There was an angry voice inside, as if even holding his breath.

  For a while, with a hint of doubt, a voice whispered, "Who are you?"

   "Are you Uncle Bao'er?" Nan Nan pressed the iron box, lowered his voice and asked, "Is it? Isn't it?"

  Bo'er was stunned abruptly, and then stunned, "Nannan?"

"Yes, it's me, Uncle Bao'er, you were caught here." Nan Nan was so excited, the expression on his face finally became brighter and brighter, "Uncle Bao'er, we have been looking for you everywhere these days. My mother also used Honglinyan to find a lot of friends. But Grandpa Hua said that the last place you disappeared was in the mansion of the Seventh Prince. My mother and the others thought there was a secret road in the mansion of the Seventh Prince, so they always We are all worried about you when we are looking for secret roads, but we didn't expect you to be here."

   Yu Bao'er pursed her little mouth, and a little choked in her tone, "Nan Nan, I'm sorry, I have caused you trouble again. Xiaohe and Erhu, they are all dead, I'm so useless..."

   "Uncle Bao'er, don't say that, you are great." Nan Nan heard the words that just now Yu Bao'er blurted out in the iron box. He must have been tortured a lot when he was locked up here.

   But his first sentence, he still defended his mother so firmly,

  Actually, I knew from before that even if Uncle Bao’er suffered a lot of harm, he would always use his ability to protect his mother.

  That’s why my mother was so kind to Uncle Bao'er. Knowing that he was so nervous after being arrested, she just used Honglinyan without saying anything.

   "Uncle Bao'er, wait, I'll rescue you right away, let's get out of here first." Nan Nan wiped his face, full of excitement.

  They have not had any clues, and now Yu Baoer is right in front of him. Nan Nan can't wait to rescue Yu Bao'er and stop him from suffering any more.

  After speaking, he bent down and drew a short and delicate dagger from his boots.

  This dagger was given to him by Weng Yuan when he left the Mongolian people on the way to see him off.

  Weng Yuan was pretty good to him. He gave him the little wolf at the beginning, and then he gave him such a dagger that cuts like mud and still has organs. The small one was in his hand, and Nan Nan felt that this should have been specially installed by Weng Yuan when he learned that he was going to leave.

   Nan Nan raised his eyes to look at the lock on the iron box, drew out the dagger and chopped it down on the lock.

   Fortunately, there was too much noise in Concubine Kang’s palace at this time, and the noise was noisy, but the sound of him cutting the lock was covered.

  But, the lock didn't move, not even a crack.

  On the contrary, Yu Baoer inside, suddenly heard a low moan.

   Nan Nan was taken aback, stopped hurriedly, and asked anxiously, "Uncle Bao'er, what's the matter?"

"Nan, Nannan, it's useless. There are organs in this box. Unless you open the lock and take it off, if you cut the lock, there will be a blade on me. So, even if you put the whole iron box It's all cut through, and there are probably blood holes in my body."

  Nannan was shocked, her little face was completely pale with a sigh of blood.

  He was busy throwing away the dagger in his hand, and his tears fell down, "Uncle Baoer, are you doing anything? I'm sorry, I don't know, did you hurt just now? Did you bleed?"

"...I'm fine, Nan Nan, I'm fine, don't worry." Yu Bao'er laughed, and whispered Nan Nan through the gap in the iron box, "You go back first, it's dangerous here, you know? It's okay, don't take risks."

Nan Nan nodded hurriedly, but when he thought he couldn't see it at all, he hurriedly said, "Okay, I'll go back, I'll go to my mother. Uncle Baoer, you have to bear with me, don't worry. My mother is around There are so many capable people and strangers. My **** is very powerful at opening the lock. They will definitely be able to rescue you when they come."

  After Nan Nan finished speaking, he immediately lowered his head and picked up the dagger that had fallen on the ground, with pale lips. He felt that the iron box in front of him was like a tiger's mouth, and he could swallow Yu Bao'er in his abdomen at any time, even with no residue left.

  Why is there such a scary thing? He can only watch, clearly right in front of him, but can't save him.

  Yu Bao'er was silent for a long time without speaking. Nan Nan waited for a while and panicked, "Uncle Bao'er, what's the matter with you? You, did you pass out? Uncle Bao'er?"

   "I'm okay, I'm okay." Yu Baoer was at a loss when he heard him, feeling distressed and hurriedly responded. Only the next moment, he suddenly took a deep breath, "Nan Nan, don’t look for my sister. I have seen that person. That person is very capable. They arrested me just to deal with my sister. If my sister comes, sure Right in the middle of your arms, there will be danger. You, don’t say anything after you go back, just treat it as if you haven’t seen me, okay? Actually, I’m very satisfied when I see you again. Really, Nannan, I’m already very satisfied. Satisfied."

   Nan Nan heard that his pupils became larger. Although he was young, he heard very clearly.

  His heartbeat speeded up suddenly, and he said without thinking, "Yu Bao'er."

   "Yu Bao'er, don't say such things, I will be afraid." This is clearly the appearance of going to death. "You are not allowed to think about it, and you are not allowed to mess around. If something happens to you, my mother will be very sad."

   "But Nannan..."

   "Listen to me." Nan Nan interrupted him, he was afraid he couldn't think about it. Now that Yu Bao'er is trapped in the iron box, even if he stands in front of him, there is nothing he can do, let alone stop him from being able to commit suicide anytime.

Therefore, Nan Nan’s voice was hurried, "I tell you, if you die, I will have a conscience for the rest of my life, and I will be unhappy for the rest of my life. If you want to ruin me for the rest of my life, then you will die. Care about you, if I knew that I saw you today as if I didn’t see her, she would hate me, don’t you know? The mother-child relationship between me and my mother will be ruined for a lifetime. Also, mother said, only when people live I hope, even if you have a breath, you can’t give up the opportunity. Also, if you die here, my mother will also seek revenge from them. Not only my mother, but also me, and Xiao Shengsheng. , We will all avenge you to death, and we will all be in danger at that time."

  "South South..."

   "I haven't finished speaking yet, don't interrupt." Nan Nan panted, looking very anxious. He wanted to knock the iron box, shake him severely, but was afraid that it would touch the mechanism and cause Yu Bao'er to suffer more damage.

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