The Dishonest Son and The ‘Ghost’ Doctor Mother

Chapter 991: Boa was secretly transferred

Nan Nan was taken aback for a moment, and looked at the stranger in surprise.

  That person shouldn't be from their palace, he looked at his actions and actions... they were a bit motherly.

  Like the **** in the palace, Nan Nan thought.

   was pondering, Shen Ying had already finished talking with the man over there, an anxious expression flashed on his face, turned around and walked here.

  When he saw Nan Nan, he was taken aback suddenly, his footsteps stopped, and a hint of panic flashed across his face inexplicably.

   "Nan, Nannan, are you awake?" Shen Ying came over, knelt down and touched his head, "Are you okay, how are you, are your head dizzy? Is there anything else uncomfortable?"

Nan Nan shook his head, "Uncle Shen, who was that person just now? I have never seen it before."

  Shen Ying chuckled in his heart and gave a dry smile, "No, no one. You just woke up and your body hasn't recovered. You should go back and take a good rest. Look at your face, it's so bad."

  Nan Nan twisted her eyebrows, and wanted to ask what else, Peng Ying was coming by from a distance.

  Peng Ying glanced at Nan Nan and frowned, "Nan Nan, your complexion is not very good, I will send you back to have a good rest. You just fainted, but we are all terrified."

  Shen Ying looked at Peng Ying and blinked. Nan Nan looked at it clearly. He was winking with Peng Ying. The two of them must be hiding something from him.

   Nan Nan thought, and immediately laughed, "Well, I also feel a little headache, dizzy, then I will go back to rest."

   "Okay." Shen Ying laughed, and looked at his far away back, slowly exhaling.

  Peng Ying looked back at him suspiciously, “What happened on earth, you just looked so ugly, something happened?”

  Shen Ying nodded, and hurriedly pulled him aside, "I have something to tell you, you come with me."

  The two hurried to a small forest not far away.

  Nan Nan suddenly stopped when he walked to the corridor, moved his footsteps, and instantly reached the position where he was just now.

  Looking at the backs of Shen Ying and Peng Ying from a distance, the corner of his mouth was tightly pressed, and he followed silently.

  Shen Ying looked anxious, as if she hadn’t noticed a person behind her at all.

  As soon as he got to a place where there was no one, he released his hand, wiped the sweat from his face, and said eagerly, "No, just now someone in the palace reported, and Concubine Kang's Jinhua Palace has moved."

  Peng Ying blinked, confused, "Concubine Concubine Kang has some movement, what are you so eager to do?"

  "Oh, you don’t know. When Nan Nan came back, I followed to Miss Jade’s yard. I heard Nan Nan say to Miss Jade that Bo’er was locked up in Concubine Kang’s palace."

  Peng Ying was stunned, "Could it be that Nannan fainted, has something to do with this matter?"

"This is not the point, the point is... Miss Jade took Miss Xuan and the others to save Bao'er." Shen Ying interrupted him, and said anxiously, "But the **** in the palace just came to report that he was serving Miao. Father-in-law’s orders have been staring at the movement in Concubine Concubine’s palace. Just now, Concubine Concubine Concubine Concubine was carried out an iron box and put it in a carriage.

  Peng Ying took a sigh of relief, "In that case, Miss Yu and the others...have ran away for nothing, Bo'er is not in the palace at all?"


   "Go, let Miss Jade know them quickly."

"It's too late." Shen Ying hurriedly grabbed Peng Ying's body and shook his head, and said, "I just asked the eunuch, and the **** should have missed it with Miss Yu and didn't run into it. Let's go to the palace now. Report the letter. When Miss Jade comes out, I'm afraid Bao'er will be gone."

   "Then you mean..."

  Shen Ying took a deep breath, her eyes tightened, “Now that the prince is not there, Miss Yu and her friends are not there, so we have to save it by ourselves.”

Peng Ying's face became serious, he was silent for a moment, and nodded slowly, "You are right. Time does not allow us to tell the prince and Miss Yu. If we don't save people, Bao'er doesn't know. Where will I be taken and what kind of torture I will suffer. Okay, let's go, then...Should I tell Nan Nan about this matter?"

   "Don't." Shen Ying's heart was tense, and he said hurriedly, "Nan Nan was hit hard by Bo'er's affairs. He just woke up and can no longer be stimulated. Just the two of us, let's go."

   "Okay." Peng Ying nodded, and the two made a decisive decision and hurriedly walked out of the woods.

  However, they had just moved a few steps, and a small figure had already been blocked in front of them.

  Shen Ying and Peng Ying took a deep breath at the same time, looked at each other, and thought to themselves, ‘It’s over. ’

   "Heh, hehe, Nannan, why are you here?" Peng Yinggan greeted with a smile, "You are not, didn't you say you are going to rest?"

  Nan Nan suddenly raised her head, her eyes flushed red, staring at Shen Ying, "I'm going."

  "Nannan, you..."

"I'm going, Uncle Shen, you don't even know what the iron box that holds Uncle Bao'er looks like, if you accidentally bump into it, Uncle Bao'er might..." Nan Nan gritted his teeth tightly. .

  Shen Ying looked at him, distressed to death, and finally couldn't bear it, and took his hand and said, "Okay, I will take you there, but you have to listen to Uncle Shen all the way, so you are not allowed to act without authorization."


   "Shen Ying!!!" Peng Ying frowned, somewhat disagreeing.

   "There is no time, let's go." Shen Ying made a decisive decision, and his footsteps had already begun to move forward. Nan Nan's temperament was well understood by them, and even if they refused, Nan Nan would go there even if he tried desperately. And they really don't have time here to persuade Nannan. This may be Nannan's wish, so let's go together. "Nannan is not weak, maybe it can still play a key role."

   "That... okay." Peng Ying finally compromised. He had to admit that although Nan Nan was young, he was not weak at all.

  His ability is capable of defeating one hundred.

  Shen Ying bent down, hugged Nan Nan, and walked directly out of the gate of the Palace of Xiu.

  There was a carriage parked outside. Hearing movement, the carriage curtain was lifted.

Nan Nan looked at it and found that the person sitting in the carriage was the **** who had just spoken to Shen Ying.

  The **** was taken aback when he saw Nan Nan.

  Shen Ying had already put Nan Nan in the carriage and confessed in a low voice, “Sit down, and if you feel uncomfortable, lie down for a while. The horse will run a bit faster later, and it may be very bumpy.”

   "Don't worry, I'm okay." Nan Nan pressed his still pale lips and smiled at him.

  Shen Ying was still worried, but didn’t say anything, he and Peng Ying jumped onto the carriage shaft.

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