The Dishonest Son and The ‘Ghost’ Doctor Mother

Chapter 992: The spy is actually him?

  The carriage is not big, but the horse runs fast.

The **** sitting in the carriage watched Nan Nan present and could only explain, "Duke Miao originally ordered this to be told to Miss Yu directly, but since Miss Yu is not there, the servant can only talk to Lord Shen. Father Miao has already sent it. People secretly followed Concubine Kang's carriage, marking all the way. The slave is incompetent. The only one who can help is to show the young man the way."

  Nan Nan came to understand why this **** had no skills, but he wanted to join them on the road.

  This is fine, after all, this little **** is the one who is familiar with the route.

  The carriage drove all the way out of the outskirts, Nannan was a little distraught, squeezing her little hand tightly, fearing that it would not be too late to catch Concubine Kang’s carriage and rescue Yu Baoer.

  His eyes were a little red, and Uncle Bao’er was locked in that iron box, and it would hurt as long as he touched it. He was bumped on the carriage, and he might suffer much pain.

  The little **** on the side saw his worried appearance and hurriedly comforted him, “Don’t worry, we will catch up.”

  Nannan nodded indiscriminately, and leaned his head against the car window.

  It's just that the eyebrows suddenly twisted, and my heart becomes restless.

  It seems...something is wrong.

  Yes, there seems to be something wrong.

  Nannan sat up straight, thinking hard, but at this moment, a low voice suddenly came from outside, and there seemed to be footsteps behind.

   "No, there are chasing soldiers." Shen Ying's cold voice fell into Nan Nan's ear through the car curtain.

  He suddenly opened the car curtain, before he could make a sound, he was pushed back by Shen Ying.

   "Peng Ying, you take Nannan to go first, and I block the chasing soldiers."

   "Shen Ying, don't mess around." Peng Ying disagreed. "Our main purpose at present is to catch up with Concubine Kang's car. It is not suitable to fight with the chasing soldiers."

"I know, but if these chasing soldiers rendezvous with Concubine Kang, it will be even more difficult for us to save people. Anyway, if you take Nannan to go first, I will solve them and I will catch them up soon." When Shen Ying said this, the sword on his body was also pulled out with a'swish'.

  Nannan raised the driving curtain again, "Uncle Shen, you..."

  "Nannan, listen to Peng Ying's words, don't take risks by yourself, you know?"

Nan Nan didn't have time to say anything, Shen Ying smiled at him and jumped off the carriage.

  The carriage still grunted and drove forward quickly, Nan Nan hurriedly retracted his head, opened the curtains again, and hurriedly looked behind.

  Shen Ying was already fighting with the chasing soldiers who followed. There were a lot of chasing soldiers, and Shen Ying fell into a melee in an instant.

  "Nannan, sit down and drive." Peng Ying gritted his teeth and could only whip his horse's ass. The car bumped and galloped faster.

   Nan Nan shuddered and rolled directly into the carriage. The little **** on the side hurriedly helped him, "Little son, is there anything wrong?"

   "No, it's okay."

  Outside Peng Ying heard the movement and asked anxiously, "Nan Nan, did you hit it?"

   "I'm fine."

  "Don't worry, your Uncle Shen is amazing, there must be nothing wrong with it. We need to save Bo'er now."


Nan Nan took a deep breath, and could only suppress the anxiety and worry in his heart, and kept chanting Bao'er's name in his heart.

  He closed his eyes fiercely, his little hands firmly grasped the seat of the car, and kept breathing deeply.

  The speed of the carriage has increased. If it weren't for holding the edge of the carriage, it would have to fly out.

  Nan Nan bit her lower lip, her face glowing anxiously.

  Suddenly, the carriage made a weird squeak, Nan Nan was taken aback, and quickly opened his eyes.

  The next moment, the carriage stopped quickly, and the sound of fighting came from his ears.

  Nannan’s pupils shrank, could it be...the chaser came to catch up?

  He hurried to lift the curtain of the car, bent over and sat on the shaft, and saw that not far in front of the carriage, Peng Yingzheng was holding a sword, fighting with a slightly familiar figure.

  Nannan frowned, her little hand tightened fiercely, and he yanked out the dagger from his boots, and then rushed to help.

  Who knows that just as he leaned forward, he was hugged into his arms by a person.

  Nan Nan was about to resist subconsciously, not knowing when a few silver needles were added to the tip of his finger, and he pierced directly at the incoming person. There was a familiar voice above his head, "It's me."

  Nannan was taken aback, and the direction of his hand turned around with an embarrassing direction. He suddenly raised his head, his eyes lit up, and he looked at the people in front of him incredibly, and shouted in shock, "Auntie Jin?"

  Jin Liuli glanced at him with a smile, the next moment, her eyes squinted, the palms stretched out, and the palm winds sharply, aiming at Nannan...'s back.

   "Ah..." A scream sounded, Nan Nan looked back and saw that the **** who was in the carriage with him was directly photographed on the ground by Jin Liuli. His body twitched on the ground, his eyes glared, and he was killed on the spot.

   "Auntie Jin, you..." Nan Nan was taken aback.

  Jin Liuli let out a breath and touched his head, "That's not a good thing, don't worry."

Nan Nan has always believed in Jin Liuli's words. Aunt Jin said that he is not a good thing, and that is not a good thing.

  Only the next moment, he raised his eyes to look at the person who was fighting with Peng Ying.

She squinted her eyes, tilted her head and looked at it for a long time, before twisting her eyebrows, and eagerly pulling at Jin Liuli's sleeves, "Auntie Jin, Auntie Jin, how come eighth uncle and Uncle Peng are fighting? You let them stop. Ah, we still have to save Uncle Bao'er."

  Jin Liuli hugged his leaning forward body, sneered, and said, "What Uncle Peng, that is the spy that Concubine Wannian puts next to your father."

   "... spy?" Nan Nan was stunned, "Uncle Peng?"

"Yes, he is now helping Concubine Meng with errands, huh, I am afraid that today we will perform a good show with this eunuch, just to trick you into Concubine Meng." She said, turned her head, and looked at Nan seriously. Nan Dao, "You are so careless."

   Nan Nan shook his head, only feeling a little dizzy in his head.

  Uncle Peng, Uncle Peng is a spy? how come? Uncle Peng is actually...a spy.

   "Jin, Auntie Jin, how do you know... he is bad?"

"Before Wan Fei died, she left a group of dead men to protect Ye Haoran. There was a dead man who was Wan Fei's most important confidant. He knew that, so he told us. After we knew that Peng Ying was not a good person, we rushed over without stopping. ."

   Nan Nan's face sank, how could he think that this guard who has been with his father for many years and has been loyal and loyal... actually... would be a spy.

   "...weird." Nan Nan frowned as he looked at the two people fighting in the distance.

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