The Dishonest Son and The ‘Ghost’ Doctor Mother

Chapter 990: Go to the palace to save someone

  "South-South, South-South?" Yu Qing was shocked, hurriedly picked him up, and hurriedly hugged him back to the room.

  Lu Lanfeng and the others couldn't care about anything, and immediately followed in. Nan Nan was their favorite.

  Yu Qingluo put one hand on Nan Nan's wrist, and after a long while, he let out a sigh of relief.

  Xuanya hurriedly asked her, "How is it? How is Nannan? Is there anything wrong?"

  Yu Qingluo shook his head, "It's okay, but I haven't slept all night, and I'm exhausted..." After being tortured for a whole night, Nannan Yuhuo attacked his heart and worried about Bo'er, so he fell into a coma.

"Let him sleep well and he will be fine when he wakes up." Yu Qingluo touched his somewhat pale face distressedly, and then took a deep breath, raised his eyes and said to Lu Lanfeng, "You guys. Go and prepare, we will go into the palace and save Bo'er right away."

   "Na Nan Nan..." Compared with Yu Bao'er, who had never met and never met, they were more worried that Nan Nan was naturally tortured.

   "It's okay, he's okay, just rest well."

  Lu Lanfeng and several people looked at each other, only then tightened the corners of their lips, and nodded, "We know, let's prepare now."

  They want to torture Nan Nan into such a corpse.

Lu Lanfeng Xuanya and the others retired one after another. Yu Qingluo turned his head and ordered the Yuexin to come over. He wiped Nan Nan himself, changed his clothes, and covered him with a quilt. A kiss fell on his forehead, and he whispered, "Don't worry, your mother will save Bao'er. When you wake up, you will see your Uncle Bao'er."

  She bit her lip lightly, her eyes fell on his pink and tender arm, those two teeth marks were particularly clear.

  Nan-Nan has never “tortured” herself like this. Presumably this night was an unprecedented torment for Nan-Nan.

  Yu Qingluo took a deep breath, Nan Nan is still like this, that Yu Bao'er who has been tortured all night, I am afraid... even more miserable.

  At this moment, Yu Qing fell, really wishing to smash the corpses of the imperial concubine Meng and the Seventh Prince.

  But it’s okay. Qin Jiaozi has already found out the whereabouts of Concubine Meng. When they bring people to her, she must make her go around without eating.

Slowly exhaling, Yu Qingluo gently squeezed Nan Nan's little hand, tucked the quilt corners for him, and said to Yue Xin, who was on the side, "Nan Nan will take care of you temporarily. Now, when he wakes up, you coax her to eat something and tell him that we have gone to save Bo'er, so he can rest assured."

  Yuexin wiped the tears from the corner of her eyes, only to see Nan Nan like this, and when she heard the tragic situation of Bo'er, her mood was already depressed.

   Hearing Yu Qingluo's words, Yue Xin nodded her head hurriedly, "I see, miss, don't worry."

After a pause, she suddenly thought of something, and asked in a low voice, "Miss, do you want to tell Grandma Xiao?" She knew that she was a bit clumsy, and she was afraid that Nan Nan's emotions could not be calmed, and she thought about Mother Xiao. There are many things and many experiences, so it may be more suitable to take care of Nannan.

  Yu Qingluo thought for a while, still shook her head, "Grandma Xiao is not in good health, so don't tell her to worry her."

  Grandma Xiao Xiao has always been stunned since she returned to the imperial capital. Probably because he is getting older, after such a rush, his body is a little too much to bear. Yu Qingluo had shown it to her, and there was nothing serious about it. It was just that she was not in good spirits, and she hadn't been relieved yet.

  I feel a little bit more energetic these days, it is better not to put more mental burden on her.

  Yuexin nodded, indicating that she understood.

Yu Qingluo glanced at Nan Nan again, then got up and left the house.

  The Lu Lanfeng people outside the yard were ready, and they were divided into two pairs. The plan to capture the imperial concubine of Meng is also set for today, and we will act together.

  Although the rescue of Yu Bao'er cannot be delayed, it is the palace after all, and there should not be too many people going in.

   Yu Qingluo let out a sigh, and said in a low voice, "Go."

  The figure of a group of people gradually disappeared in the palace of Xiuwang. Standing in the corner, Chen Ying twisted his eyebrows slightly and turned to leave.

  Time passed bit by bit, but there were some nightmares, but they seemed to surround them, constantly hitting their heads.

   "Ah..." With a scream, Nan Nan suddenly sat up from the bed, his head buzzing, and it seemed that Yu Baoer groaned when he was tortured.

  Some of his pupils couldn't find the focal length, and it took a while before the dizzy eyes gradually calmed back.

  Nan Nan raised his head, looked at the familiar house in front of him, the quiet environment, and suddenly heaved a sigh of relief.

   Then he twisted his eyebrows and jumped off the bed.

  The house is quiet, there is no one, what about his mother? Where did mother go?

   Nan Nan resounded what she had said to Yu Qingluo before she fell unconscious, her eyes widened, and she ran out of the bedroom barefoot.

  Yue Xin, who had just returned from the outside, happened to bump into him, and hurriedly stopped him, “Hey, Nan Nan, why did you run out barefoot, what if you stepped on something and got your feet?”

  She said, and hurriedly hugged him back to the inner room.

  Nan Nan blinked, put his hand around Yuexin’s neck, and asked in a low voice, "Where is my mother?"

"En?" Yue Xin was taken aback, put him on the bed, and said, "Miss took Miss Xuan and they are going to save Young Master Bao'er, Nan Nan, Miss let you not worry, she will definitely rescue Young Master Bao'er. of."

   Nan Nan slowly exhaled, "How long have they been away, mother?"

"It's almost an hour." Yue Xin turned around, twisted a clean veil, carefully wiped off the dust from the soles of his feet, and put a small robe on him. Then he said, "Miss let me be well. Take care of you, Nan Nan, would you like something to eat?"

   "I can't eat... well, I want to have a bowl of porridge." He originally wanted to say that he couldn't eat it. Now he is full of Yu Bao'er, where there is that appetite.

  You can see Yuexin’s worried eyes, but he swallowed the original words.

  In any case, he can no longer worry his mother.

  Yuexin immediately turned around happily and went to the kitchen to serve porridge.

  Nan Nan sat on the bed for a long time, then sighed quietly, clutching the shoes on his feet and putting them on.

  Walking out of the yard, the sun was already shining outside, Nan Nan was pretending to have something in his heart, and his emotions also fell a lot, but for a while, he forgot that Yuexin went to serve himself porridge, and walked forward involuntarily.

  When he reacted, he had already unknowingly walked to the outer courtyard.

  When he scratched his head and wanted to return, he saw a person not far away talking to Shen Ying quietly.

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