The Disintegration Of Mao Xiong: I Am An Oligarch And I Drive An Aircraft Carrier To Go Fishing

Chapter 67 Create A New Version Of The "Double Citation Project" Yourself! The Big Killer

Thinking of this, Chen Feng was about to go out excitedly, when his mother's voice came from behind him.

"Hey, Xiaofeng, dinner is coming soon, where are you going? Are you waiting?"

"Don't wait, Mom!"

"I'm not coming back for dinner tonight, oh no, I may be on a business trip again in the next few days, please tell my dad!"

Chen Feng grabbed his coat and ran away!

Instead of going to Longteng Motorcycle Factory, he went to Tong International Trading Company!

A boss like Chen Feng, who is elusive, often does not come to the company for ten days and a half months. The previous time, he took the comrades of Huatong Trading to Xiangjiang for vacation.

In addition, during this period of time, the materials for the next transaction with Sergey are still being prepared, and the company has been running normally and smoothly. Even if Chen Feng is not here, everyone is doing their work in an orderly manner.

But I didn't expect that everyone was working overtime, and the excited Mr. Chen rushed into the office directly!

"Mr. Chen! Mr. Chen is here! Everyone stop what you're doing!" Hu Li, the director of the company's office, had sharp eyes. When he saw that Chen was in such a hurry, he suddenly came to the company without notice. There must be something important. He immediately yelled out the instructions.

"Hi Mr. Chen!"

Although no member in the company is younger than Chen Feng, when they saw someone else appear in the office, everyone stood up and said hello to Chen Feng!

"It's okay! Sit down, you are busy! Director Hu, come here!" Chen Feng didn't engage in these nonsense, and directly pulled Hu Li into the small office inside.

Hu Li hurriedly followed in, not knowing what was going on, Chen Feng asked, "Have you read today's international edition of "Longguo Industrial Daily"?"

Hu Li was at a loss: "No. Am I preparing the next batch of trading materials and leading everyone to work overtime? What's wrong?"

"It doesn't matter if you don't read it. Let me tell you a long story short. There was a report in the newspaper that ten Soviet scientists named Sashasky had invented a new type of stainless steel material.

"My motorcycle factory needs this thing very much now."

"So, the next time I go to Suzhou to trade, I need you to bring me that Sashasky back to Dragon Kingdom!"

"Ah? Bring a scientist from the Soviet Union back? Mr. Chen, this... I have never done this before!" Hu Li was stunned when he heard this!

"What are you panicking about? It's not that you haven't been to Suzhou to do business! It's only 26, but this time, besides the plane, you have to bring people back to me!" Chen Feng didn't think it was a big deal, and said again: "Thank you Ergai, I will call in advance to communicate, you just need to get the person back safely, and then find a way to settle me down, let this Sashaski help me with my affairs! Remember, it’s not the kind of business trip for a few days The rhythm, but to really settle people down, understand?"

"I understand. I have to inquire about how to operate this matter." Hu Li finally understood what Chen Feng meant, and nodded.

Is this going to directly poach Sashasky to work in Longguo?

Although Hu Li was well-informed before, he had done all kinds of work.

But directly poaching a scientist from the Soviet Union to return to China, and making people feel at ease to work in the Dragon Country, he has never done this before!

After turning around in his mind, Hu Li came up with an idea: "Mr. Chen, you sit in the office for a while, I'll go find someone and ask how to deal with this matter, and I'll be back later

"Okay, let's go." Chen Feng happened to be about to call Sergey, so he shook hands.

After Hu Li left, Chen Feng immediately called Sergey!

"Commander, it's me."

"For this transaction, I want to buy some extra 'things' from you, and I need your help.

"Haha, Chen, you are too polite! If you have something to say, you can just say it, and I will definitely do it!" During this period, the old commander made a lot of money from Chen Feng's Longguo products, and he immediately responded when he heard this: "What is it?" thing?"

"It's actually a man, a scientist named Sashasky...  

Chen Feng calmly explained Sashasky's background and work unit, and then told the other party that he hoped to invite Sashasky to work in Longguo!

Su State and Long State are similar in many aspects, such as the system of "entering the unit".

Not to mention Sashasky's personal thoughts, just saying that he is still an editorial scientist at the Antonov Design Institute, which means that he has an identity within the system.

This kind of identity is also an iron rice bowl in Su country. It is really not an easy task for the other party to leave it and go to work in the unfamiliar Long country!

It's not just a matter of remuneration, you have to do the ideological work of him first, so that he is willing to give up the iron rice bowl of a design institute in Su State!

And to do this kind of ideological work, the most suitable candidate is Commander Sergei who has a great status in the Soviet Union!

Unexpectedly, after hearing Chen Feng's request, Commander Sergey was also stunned.


"If he needs money and can use it to do work, I believe you won't use it to find me."

"But I am the commander of the army, not the dean of their design institute. Chen, you must know that the army and the design institute are not a system. The other party may not believe what I say!"

"Of course, if you ask me to come forward, I will definitely find someone to communicate with him."

