The Dishonest Son and The ‘Ghost’ Doctor Mother

Chapter 988: Physical and mental torture

"Yu Bao'er, I tell you, you will have today because of our involvement. If you have an accident, my mother will blame herself for the rest of my life. Then my father will definitely not like my mother's appearance, he will I will abandon my mother, and my mother will be ruined. There are so many people around my mother, no matter how powerful the person who arrested you, no matter how powerful the martial arts, they will not be better than those around my mother. Do you know who is next to my mother? How can you be sure if my mother comes to rescue you without knowing anything will be in danger?"

   "Yu Bao'er, so you have to survive. If you dare to have an accident, I will, I will, I will commit suicide and accompany you."

   "Nannan..." Yu Baoer took a breath, "Don't talk nonsense."

"I'm not talking nonsense. Anyway, I will go back and tell my mother that you are here anyway. So, no matter what you think in your heart, my mother will come. Since my mother will come no matter what happens to you, you don't want to Let yourself have something."

"Have you heard that? I'll go back and tell my mother now. And I'm going out sternly. Anyway, you don't want to live anymore. I don't care if the bad guys find out that they don't find me, just make a big mess. "

   "I heard it, I heard it, Nannan, don't be impulsive, don't go out, I will obediently wait for my sister to save me, I must be obedient, don't be impulsive."

  Nan Nan breathed a sigh of relief calmly, but still reluctantly said, "Are you serious?"

   "Of course, I don't lie to you." Yu Bao'er just got that idea, and just said two sentences, Nan Nan was so excited that he was so excited, where would he dare to stimulate him?

   Nan Nan said with an "en", "Then I will go out now and find my mother to rescue you."

   "Okay." Yu Baoer responded.

  Nan Nan suddenly became nervous, and hurriedly lowered his voice and said, "Someone is coming, don't talk."

  As soon as he finished speaking, he immediately shrank, and he hid under the bed.

  Sure enough, the next moment, the door of the house was opened, and four or five people walked in from outside.

"anyone there?"


  Then, it was their relieved voice.

   Nan Nan held his breath, motionless, waiting for them to leave, he immediately returned to the palace to report the letter.

  However, after those people entered the house, there was no movement.

  One of them walked up to the iron box and slapped the iron box severely.

   "Ah..." Yu Bao'er's painful cry immediately came from inside.

  The man laughed lowly, "The people inside are still there, haha, I thought that the poisonous snake in the concubine Kang's palace was deliberately released, so I took the opportunity to save you."

  Speaking, the man patted the iron box twice again.

   "Ah, ah..." Yu Bao'er endured desperately. He knew Nan Nan was still in this room, so he didn't want him to worry. But as soon as the iron box was hit by an external force, the mechanism would be activated, and the blade cut on the body, even on the same wound. Even if he tried harder, he couldn't control the sound of the pain.

   Nan Nan under the bed pinched her fingers tightly, her eyes flushed red.

  He can't wait to rush out and kill those guys right now, but he has to endure it, he can't be impulsive, he has to endure it.

  Otherwise, Uncle Baoer may suffer a greater crime.

  Nan Nan gritted his teeth desperately. He had never regretted it like this. If he had followed the eunuchs to learn those sideways earlier, he might have opened the **** lock at this moment and rescued Yu Bao'er.

   Two more crashing sounds came from outside, and the sounds seemed to be crushed in Nan Nan's heart. His whole heart was already squeezed.

  Yubao’er’s voice is gone, and the voice of other people talking in the room, "Okay, stop playing, if you kill someone, let the master not kill you."

"Don't worry, you can't die." The man chuckled, "Isn't this guy hard-mouthed? I will punish him for the master, as long as the master still has a breath, as for what torture, he It doesn't matter."

  Speaking, the man hit the iron box twice again.

   "Hmm..." Yu Bao'er's voice sounded again, and his nerves all over his body were already in pain.

  Nannan bit his arm hard, and there was a deep tooth mark on it. He was holding it back desperately, and his small body was shrinking vigorously, as if this could reduce the pain in his heart.

  But the impact from the ears and Yu Baoer’s painful cries, they stung the eardrum again and again, and there seemed to be a buzzing tingling sensation in the ears.

   "It's silent again, I won't faint, right." The voice in the room rang again.

  Nan Nan was startled, loosened the teeth that was biting his arm, and his small fist tugged tightly.

  The voice outside was very cold, "It's okay, I will wake up later anyway."

   "Hey, how about we sprinkle some salt into this crevice?"

   "Are you crazy? Are you really going to kill him? Just a child."

   "Hey, the long night is so boring. And if it weren't for guarding this guy, would I have to stay up for several days and nights? I don't have any excitement right now, where can I still have the energy to do things?"


   Then there was the sound of footsteps running out, but Nan Nan's eyes widened in horror.

   After a while, the sound of footsteps returned, and the indifferent and cruel voice came from my ear, "Look, salt."

  Although the gap in the iron box is not large, it is easy to grab a large amount of salt and sprinkle it in to get the wound on Yu Bao'er's body.

  The man had already grabbed the salt blankly, and slammed it into the gap.

   "Ah...Ah..." Yu Bao'er's sharp cry sounded instantly, Nan Nan's eyes were red and her small body moved.

  He can't stand it, he wants to kill them, he wants to kill them.

   "Kill me, kill me." Yu Bao'er suddenly shouted, shouting loudly.

  Nan Nan's body just about to crawl out suddenly stopped, and his sanity recovered a little.

   "Kill you? What you think is beautiful." The indifferent man's voice sounded again.

" tortured me like this, I can't bear it... I can't bear it and I will commit suicide... Then, at that time, your master...definitely, he must not spare you." Yu Bao'er's voice intermittently, he The tortured body and mind are exhausted.

  Nan Nan’s brain ‘hum’, Uncle Bao’er was telling him, telling him to keep his breath, not to be impulsive, yes, he can’t be impulsive.

  Nan Nan's body was motionless again, but her little hand was still tightly pinched, her fingers had been embedded in the palm of her hand, bleeding was coming.

  The few people in the house seemed to be startled by Yu Bao'er. Several people looked at each other, and the salt-spreader finally let go and snorted, "You kid has a seed, but don't think I will let you go like this."

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