The Dishonest Son and The ‘Ghost’ Doctor Mother

Chapter 977: I just need to follow Nannan

  Nan Nan threw the sword far away, followed by a flying kick, kicking his foot directly on the person's crotch.

  "Um..." The housekeeper's face was pale, and he shrank to the ground in pain.

   Nan Nan hummed twice, wiped two hands on his face, the man's miserable cry suddenly sounded, and he covered his face and started rolling frantically on the ground.

All the people in the yard were caught off guard by this sudden situation, until the housekeeper’s head hit the big rock not far away, and there was a sudden uplifting scream. The dead men dressed as soldiers Suddenly recovered.

   "That's Prince Xiu's child, grab him."

  In an instant, the subordinates who had been hiding in Tibet pulled out the swords from their waists, and stab them at Nannan.

  Fan Pingyun sneered, raised his hand, and said solemnly, "Do it."

   "Yes." Qi Qi's voice suddenly sounded, and Fan Qiyun led the killer into the melee quickly, one person blocked two, and immediately dispersed the dead soldiers who were about to surround him.

  Fan Pingyun slowly walked to Nan Nan's side, standing upright by his side.

  The third prince and the others were even more shocked, standing in a daze, looking at the sudden arrival of people a little bit overwhelmed.

  Until Ye Lanwei wiped away her tears and saw Nannan. His eyes suddenly brightened, and he suddenly stood up and rushed towards Nan Nan, "Nan Nan, woo woo, nan nan, you are here, woo woo..."

  He began to cry loudly again, as if all his grievances were vented in one breath, his hands clasped Nan Nan's neck tightly, almost strangling his neck.

  Nan Nan was almost cut off by him. It took a few steps before she finally stood firm, and her small body supported her so that she wouldn't fall to the ground with him.

"Ye, Ye Lanwei, you, you, you let go, I'm going to roll my eyes." Nan Nan slapped him on the back twice, and finally got out of his clutches and turned around. Bend over and began to gasp.

  "Nannan..." Ye Lanwei grievedly pulled at his clothes, "It's great that you are here."

Nan Nan turned his head and glared at him fiercely, but saw that he was crying like that, and he still didn't say the fierce words, so he threw a handkerchief in disgust, "Hurry up, wipe it, you're the son of mine. It’s just awkward to look like this."

  Ye Lanwei sniffed and twisted her nose on the veil.

  Nan Nan was too disgusted, and didn't want to take a look at the veil anymore. I didn't need that veil, and I didn't want to die.

  He saw that Ye Lanwei was better, and immediately ran to the third prince's side.

  The three princes were still a little startled, their eyes fell on the people in black who were fighting the dead men, and they moved their lips twice.

  Until Nan Nan passed by and drew out the sword in his hand, he suddenly lowered his head and looked at this little man.


   "My father asked us to come, San Bo, it's okay."

  The third prince moved his lips again, and then suddenly sat on the ground, hiding his face and crying, "Finally, finally..."

  The princess moved slightly, and walked over, squatting down and holding his hand, "Master, it’s okay, it’s okay."

"The princess..." The third prince raised her head and looked at her messy makeup. Her face was dirty, her sleeves were ripped, and her arms were still hurt. He couldn't help feeling guilty. "Sorry, my king... failed to protect her well. you guys."

  The tears of the princess fell instantly, and she shook her head hurriedly, “It’s okay, it’s okay, it’s fine if the prince is okay.”

  The three princes lowered their heads and buried their faces in their hands for a while. After a long while, he finally took a deep breath and looked up at Ye Lanwei, "Wei'er, come here."

  Ye Lanwei thought of the crazy appearance that he had just carried the sword and hacked the thorns, a trace of fear flashed on his face, and subconsciously ran behind Nan Nan, his little hand firmly grasping Nan Nan's sleeve.

   "..." Nan Nan was speechless. He was just an outsider, an outsider, or an outsider who had had an xenophobia with him. These two are his biological parents, he is not afraid of his enemy, but his own parents? Broken brain?

   "Wei'er." The princess looked at Ye Lanwei intently, and her heart was very painful when she saw that his head was hanging down.

Nan Nan rolled his eyes. He knew that the princess and Ye Lanwei seemed to be at odds with each other. When he broke into the Third Prince's Mansion to beat Ye Lanwei, he saw that he was showing no words to the princess. Now that the three princes have left such a bad impression in front of Ye Lanwei, this situation seems to be very bad.

Nan Nan pulled Ye Lanwei out, and said to him very seriously, "Ye Lanwei, they are your parents, and your parents will not harm you. Your dad did that just now to protect you, don't you know? know?"

   Ye Lanwei lowered his head, obviously not listening. After a while, he whispered, "He just wanted to kill me."

  He is just a child, and his impression was too deep. How can he easily understand and digest?

   Seeing this, the three princes had to lower their heads slightly and gave a wry smile.

   Nan Nan is going crazy, watching Ye Lanwei still tugging at his sleeves, with a very bad premonition. He didn't intend to follow him in the future, only to recognize him, did he?

Nan Nan immediately looked at Fan Pingyun pitifully. The latter smirked, pretending not to see it, and walked in front of the third prince, "Third princes, this palace cannot live anymore. It is a very time now, you What do you plan to do?"

  "Planning?" The third prince was taken aback. He had never thought of escaping from the seventh prince, and for a while, he would not have thought of going back.

   "If the three princes don't mind, I can arrange a place where the princes and his family live temporarily."

   "Then...thank you very much."

  Fan Pingyun nodded, and looked up to see that the people arranged by the Seventh Prince had already been cleaned up.

  Only Fan Qiyun is still fighting with someone who seems to be a bit advanced in martial arts. He frowned slightly and said solemnly, "Stop playing, we still have business."

  Fan Qiyun pursed his mouth, and the palm wind suddenly became fierce, and the opponent suddenly began to lose ground. After a while, he was shot dead by Fan Qiyun on the spot.

  The three princes looked at the fast-moving people in black, pursing their lips and saying nothing.

  Fan Pingyun turned his head and said to Fan Qiyun, "You first take the prince, princess, and the younger generation to settle down in the residence I originally reserved, we..."

"I don't want to go." Ye Lanwei suddenly said, his little hand still held Nannan, where Nannan walked, he followed wherever he went, at this moment directly interrupted Fan Pingyun's words, and said, "I, I want to follow Nannan, I want to follow Nannan."

  Nan Nan really wanted to hit the wall. He had known that he would not come. "Ye Lanwei, I have something to do, I can't take you with you. I'm going to save the Sibo's family, to save Ye Lan.

  The third prince heard the words, but suddenly raised his head, frowned, and said in a deep voice, "The residence of the Fourth don't need to go."

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