The Dishonest Son and The ‘Ghost’ Doctor Mother

Chapter 975: Nannan is a very strong combat force

  Different from the last time, the Sixth Prince came over with a trace of anxiety on his face.

Ye Xiu entered the study alone, and he hurriedly pulled him over, and the fingers holding his arm were a little tight. "Fifth brother, my mother and concubine have just sent a message to me that Concubine Meng is not in Yixing Palace. , I’m afraid it was taken out of the palace by the seventh brother."

  "Have you taken out the palace?" Ye Xiu squinted alone.

  The six princes had a heavy face, "Yes, so it seems that there are many Seventh Brothers in the Imperial Guard."

  Most of the palaces are now cultivators of independence at night. Whether it is the emperor’s palace or the palace of the imperial concubine, they are all focused on nursing.

  Unexpectedly, under this strict guarding situation, the imperial palace where Concubine Meng took the opportunity to escape.

"The former Commander Wei of the Imperial Guard was originally the mother of the concubine. Although the entire Imperial Guard had undergone a major reshuffle after the death of Commander Wei, there were always some fish that slipped through the net." It's like following Yu Zuolin at that time. Those who chased Jiang Yunsheng together were also the subordinates of Concubine Meng.

  However, there are already several factions in the Janitor Guard, and the internal unity is not very united. This time, it happens to be completely reorganized.

"Fifth brother, I also got news that the seventh brother has already contacted General Li in Xidaying, I am afraid this time I really have to make a big move." Concubine Meng also picked up, and had contact with the powerful General Li. , This tough battle is unavoidable.

   Ye Xiu nodded alone, he knew this.

   "Fifth brother, what are your plans in your heart?" Seeing that he kept silent, the sixth prince became a little anxious.

  Xi Daying's General Li led his troops always brave. Ten years ago, he defeated the Jinglei Kingdom by defeating more with less. Now that he was entrusted by his father to take over the Xidaying camp, he did not expect to be entangled with the Seventh Prince.

  Ye Xiu Duo's fingers began to habitually tap the desktop again, his expression became a little unpredictable.

  "What are the actions of the third and fourth brothers in the house?" Ye Xiu asked alone.

  The six princes were taken aback, pursed their lips and said, "There is nothing happening for the time being."

   "I'm afraid there will be soon." Ye Xiu frowned, "The mother and concubine were picked up, and then it's the third and fourth elders' turn."

"Why do the seventh brothers have to form an alliance with the third and fourth princes?" According to the relationship between the sixth prince and the third prince and the fourth prince, he knows the temperament of the two people very well. Talent.

Ye Xiudu sneered, "The third brother's grandfather came from a military commander. The two brothers of Concubine Liu are still stationed at the border. Even if they are just two small officials, the prestige of Liu's family in the army is enough. My brother is jealous. If he doesn't pull the third and fourth elders into the water, the Liu family may attack him at any time and help us."

  This is why people who are not smart like the Third Prince dare to be so arrogant and can't wait to fight for that position.

  His backing is not comparable to those from a scholarly family like the Sixth Prince and Mother Consort.

   "In this way, we must not let the seventh brother take away the third and fourth elder brothers." The sixth prince suddenly woke up and said hurriedly.

  Ye Xiu nodded alone, "You stay here first, I'll let someone go to the palace and bring people out."

  The sixth prince nodded, Ye Xiudu had already left the study.

  Passing through the two corridors, Ye Xiu pried open one of the seemingly ordinary guest rooms alone, and Fan Pingyun’s voice immediately came from inside, "Come in."

  "You and Qiyun take a few people to the Three Princes' Mansion and bring them out of the Three Princes' family. As for the placement, you can figure it out."

  Fan Pingyun knew that things had already happened, and there was a faint excitement in his heart. Although his temperament is calm and docile, he is the killer in the end, and the bloodthirsty factor can't hide.

   Ye Xiu shook his head alone, and asked him, "Xiu Yun is still tracking the assassin?"

   "You know his temperament, that person ran away from his hand, and only suffered a little injury, he was unwilling."

   "You make him pay attention, it is troubled now. Don't fall into the trap of others."

   "I understand." Fan Pingyun nodded.

  Ye Xiudu turned around and walked out of his house. He didn't expect that he had just walked a few steps and happened to run into Nan Nan.

  The little guy almost hit him, "Daddy, why are you here?"

   "What are you here for?" Ye Xiu asked with a raised eyebrow.

Nan Nan chuckled, "Didn’t Second Uncle Fan say that my Lu family's footwork is great last time? Now my Uncle Feng is here, and Uncle Feng's Lu family footwork is amazing, so I came to see Second Uncle Fan. experience."

   Ye Xiu laughed alone, and said to him, "I will let your Second Uncle Fan go out to do errands. You can wait for him to come back and look for him."

"Do things? What do you do? Daddy, is there anything I can do to help? I tell you, I am actually a great fighting force. My mother is very sure of me. You can't think of me as a dodder. Flowers grow."

  Don't let him go out, Nan Nan already feels itchy all over.

  Ye Xiu looked down and thought for a while, and he was right. In fact, Nan Nan's combat effectiveness was also extraordinary. Last time he fought with Fan Qiyun hard to separate. The others are flexible and small. Some things might be more appropriate for him to do.

  And... Nan Nan was originally a boy, he needs to increase his actual combat experience.

  In the next time, he may not be able to take care of him and Ye Lansheng. In the future, his mission is not only to protect himself, but also to protect Ye Lansheng.

   Thinking of this, Ye Xiudu also nodded and said, "You follow along, go to the Mansion of the Three Princes, and bring Ye Lanwei out."

   Ye Lanwei? Nan Nan blinked, thinking of Ye Lanwei's nose and tears last time, his body was dirty and rushed out, her little eyebrows wrinkled involuntarily, and he hurriedly pulled Ye Xiudu's sleeve to ask. "Daddy, is that Ye Lanwei in danger?"


  Nan Nan loosened his sleeves without saying a word, and ran to find Fan Pingyun.

   Ye Xiu stared at the still shaking sleeves, a little dumbfounded. He thought that with his son's temperament, he was very dissatisfied with Ye Lanwei's always finding fault, and disliked him very much.

  If the child is a child, he quarrels fiercely and forgets quickly.

  As he thought about it, Nan Nan had already pulled Fan Pingyun out.

   "Daddy, then we are leaving."

   "Okay." Ye Xiudu and Fan Pingyun looked at each other before turning to their sides, letting the big and the small go forward.

  For Fan Pingyun, the risk factor of this mission is not high, so it is not difficult for him to bring Nan Nan.

  He also thinks Nan Nan has excellent skills, but he lacks actual combat experience. This is a good opportunity.

  However, when they arrived at the residence of the Three Princes, they saw everything in front of them, but they couldn't help but gasped in a sigh of relief.

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