After waiting for a few minutes at the entrance of the teahouse, the manager Feng Zhong arrived in his unit's car.

"...Probably the situation is like this. That young Chen is very familiar with the market of civil aviation airliners, so he is not a novice." Su Tianyun took the time to introduce to Feng Zhong as he went upstairs: "I feel that the young man is quite honest, you will have some questions later. For any request, you might as well tell him directly, don't use the same old routine."

"Okay." Feng Zhong helped his gold-rimmed glasses and nodded.

In fact, he has not been the general manager of Shuzhong Airlines for a long time, because it is a newly established civil aviation company, and everything has to start from scratch.

Therefore, Feng Zhong was transferred from the vice president of China Eastern Airlines by the civil aviation department of Longlong, so he has rich work experience.

But who knew that in the past few months of coming to Central Shu Province, other tasks have been progressing smoothly, except for the matter of buying an airplane!

The number of passenger planes exported by Boeing in the beautiful country is limited every year. Shuzhong Civil Aviation was established in April, which has passed the time node of the other party's annual report plan.

Therefore, Feng Zhong would not be able to buy more Boeing 747s. After all, there are still several major civil aviation companies in the country, and their aircraft also need to be updated.

The national civil aviation department had to let Feng Zhong find a way by himself!

It's urgent! Without planes, no matter how powerful the company is, it has no business to do, right?

When Su Tianyun brought Feng Zhong into the room, the two sides settled down after exchanging pleasantries, and Feng Zhong's tone seemed a little hasty.

"...Is it a brand new Tu-154? I have to buy the original factory here. If it is assembled by a few small factories in Suzhou..."

"...The customs side, I need to know the exact delivery time before I can contact..."


Questions came out of Feng Zhong's mouth one after another.

But Chen Feng took his time, flipping through the materials he had prepared with him, and answering each other's questions one by one.

He also showed Feng Zhong the relevant photos, the copies of the production qualifications from Su, and the copies of the aircraft qualification certificates.

"If there is no accident, as long as you, Mr. Feng, complete the payment, it will take a week at the fastest, and ten days at the slowest."

"This brand new Tu-154 passenger plane will land at Chengdu International Airport on time!"

In the end, Chen Feng ended the Q&A with a resolute remark!

"Good! Good! That's great!"

Seeing that the goods can be dumped without needing half a month, Feng Zhong finally breathed a sigh of relief!

However, the most critical price has not been discussed yet!

"Xiao Chen, since you were recommended by Captain Su, we are no longer outsiders."

"Then I'll talk about the price openly and honestly!"

"Our Shuzhong Civil Aviation Company has just been established, and the capital is not much. The budget for this airliner is exactly 100 million yuan, including all miscellaneous expenses! What do you think?" Feng Zhong asked straight to the point.

This price is not bad, but it is 10 million lower than what Chen Feng imagined!

Chen Feng picked up his teacup and sipped tea, pondered for a while before raising his head and said, "This price... is 50 million lower than Boeing 747, Mr. Feng! It's too low! My asking price is 115 million."

"I know... this is much lower than the price of a Boeing 747, but after all, this is the first Tu-154 introduced by Longguo!" Feng Zhong immediately began to settle accounts with Chen Feng: "Xiao Chen, you Look, everyone is not familiar with the new model, so we need a lot of time and money to train our personnel, right?"

"In addition, the passengers have never flown on a plane in Suzhou, so they must have doubts at the beginning. It is estimated that the sales volume and price of tickets will not increase, which also puts us under a lot of pressure."

"So, Xiao Chen, can you think about it for us as appropriate?" Feng Zhong rubbed his hands, and asked nervously: "Give way a little more!"

The other party's words were true or false, of course they couldn't hide it from Chen Feng.

Some reasons are tenable, but some are not necessarily fidelity!

Is Shuzhong Civil Aviation's funds really tight?

not necessarily!

In the previous life, Mou Daoye sold 4 planes directly to the other party in one go!

Although that was until July, there are only two Boeings flying in Shuzhong Airlines now. You can’t say that in just half a year, they have earned money for an additional three planes, right?

Chen Feng also has to think about his own motorcycle production line!

That thing is a rich eater!

The cost of raw materials, production, and labor alone is quite a lot, and if a new brand wants to become famous, it has to hire celebrities to endorse the advertisement, and it will be broadcast on major TV stations, all of which cost money!

So Chen Feng thought for a while and replied: "Manager Feng, I know that what you just said about your company's situation is true."

"You have your reasons, but I also have mine! To tell you the truth, I'm going to open a new factory soon, and I need funds."

"So if you want a discount, you can! But it is impossible to directly cut to 100 million."

"My bottom line is 110 million one!"

"in addition!"

Chen Feng suddenly raised his voice: "Manager Feng, don't think that buying this Tu-154 is just a stopgap measure. Later, when you have money, you will be taken advantage of to buy the Boeing 747 of the Americans. The money will be earned by the Americans. What do you mean?"

"Huh?" Feng Zhong heard something in Chen Feng's words at once, and felt that the matter was not simple, so he frowned.

Chen Feng continued: "The performance of the Tu-154 aircraft is very average, no worse than the Boeing 747! I can guarantee that the market will accept it in a short time!"

"As far as I know, there is still a gap in your company's aircraft, and you can continue to buy a few more Tu-154s in the future! When the new aircraft of the same model will be scaled up, training and maintenance will be more worry-free! Wait a minute Wouldn’t it be better and more cost-effective to consider the Boeing series when the first-generation airliner is updated?”


Hearing what Chen Feng said, Feng Zhongli was shocked!

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