Shit, the old commander on the other end of the phone was stunned!

You Dragon Country boy... What kind of monster is it?

150 wagons! This is not a small number!

That's all you agreed to?

Don't even have a knife?

Although my price seems to be reasonable, but if you really pay 10 wagons, I can do it too!

Of course, Lao Maozi is not so kind, anyway, if you agree, then I must be optimistic!

Anyway, this Chen can keep his word!

"Okay, then it's settled, 50 wagons for each of the three items, a total of 150 wagons!"

"Change to a new Tu-154 aircraft!"

"Let me say yes first, the plane is new! However, I will not contact you for delivery until all your goods have arrived in Moscow. The process is the same as our last transaction!" Commander Sergey's tone sounded like There is no doubt.

"Yes." Chen Feng immediately agreed.

"Do you have any other questions?"


"Wagons, it would be too slow if we just rely on the idle wagons of the ordinary Longsu International Freight Train!"

"That train departs once a week. I can only contact 10 wagons at most. It will take 15 weeks, or four months, to deliver the 150 wagons. It's too slow!"

"So, I need you, Commander, to help me contact a special train, the kind with at least 50 wagons! In this way, it only takes 3 times to pass out all of them!"

"In addition, you pay for the shipping fee!"

This was the only request made by Chen Feng, and Commander Sergey agreed without thinking about it.

"No problem, I will fix everything within three days, and then let Eugene notify you."


After hanging up the phone, the excited expression on Chen Feng's face could no longer be concealed!

This time, I just changed planes!

He quickly called Hu Li, the company's office director, over.

"Director Hu, notify the company cadres immediately for a meeting!"

"I have important work to arrange for everyone, hurry up!"

When Chen Feng told the company cadres in the conference room about the business of exchanging 150 wagons for a new civil aviation aircraft.

Everyone was dumbfounded too!

This... is this true? !

Chen Feng slapped the table vigorously: "Nonsense! It must be true!"

"Didn't I tell you the first day I brought you here? We are a big business company! It's not a small business!"

"I'm talking about big business right now, and none of you can believe it?"

"Move me!"

"Canned food, this time I will buy some of various categories. It's the same sentence, quality first, don't fix me with expired canned food, whoever will fix me, I will fix who!"

"As for the down jackets, I'll buy them one size up!"

"Lao Maozi is bigger than our Longguo people! In addition, try to choose thick ones, they are colder than ours here! Warmth must be good!"

"The last 50 cars of white sugar, I know that the white sugar is mainly produced in the south!"

"Director Hu!"

"Yes!" Hu Li, the director of the office, heard Chen Feng call his name, and immediately bounced like a spring, loudly.

"Together with Chief Sales Koma, go on a business trip to the south immediately to contact Baitang!"

"We don't need the capital for the 100 wagon cans and down jackets just now."

"This white sugar, I want you two to take the company's cash and go to the south to collect white sugar!"

"I'll give you three days!"

"Three days later, this batch of white sugar must be finished! Ship it to Fengtian within a week, can it be done?!"

This is the first time that Chen Feng has demonstrated his vigorous work style after establishing the company.

But pressure is motivation, Director Hu and Section Chief Ma must not dare to lose the chain at this moment, they both patted their chests and shouted.

"Guaranteed to complete the task!"

The arrangement of the 150 wagons for the plane was finally finished, and when Chen Feng came home from get off work, the lieutenant colonel appeared at home again.

Needless to say, it must be to fulfill the confidentiality procedures again.

"Xiao Chen, I'm here today to inform you that you're going to the factory tomorrow, and the expert team from the capital will arrive tomorrow. You and your father Chen Fumin need to accompany them for at least a week, and put aside other work first." Said calmly.

Chen Feng nodded: "No problem, I heard about it at my fourth uncle's place today, and the work in my hand has been arranged."

"Okay, thank you for your hard work. I have already informed your father when I was at work that you will come here together tomorrow."

"Well, we'll be there early tomorrow morning."

When his father came back, Chen Feng told them about his plan to buy a new civil aviation plane!

The parents were naturally shocked again!

But seeing their son's business grow bigger and bigger, the parents are also very happy!


The next day, after Chen Feng and Chen Fumin arrived at the small factory, Academician Liu Licheng also arrived with a large expert team of more than 50 people.

Along with them, there are also a group of senior workers. After all, experts are only responsible for research, and workers are needed to start and run this machine tool.

Academician Liu Licheng seemed to be in very good spirits. After he arrived, he organized a short meeting for everyone!

The content of the meeting is very simple, there is only one item!

"Comrades, there is exactly one month left before the Spring Festival!"

"Our expert team will work with you to run a nine-axis five-linkage CNC machine tool within one month, and successfully build a modern motorcycle engine production line!"

"This is our task for this month!"

"During the production process, our expert team must carefully record the relevant data and research principles of this machine tool, and strive to obtain its secrets as soon as possible!"

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