Thinking of this, Chen Fumeng spread his hands helplessly, pointed to the empty table, and said, "Xiaofeng, I can't call that comrade in arms right now..."

"No hurry, anyway, it will take a few days for me to prepare the goods here."

"When the expert team comes over, you can definitely take a break here, and it's not too late to call again when you are resting."

Of course Chen Feng knew the difficulty of the fourth uncle, thought for a while and said.

"it is good!"

While the uncle and nephew continued to chat, the phone in the safe room rang!

"Haha, Cao Cao Cao Cao will be here! This must be news from the expert group! I'll answer the phone first, Xiaofeng!"


Five minutes later, when Chen Fumeng came back, he was all smiles!

"It's done, the expert group has been established, and we will start work here tomorrow morning!"

"You must be with them when the time comes, and then I will also arrange for the second shift of the defense team, and then I can call my comrades!"

"Okay, then it's settled, fourth uncle!"

"Then I'll go back to the company to make some arrangements!"

Chen Feng also happily replied.

Back at the company, Chen Feng immediately started the transaction of the civil aviation aircraft!

In his previous life, Lord Mou used more than 800 wagons of canned food in exchange for 4 planes. Even if Chen Feng is famous now, it is impossible for Chen Feng to get so many canned food on credit at once.

There is not so much inventory in the Northeast!

If you want each factory to work overtime for production, you must pay first, otherwise these loss-making factories will not be able to afford the money to buy raw materials!

So Chen Feng thought about it for a while and then decided, don't make it so big this time!

Just get a civil aviation plane and come back!

But the specific quotation is how much, this is not fixed.

It doesn't mean that I have to follow the price offered by Mr. Mou in the previous life, 200 wagons of canned food.

You have to discuss it with Commander Sergey first, right?

Flipping through his notepad, Chen Feng quickly found the number of the staff officer Eugene left behind by the other party after the last transaction.

Called it, and it happened that Eugene answered the phone.

From the tone of the other party, it can be heard that he is still in a good mood. Presumably, Commander Sergei has made a lot of money from his 250,000 bottles of canned yellow peaches, and this staff officer should also be able to drink soup.

"Chen, is there something good going on this time?" Eugene's voice sounded quite excited.

Chen Feng replied calmly: "Well, I have some requirements for the business this time, so I called in advance. I wonder if it is convenient for General Sergey?"

"The general just came back from inspection, you need to wait ten minutes for me to call him, can you?"

"no problem."

Ten minutes later, I heard the familiar Russian of Commander Sergey!

Eugene acted as a telephone interpreter on the spot, and Chen Feng directly proposed to the other party the idea of ​​buying a civil aviation plane!

After listening to Chen Feng's request, even Commander Sergey was taken aback!

"What? You want to buy a Tu-154 civil aviation aircraft?!"

"This thing is not cheap!"

"Chen, if you want to buy this thing, you can't do it with your canned yellow peaches alone!"

Chen Feng had expected this for a long time and said with a smile: "Hehe, of course I know. However, what if I can provide you with other products such as canned meat, thermos bottles, mink coats, down jackets, sofas, etc.?"

When the old Maozi commander heard so many kinds of goods, he was immediately tempted: "Well... that can be negotiated, how about the price?"

"We are also old friends, Commander. I know you are a very honest person, so please tell me what kind of goods you need here and how many quantities." Although Chen Feng's words sound nice, but in fact he put the question aside to each other.

He wouldn't be so stupid as to make an offer first!

Anyway, Chen Feng knew in his heart that in his previous life, the 4 Tu-154 civil aviation planes cost 800 wagons in total. Your 1 plane is worth 200 wagons!

As long as your asking price is not higher than this number, then I will directly agree; if your asking price is too high, I will not panic in my heart, and I have to cut you to this number anyway, right?

This business was destined from the very beginning that only Chen Feng would take advantage of Lao Maozi, and no Lao Maozi would take advantage of him!

"This... I have to ask first."

"If you're not in a hurry, how about I contact you in an hour?"

Obviously, Commander Sergey has never met anyone who wants to buy an airplane directly.

Although he is a commander, he is the commander of the army, so even though he patted Chen Feng's chest last time and said that he could get the arms traded by himself, he also proposed army military products such as tanks, armored vehicles and army helicopters.

And this Tu-154 aircraft is a civilian aircraft, and it has to be entrusted to someone!

"I'm not in a hurry. You can just call this number after you say hello. I'll be here before I get off work at six o'clock this afternoon."

Chen Feng snickered in his heart, but his mouth was very calm, with a rhythm of "whatever you want".

Hang up the phone, you don't need to think about it, this old Maozi commander must immediately use his connections to inquire about the market of the plane, right?

Sure enough, within an hour, Commander Sergey's phone call rushed over!

"Chen, this thing is really not cheap!"

"I won't lie to you either!"

"50 wagons of canned food! 50 wagons of down jackets! 50 wagons of white sugar!"

"A total of 150 wagons, come and exchange!"

"Let me say yes first, the price is not negotiable, because I also want to find someone, understand!"

"If you can get it, give me a promise!"

Commander Sergey's tone was very serious, obviously he also knew that the price didn't sound low, and Chen Feng might not be able to afford it, so he vaccinated the other party first.

After all, last time, Chen Feng only brought in 2 wagons!

Now it is 150 wagons, that is 75 times as much!

But what Commander Sergey didn't expect was...

"Fifty wagons for each of the three items, a total of 150 wagons, right?"

"no problem!"

Chen Feng gave an affirmative answer after thinking for less than thirty seconds!

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