

  Wait until Yu Qingluo got the news and knew that the two of them had come to the palace, it was already two hours later.

  She looked at the innocent Nan Nan with a black line, "Mother, it’s none of my business."

  Yu Qingluo gave him a violent shudder, looked at each other with Ye Xiu Duo, and said, "Let’s go to their guest room."


  The two of them were about to leave, but they were held back by Nan Nan.

  Yuqing Luo squinted at him, "What?"

   "Uncle Feng and Aunt Yun knew what their mother was looking for, so after drinking a cup of tea, they immediately asked Uncle Mo to take them to Yufu, saying that they were looking for clues."

  Yuqing let out a sigh of relief, then glared at Nan Nan, "You said it earlier."

"Mother, me, although I am young, I still know the priorities. I know that Uncle Bao'er is the most important now, of course, I must tell Uncle Fengyun the matter without delay." Nan Nan lifted his chin, somewhat Opened triumphantly.

   Yu Qing fell helpless, touched his head, and hurriedly became a little worried.

   Yu Bao'er is not Nan Nan, he does not have Nan Nan's agile skill, nor Nan Nan's temperament that can bend and stretch. She told a lot about Nan Nan how to save her life in danger, but she never told Yu Bao'er how to deal with falling into the wrong hands.

Bao'er's temperament was inherently very stubborn, just like he was locked in a small room by Chen Jixin's mother and daughter for many years and never compromised. His stubbornness was born with his stubborn temperament. The most vulnerable.

  Yu Qingluo thinks that Bao'er might rather die than surrender, and think of the pain he may encounter because of this, and his heart is like knotted.

  If so, if something happens because of this, she really doesn't know what to do.

   "Nothing will happen." Ye Xiudu's low voice sounded in her ear, "They caught Bo'er mostly to threaten us when necessary. So Bo'er will be fine, huh?"

  Yu Qingluo took a deep breath and nodded.

   Nan Nan was also feeling down. I really hope that Uncle Feng and Aunt Yun can find Uncle Bao'er's trace and rescue them as soon as possible.

  He was also very afraid that Uncle Bao'er would be tortured, and he must be in pain.

  He was thinking, but Steward Yang had already come over there and said, "Master Lu and Miss Lu are back."

  Yu Qingluo hurriedly raised her head, and glanced at Ye Xiu alone.

   "Go, let's go and see." Ye Xiu grabbed his hand and walked quickly to the front yard.

  However, just a few steps later, Shen Ying came over again, "The prince, the sixth prince is here, saying that there is something important."

   Yu Qingluo pushed Ye Xiu alone, "You go quickly, I'm afraid the Seventh Prince has a new action."

   " can entertain the young lady of the Lu family, if you have anything you need, just ask the housekeeper to do it."

   "Don't worry, I have a sense of measure." Yu Qingluo pushed him again.

  Ye Xiudu then left with Shen Ying, his steps were heavy, and his face was slightly restrained. <

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