Ye Lan was taken aback, somewhere else?

   "Can't I really follow you to repair the palace?"

  Nan Nan shook his head very solemnly, "No." There are too many children in the palace, and they will disturb the plans of parents.

   Ye Lanwei aggrieved and flattened her mouth, "Then, where are you going to send me?"

   Nan Nan raised her eyebrows, "You'll know when I take you there."

   "There is no danger, right?"


   "There are no seven princes?"


   "No one wants to kill me and threaten me?"

   "Absolutely not."

   "Then, that's all right."

  Ye Lan reluctantly agreed, but he paused for a moment, and then anxiously held his hand, "You have to visit me often to make sure I am safe."

   Nan Nan rolled his eyes, "I see."

  Confirmed that he would be obedient, Nan Nan walked over with Ye Lanwei's hand.

  The sight of the third prince and the princess fell on them both, Ye Lanwei hurriedly grabbed Nan Nan's little hand, and his little hand was so painful that he almost couldn't help but throw it out.

   "Uncle Fan." Nan Nan beckoned to Fan Pingyun, asking him to bring his ear to him, and then whispered a few words in his ear.

  Fan Pingyun frowned when he heard the words, and then stretched out, "I see, this is not bad, I will send you there first."

"Okay." Nan Nan nodded, and he saw Fan Pingyun straight up and confessed a few words to Fan Qiyun. After seeing them leave with the three princes and princesses who turned back and forth and stopped talking, he led Nan Nan. Hand, said, "Let's go through the back door."


  The group of three people got into the carriage that was parked at the back door, and there was a blank-faced man in black waiting next to the carriage.

  As soon as Fan Pingyun got into the car with the two children, he whispered, "Go."

  The carriage immediately gurgled and rolled forward. This carriage was unremarkable, similar to what ordinary people used to load goods and deliver things, and it was not noticeable.

  In addition, it was late at the moment, and the road they walked was very remote, but the road was unimpeded.

   By the time the carriage stopped, it was already half an hour later.

  Ye Lanwei was a little apprehensive, turned her head and asked Nan Nan, "Where are you taking me?"

   "Watch it for yourself." Nannan lifted the curtain of the car, and Ye Lanwei glanced outside, her eyes widened suddenly, "You, brought me to the palace?"

  The palace is the most insecure, why did he bring himself here?

  Ye Lanwei grabbed Nan Nan's hand tightly, "I, I..."

"Don't worry, I won't hurt you." Nan Nan comforted him, "I originally planned to take you to the Youxiang Mansion, but I think the Youxiang must also be stared at, and the Rightxiang is now taking every opportunity. It's not appropriate for you to go. Although the palace is being stared at, it's not a problem at all if the palace is such a big one to hide a person."

  While speaking, a guard at the gate had already arrived.

  Nowadays, most of the people in the palace are cultivating independence at night. Seeing Nan Nan, and seeing that he has a token in his hand, he immediately let go.

Nan Nan looked at the sky and said to Fan Pingyun, "Uncle Fan, it's so late now, and the gate of the palace will be locked soon. I guess I won't be able to get out at one and a half. Come and pick me up tomorrow morning."

  In fact, he wanted to say that Ye Lanwei grabbed himself so hard, I'm afraid that even if he thinks it out today, he won't be able to get out.

  Fan Pingyun nodded, "Okay." He gave Nan Nan a few words again, telling him which people in this palace are his subordinates, if necessary, just give an order.

  Looking at Nan Nan's prudent agreement, he turned around and headed directly to the residence of the fourth prince.

  Nannan took the lead to go to the emperor’s palace, Miao Qianqiu was a little surprised to see that he actually came here in a sedan chair.

  Until the sedan chair was carried to the outside of the emperor’s sleeping hall, he was shocked when he saw the two children coming out one after another in the empty palace.

   "Nannan, you guys are..."

   "Father-in-law, Ye Lanwei is very dangerous now. I will find a place to put him in."

  Miao Qianqiu frowned. He was probably the only person in the palace who knew something about the discussions between Ye Xiudu and the emperor. Seeing this, he shook his head in disapproval, "Nan-Nan, this palace is not safe, especially the emperor, how many eyes are watching."

  Ye Lanwei nodded frequently when he heard from the side, clutching Nan Nan's sleeve and saying, "Yeah, yeah, I think so too."

  Nan Nan rolled his eyes and yanked his sleeves out of his palms. Really, his luxurious and unparalleled clothes are all pleated by him.

   "Nannan, or else, wait here, and the minion asks the emperor?" Miao Qianqiu didn't like Ye Lanwei very much. Before the third princes, he did not give up to the prince Xiu.

  This little thing used to take Ye Lan Li and Ye Lan photos to fight Ye Lan Sheng, and he is an out-and-out little overlord.

  Nan Nan shook his head, "Father-in-law, no, I know that Grandpa Huang should be resting at this hour. I have no plans to let Ye Lanwei be in Grandpa's bedroom."

  Miao Qianqiu was taken aback, and Ye Lanwei on the side blinked inexplicably.

   "Na Nan Nan means..."

   "Hey, I know that Grandpa Emperor's bedroom has a lot of eyes staring, but there is a place where no one will stare."

  Miao Qianqiu was curious, "Where?"

  Nannan beckoned mysteriously, "Father-in-law, you can send me a message."

  Fifteen minutes later, Miao Qianqiu found his confidant **** and gave him a few words. The **** soon left.

  Nannan waited for another half an hour, the sky was completely dark, the **** hurried back, and a court lady with low eyebrows followed behind him. The palace lady took a five-year-old little palace lady who was about the size of Nannan into the bedroom together.

  After another two quarters of an hour, the palace lady led the five little palace ladies out of the bedroom, and walked hurriedly towards the imperial garden not far away.

   There were two pairs of eyes watching in the dark, and immediately followed the court lady when they saw it.

  Watching the court lady walked into the Le'an Palace of Concubine Liu, the concubine of the three princes, and when she came out, although she was still carrying five little court ladies, two of them were obviously much taller.

   The eyes in the dark sneered, one of them stayed and stared at the movement of Le'an Palace closely, and another continued to follow the palace lady.

  The palace lady led the five little palace ladies to move forward, but when she passed the rockery in the imperial garden, the palace lady gave her annoyance, and several little palace ladies immediately surrounded her and whispered what was wrong with her.

   Among them, two short court ladies took the opportunity to enter the rockery, and when they came out, they seemed to be slightly thinner.

  The court lady looked at it from the corner of her eyes, rubbed her feet, and returned to the emperor’s bedroom with the five little court ladies casually.

And there was silence in the rockery for a long time, and another slender palace lady came from the other direction, and she coughed lowly at the rockery, and soon two little palace ladies came out, following the slender palace lady. Quietly left the imperial garden.

  When he entered a palace that Nannan was familiar with, when the man sitting in the first place saw the pretty little palace girl underneath, he couldn't help but laughed out ‘pouch’. <

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