The Dishonest Son and The ‘Ghost’ Doctor Mother

Chapter 978: Four princes have rebelled

  No need to go?

Nan Nan was taken aback, and asked him strangely, "Why?"

  The three princes supported the hand of the princess, and slowly stood up from the ground. The clothes on his body were covered with blood stains. He frowned slightly when he saw it.

A moment later, he looked away and looked at Nannan, with a sneer flashing across his face and a mocking expression, "The four princes have now taken refuge in the seventh princes. The two of them are already embarrassed. I'm afraid you will go, he Instead, I think you are troublesome."

"He and the seventh prince are in the same group?" Nan Nan stared suddenly, thinking of Ye Lanli's timid appearance, and thinking that even if the fourth prince faced him, he was lacking in confidence. Such a person would actually be able to Go to the Seventh Prince?

  The third prince closed his eyes slightly, and sneered, "Finally, he originally proposed the assassination of the father. Oh, I didn't expect that he was the real vicious person."

  The third prince thought of the fourth prince who always thought of him as his head, and his face became dull.

  He didn't know that the person who had been following him was a ferocious wolf.

  The power of the grandfather of the four princes is not strong. He knows that he is not qualified or capable to fight for that position, so he has always been dependent on the three princes to do his best.

   But now he knows that the three princes are useless. Now the princes have been divided into two factions. He and Ye Xiudu had conflicts with Ye Lansheng, so they directly took refuge in the seventh princes.

  Assassinating Emperor Father was his first mouth. Although the seventh prince might have such a plan, when the third prince knew that it was the fourth prince who had always been timid and weak, he still felt weird.

  He, he has been kept in the dark, thinking that the fourth prince is still the one who needs his protection. When the truth came to light, he suddenly realized.

  Yes, although he was impulsive and domineering, but no matter where he was so easily controlled by the Seven Princes, even the lives of his wife and children were in the hands of the Seven Princes. The entire palace, all the secret guards and all the guards, and even the dead men given to him by his grandfather's family, were all strangled by the seven princes.

  At first, he thought that the Seven Princes were too powerful, so powerful that his palace had already infiltrated his people. Later I learned that this was the masterpiece of the four princes.

  It is the four princes who know who he is and who knows his palace best.

  Four princes, who depend on others for survival, are timid and weak and hide behind others, may be the truly terrifying existence.

  Ye Lanwei also pulled Lannan’s sleeves, and whispered, "The fourth uncle is very bad. Last night Lanli came to me... scolded me."

  Ye Lanwei was also very surprised. He did not expect that Ye Lanli would point to his nose one day and scold him.

Nan Nan raised his head and glanced at Fan Pingyun.

  The latter became thoughtful, and after a while, he turned his head and said to Fan Qiyun, "You take the three princes and family to settle down first, be careful."

Then he squatted down and touched Nan Nan’s head. His eyes fell on Ye Lanwei, who was still relying on Nan Nan’s sleeves. He pursed his lips and said, “Go back to the palace. As for Wei Shizi, it’s an eventful autumn. It's not suitable for Wei Shizi to follow you back..."

  Ye Lanwei grabbed Nannan’s little hand and squeezed tightly, "I, I want to follow Nannan, wherever Nannan goes, I will go."

  Fan Pingyun was entangled. The Palace of Xiuwang is now a copper wall and iron wall, and no place is safer than there.

  But because of this, one more outsider entering the Palace of Xiuwang will be more dangerous.

  It is not that he distrusts Ye Lanwei, he is just a child, and may be easier to be used by others. Especially in the Palace of Xiuwang, there is still a spy who has not been found yet.

  Nannan is smart, Ye Lancheng forbearingly understands that it is different from Ye Lanwei, who has just experienced big ups and downs. This child is too easy to be used.

   Nan Nan thought for a while, and quickly understood. He turned around, pulled Ye Lanwei behind the big tree, and persuaded him patiently, "Ye Lanwei, I am a man of great ability, do you understand?"

   "I know, I know that your martial arts is very high, so you don't leave me alone." Ye Lan expressed his attitude in a hurry, and there seemed to be a hint of flattery in his words.

Nan Nan can't stand this expression and tone of fear of being discarded the most. Ye Lanwei's previous temperament is much cuter than it is now.

   Really distressed, Nan Nan scratched his head.

   "So, I have such a great ability, I have to do a lot of things, I will be very busy. Then I can't take care of you, you don't know martial arts, it is not convenient for me to take you wherever I go."

   "Then, that...then I will stay in the Palace of Xiu."

   "There may also be bad people in the Palace of Xiu, what if a bad person abducts you? So you should still follow your familiar parents to be safe."

   Ye Lanwei bit her lower lip tightly, lowered her head, and rose silently.

   "Ye Lanwei, if you do this again, I will ignore you again."

Ye Lanwei's tears fell immediately, she loosed her hand holding Nan Nan's clothes, flattened her mouth, and sobbed softly, "Then you don't care about me, I'm here, I'm going to die for myself. ."

   Nan Nan is going crazy, why this person has changed his temper, but it is still so difficult to deal with.

  He really wants to poke his head with a stick, it's best to pierce his head.

  He gritted his teeth, turned and left.

   After two steps, the crying behind him suddenly became louder, and Nan Nan's body shook violently.

He clenched his fists hard, closed his eyes, and had to turn back, "Ye Lanwei, you are really, you are... you are worse than my sister Yu, and my sister Yu will not cry like you. "

   "Who is Sister Yu? Did your mother give you a younger sister?" Ye Lan froze for a moment, blinked twice, eyes foggy, raised his head and looked at him suspiciously.

  "..." Is this the point? "Ye Lanwei, think about it, is your father really going to kill you? If he really wants to kill you, would you still stand here safe and sound? He just pretended to be crazy and behaved, and really wanted to kill The people who control you are the bad guys who control you. Think about it carefully. Isn’t that the case?”

  Ye Lanwei pursed her lips, glanced at the third prince not far away, and whispered, "But when he stabbed me with a was terrible."

  It seems that although the three princes were to protect them, they still left a very deep shadow in Ye Lanwei's heart.

  Nan Nan knew that she would not be able to persuade him for a while.

He pulled a handful of hair vigorously. After a while, his eyes lit up, as if thinking of some time, he hurriedly said, "So, if you don't follow me or your parents, how about I send you to other places? "<

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