Chen Feng explained: "I'm not Kim Tae-yong's father, and I didn't care about whether he would gamble in the future.

"But I also told you just now that apart from us, Kim Tae-yong will definitely know about the purchase of the 'Varyag' aircraft carrier. The employees are all open, and there must be his confidants inside.

"As for the 'Varyag', I don't know how much time it took and how many twists and turns it took from the time it was purchased to when it arrived at the waters of the Xiangjiang River."

"In this case, I don't want Kim Tae Yong's time bomb to explode again because of gambling, and finally leak the news, ruining my big business."

"So asking him not to gamble in Omen for three years is just a formality. In fact, no matter whether he presses his fingerprint or not, I have already discussed it with He Gambling King, so that he cannot enter any casino in Macau at all!"

"Well, you're still thoughtful. Li Zekai couldn't stop nodding after hearing this, and said, "Speaking of which, I only spent 30 million Hong Kong dollars in cash. This amount of money is not worth mentioning at all for our Longteng jewelry!"

"This trip to Omen, you have made a jewelry order of 135 million Hong Kong dollars, and the profit is at least 100 million!" Li Zekai danced with excitement when he thought of this: "This dragon jewelry is simply a cash cow! "

"Hehe, although the cash cow is good, if there are not enough means to protect it..."

The smile on Chen Feng's face slowly faded, and his eyes flashed brightly: "Then they will be poached by foreign devils, moved away, and become their cash cow!"

"So, the 'Varyag' must be bought!"

"Not only will this help the country, it will also deter those English people in the short term!"

That's right, with the ferment of various non-stop news reports half a month after the end of the Paris Global Jewelry Auction.

The popularity of Longteng jewelry and Longteng diamonds in Europe and the beautiful country has soared, and it seems that they have already challenged the industry leader, the English De Beers company!

Although Chen Feng, in order not to let the face of himself and De Beers be torn early, before leaving Paris, he symbolically "managed" the British Minister of Industry Thomas, hoping that he could blow his wife's pillow , delay for a while.

However, the fact that Longteng diamonds were harvested in Sierra Leone's mines could not be hidden from the English after all.

And they will not just sit still and watch the sudden rise of Longteng diamonds disrupt the pattern of diamond raw materials in the world.

So a week ago.

England put forward the proposal directly at the permanent council meeting of the UN Security Council.

"Plan on Sending Peacekeeping Forces to Maintain the Stability of the Civil War Situation in Sierra Leone and Neighboring Countries"!

Needless to say, this proposal was created by De Beers.

Dragon Kingdom has never paid much attention to African peacekeeping proposals, because that is not the traditional territory of Dragon Kingdom.

England and France are the talkers!

Therefore, with the agreement of the beautiful country, England, and France, and the abstention of the dragon country and the disintegrated Lao Maozi, the five permanent members finally passed the plan with 3 votes and 2 abstentions, and decided to send 3,000 troops to carry out peacekeeping in Sierra Leone, mainly from England!

Send troops to maintain peace?


It is to send troops to Sierra Leone to rob mines!

It's not that Chen Feng is worried that the EO mercenaries armed to the teeth with his own money will not be able to defeat the 3,000-strong English peacekeeping force.

But, if you can repel a wave, what about the future?

In an old capitalist country like England, it is already a routine operation for their capital oligarchs to find the national army to protect their interests.

For the Dragon Kingdom, if there is no country to back it up, the EO mercenaries will be consumed slowly sooner or later, and eventually they will have to give up their share of the diamond mine, or even withdraw from Sierra Leone!

Don't think this is a joke, there are too many shameless operations in Western countries, do you still care about it?

It is clear, even if the Dragon Kingdom has the idea of ​​​​supporting Longteng Diamond, do you have the ability to project troops into the ocean?

You don’t even have an aircraft carrier, so use a submarine to project it? Even if it doesn’t make people laugh out loud!

So after Chen Feng heard that the proposal was passed, his immediate decision was to...

Continue to accelerate the progress of purchasing the "Varyag" aircraft carrier.

Moreover, you must go to Beijing to express your attitude to the upper-level people who can speak.

After the "Varyag" is bought back, as long as it arrives in the Dragon Kingdom, it must be repaired and refitted as soon as possible so that it can sail to the west African waters!

With the aircraft carrier, will the English support for De Beers continue to be maintained?

This is going to be a big question mark!

These truths, of course, were summed up by Chen Feng through years of historical memory in his previous life.

He didn't need to explain too much to Li Zekai, the other party was just his friend and business partner.

Let Li Zekai's investment make money, and it is already an account to the other party.

However, there is no need to explain too much to the other party about the necessity of purchasing an aircraft carrier, which will not only substantially enhance the national strength of the Dragon Kingdom, but also bring about the necessity of such things as Dragon Diamond's sense of security in the future.

Therefore, when Li Zekai heard Chen Feng say "shocking those English people", even though his face was confused, he refrained from asking, just nodded in agreement, and said again.


"Then, when we go to Beijing the day after tomorrow, we will act separately?"

"Well, you go to the front of the stage to make a generous appearance, donate the horse's head, and then receive the award! I believe your father will be happy for you after seeing the report on Xiangjiang TV! I will go and talk to the boss...

July 20, 1992. the capital.

Great Hall of the Masses.

Whenever there is any important event in the Dragon Kingdom, it will generally choose to hold it here, there is no second choice.

Today, many leaders from the upper echelon of Longguo gathered here, as well as invited many Chinese and foreign journalists to witness the historical moment when Mr. Li Zekai of Xiangjiang donated the precious "horse head" from the Old Summer Palace to Longguo Museum!

Li Zekai, who used to be careless in the past, looks extremely formal today.

Wearing a dark black tuxedo, and no longer a fancy perm, just a simple side part, wearing the most orthodox gold-rimmed glasses, standing on the central podium, trying to speak in his non-standard Mandarin .


"...I know, although my passport is still the identity of Xiangjiang, an overseas territory of England."

"But my yellow skin and dark eyes cannot be changed, this is my root!"

"It is an honor for our Li family to donate the horse head to the motherland this time, and it is also a small contribution to the country as a descendant of the Chaoshan Li family."

"Finally, I believe that with less than 5 years left to that day, Xiangjiang people, including me, will work hard to make the Pearl of the Orient continue to shine brightly on the day of its return!"

Crash la la la la...

Applause, the applause of more than a thousand people!

This is compatriots from all provinces of the whole country, from all over the world, to Li Zekai for donating the horse head, praise and affirmation from the heart!

Xiangjiang has been away from Longguo for nearly a hundred years. Many people are worried that even if they return in the future, will Xiangjiang people still love their roots?

After all, there have been endless negative reports about it over the years!

But today Li Zekai used his actions and words to let everyone understand that they still know where their roots are and where their real home is!

Li Zekai did not mention how much the horse head was bought when he introduced it.

But no amount of money can buy that love!

A big leader came to power and put a golden iris flower badge symbolizing national honor on Li Zekai's chest.

And encourage him.

"We believe that patriots like Mr. Li will contribute more to the prosperity of the motherland in the future!"

"Motherland, welcome you seven forever!".

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