At this moment, Jin Tae Yong's face changed drastically, and there was a little more fear in the eyes looking at Chen Feng!

"You have such a small business, of course Mr. Li himself will not come forward."

"It was his second son, Li Zekai, who had this idea and entrusted me to come and find you."

"Here, if you don't believe me, just give me a call and you'll find out."

Chen Feng picked up the mobile phone casually, dialed Li Zekai's number, and handed the mobile phone over.

He and Li Zekai, of course, got through the air earlier.

And when Kim Tae Yong finished the five-minute phone call and handed the big brother back to Chen Feng, his expression became extremely respectful!

Although "Chuangtian" Shipping Co., Ltd. still has 150 million Hong Kong dollars in assets on the surface, in fact, due to Kim Tae Yong's excessive gambling and casual attitude over the years, it has already been emptied out!

Not only is it worthless, but now it has a debt of 30 million Hong Kong dollars!

This time when he came to Xiangjiang, the 150 million gambling funds that Kim Tae Yong raised were actually borrowed positions!

He just wanted to make money, at least to pay off the 30 million Hong Kong dollar debt of "Chuangtian" shipping company!

But I didn't expect that the more I wanted to win, the more I couldn't win. Not only did I not win 30 million Hong Kong dollars, but I also lost 125 million Hong Kong dollars of my capital of 150 million Hong Kong dollars!

To be honest, if Chen Feng hadn’t found him suddenly, Kim Tae Yong’s plan was actually to take the remaining 15 million Hong Kong dollars and run away to Southeast Asia tomorrow after spending the night with that beautiful woman in the dark!

But at this moment, Li Jiacheng's second son, Li Zekai, wanted to acquire the "Chuangtian" shipping company, and proposed a very sincere plan.

You said, how can Kim Tae Yong not be moved?

How dare he offend Li Zekai's "talker" Chen Feng?

Even if the opponent has raised his legs and stared at him with a teasing expression, Jin Tae-yong doesn't dare to bluff to scare the opponent anymore!

After all, the fact that Chen Feng overwhelmed him at the gambling table is nothing compared to whether he will live or die in the future!

Just when Jin Taiyong was extremely excited and felt that he had grasped a life-saving straw, Chen Feng's voice came from his ears again.

"How about it? Do you still need to consider the conditions that Second Young Master Li personally told you just now?"

"Acquisition of the 'Chuangtian' shipping company, and I will pay off all the 30 million Hong Kong dollars immediately after completing the formalities, and I will also give you a three-year operating right for the outer island route of Xiangjiang Wanchai Wharf. Are you still not satisfied?"

These conditions were of course drawn up by Chen Feng, but Li Zekai told Jin Taiyong personally on the phone to make him more convinced.

As for why there is no cash, only debt repayment + 3 years of operating rights for small airlines?

The reason is very simple, if you give a gambler cash, even if it is 10,000 Hong Kong dollars, this guy will immediately find a way to go to the casino and lose everything in minutes, believe it or not?

Although this is taking advantage of the fire and buying at a low price, Chen Feng knows the truth of being a man who stays on the front line. At least let Jin Taiyong have a bowl of food after selling the shipping company. "No matter how great the boat company's achievements are, he won't be in a hurry to jump over the wall and do something wrong.

Sure enough, after hearing Chen Feng's reminder, the expression on Jin Taiyong's face changed several times, and he finally gritted his teeth.

"Second Master Li's condition, to be honest, is already very generous, and I, Jin, shouldn't have asked for more.


"Mr. Chen, do you know?"

"I borrowed a position of 150 million Hong Kong dollars from the trust company in Xiangjiang! I have to repay the principal and interest in half a month!"

"But now I only have the last 15 million Hong Kong dollars in my hand, how can I pay it back? Even if I transfer the 'Chuangtian' shipping company to Mr. Li immediately, this matter can't be dealt with!"

"Unless... unless..."

Chen Feng smiled and lit a cigar, interrupting the other party.

"Mr. Kim, Mr. Kim."

"You haven't been in business for a day or two, why can't you understand this point?"

"The position you borrowed from the trust company, of course you should pay back the money yourself. It's only right and proper."

Listening to Chen Feng's tone, when Li Zekai did not help to deal with the 150 million Hong Kong dollar debt at all, Jin Taiyong's face could not help being darkened.

"However, after the 'Chuangtian' shipping company was sold to Mr. Li, it is also his property. As your old owner, no matter which trust company asks you to collect the debt, it must look at Mr. Li's face, right?"

"Interest is calculated according to the common (cgff) commercial loans on the market. There is no repayment period. You operate the airline and pay it back slowly. With your ability, three to five years, oh no, I will give you seven or eight years." , still pay off the money?"

Of course, Chen Feng couldn't help the gambler to settle the bad debt he borrowed. That would be the price of tofu.

But it is not impossible for Li Zekai to come forward to say hello to the trust company and let them turn short-term usury positions into long-term commercial loans.

Anyway, the purpose of the trust company to release water is to earn interest. You have pushed people into a hurry. If you die or do something terrible, let alone the interest on the position, your principal will not come back. This is not your own trap yourself!

Besides, when Li Zekai was shorting the ruble before, he also borrowed money from trust companies. That wave made them a lot of money. With Li Zekai's wealth and reputation in Xiangjiang increasing day by day, these trust companies dare not give him this little face. what?

So, after such a lot of coaxing, deception and threats, Kim Tae Yong finally signed the contract.

Xiangjiang "Chuangtian" Shipping Co., Ltd. became a subsidiary of Longteng Jewelry on the second day!

Of course, this news does not need to be announced to the public, because neither is a listed company, and there is no need to disclose key information.

Moreover, it is impossible for Er Maozi to know about these internal connections, otherwise, no matter how much money you pay, it is impossible for the "Chuangtian" shipping company to buy the "Varyag"!

Xiangjiang, Shimizu Wine Rulf Stadium.

After returning from Omen, he didn't really entertain and relax in the casino, so he chose to ask Li Zekai to play golf, and by the way, he also talked to the other party about the follow-up matters, after all, it was inconvenient to say many things on the phone.

And the golf course is a seemingly empty, but actually the best place to talk privately!

"Eagle! All right, Ah Feng, you are too smart to calculate. You made the hole two shots ahead of time, and you played beautifully!"

"This game, you beat me by one shot! I'll treat you tonight, haha!"

Accompanied by Chen Feng's chic swing, the white ball was steadily pushed into the hole, and Li Zekai got off the lawn cart, happily took off his gloves and patted him on the shoulder, praising him.

"Haha, let me go! I performed super-level today, and I was in good condition on the spot, so I will accept this meal with a smile.

Chen Feng also took off his gloves and threw the club to the caddy behind him: "Go, wait in the rest area."

After the caddy drove away in the lawn cart, only Chen Feng and Li Zekai were left walking side by side on the huge lawn within a radius of 100 square meters.

"I really didn't expect that you bought the family business of that gambler Lao Jin so easily?"

"Still controlling him to such an extent that he won't go to Omen to gamble for three years under his fingerprints?"

"You guy, what did you do, so powerful?"

Speaking of this matter, Li Zekai's expression of surprise was not at all smaller than the first time the two partnered to short the ruble and made a fortune!.

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