"However, my suggestion is that you'd better find a way to find a relationship with the design institute and communicate directly with Sashasky within them. This is the most suitable way!"

Commander Sergey explained earnestly.

There is nothing wrong with what the old commander said.

Don't say it's not the same system.

Even in the same military system, if you want to find someone from the Soviet Air Force to do something, and you ask Sergey, the army commander, to do it, the other party may not necessarily buy it just because you are the commander!

Not to mention the current situation.

"Okay. Then I will trouble the commander to greet Sashasky through your relationship!"

"I'm waiting for your news."

After hanging up the phone, Chen Feng began to think about the relationship between the Antonov Design Institute, so he lost it by himself?

Thinking about it, Chen Feng suddenly slapped his forehead!

Hey, how did I forget about this one?!

Didn't Anna say that her father is also a scientist, and he was engaged in engine design in a design institute!

I wonder if her father is in the Antonov Design Institute?

So Chen Feng dialed Anna's phone in a hurry.

After inquiring, he got an affirmative answer, and now Chen Feng feels stable!

"Anna, I'll leave this to you."

"Since your father and Sashasky are in the same unit, let him talk to him. You and your father are very clear about my strength. I will definitely give the best to those who come to help me. Great deal!"

"Sashasky wants any treatment, as long as it does not violate the laws of the country, I, Chen Feng, will definitely do it for him!"

Although Anna didn't know why Chen Feng was so eager to get Sashasky to Longguo, she was so clever that she immediately thought of Chen Feng's recent Longteng Motorcycle Factory, "I guess it has something to do with this!

For Chen Feng's request, Anna has always obeyed unconditionally, her heart and soul belong to him, so why not help him?

"Okay! I'll go home and talk to my dad right away."

"However, you also know that my dad was forced to leave the design institute. He may not want to go to the institute to find someone directly..."

Anna voiced her concerns.

"It's okay, you don't need to go to the courtyard."

"I just called Commander Sergey, and he will let someone from the military contact him and make an appointment to meet.

"You can contact the commander's staff later, find a quiet and secret place outside, and let your father talk to Sashasky."

"Remember, no matter what the price is, whether it is money or other requests, I will agree! The condition is that Sashaski's work must be done in the shortest possible time, and he will agree to come to work in the northeast of Longguo !"


Sashasky, a young scientist at the Antonov Design Institute, never thought of it.

He has been working for five years and has been invisible in the courtyard, but today he suddenly received a notice from the military!

Since the establishment of the Soviet Union, it has never stopped fighting imperialism. Of course, this is in various senses, so each national unit also has a corresponding militia organization, and this part is managed by the military.

This afternoon, the militia captain of the design institute suddenly found Sashasky and asked him to go to the headquarters in the suburbs immediately, saying that there were military personnel who wanted to see him!

Although he didn't know what was going on, Sashaski didn't dare to neglect, and immediately rushed over by bus.

In a military camp on the outskirts of the city, he met Eugene, the staff officer of Commander Sergey, and another person...

The famous engine designer of the original design institute, Molotov!

What makes Sashasky wonder is, isn't this Molotokov said to be ashamed to stay in Moscow after being dismissed?

Why is Zhou Zhou Zheng dressed up today, with a flushed face, coming here to meet me?

But soon, he understood why he came here today!

"...that's the way it is, Sashasky."

"I know, asking you to resign and leave the Anjiyuan sounds like a fantasy."

"But it doesn't matter! You don't have to stay in a design institute for a lifetime! The world you come out of is better!"

"Maybe you have heard the sad story of me leaving the design institute from countless people."

"But I'm turning over now!"

"Look at this new mink coat I brought you today! And a case of craft vodka!"

"These are hard to find in Suzhou, and you have to queue for months to buy them!"

"But why can I take it out so easily?"

"It's the young boss surnamed Chen from Longguo who helped! My daughter Anna is now helping him with his business and earning a lot of money!"

"Mr. Chen said that as long as you agree to work in Longguo, he can satisfy any conditions!"

Molotorov made things clear in a few words.

Although up to now, Sashaski has not even seen a single photo of Chen Feng.

But the new mink coat Molotov brought out, and a whole case of craft vodka, is undoubtedly the best and most direct proof.

"Of course I believe you, Master Molotov."

"But this matter is too sudden for me, I need to go back and think about it before I give you an answer, can you?"

Sashasky was obviously moved, but still hesitated.

At this time, Commander Sergei's staff officer Eugene spoke: "Sashasky, I hope you don't miss such a good opportunity."

"You only have one day to think about it. At this time tomorrow afternoon, you must give me an accurate answer!"

"And, I hope yes!"

When an old fritter like Eugene should be arrogant, Sashasky immediately stood up and nodded and agreed: "Okay, I will definitely answer you tomorrow afternoon!"

The next night, in the afternoon Moscow time, the call came and everything was settled!

Sashasky finally has an answer!

He put forward some conditions, but in Chen Feng's eyes, these conditions are not serious!

The first is treatment. At present, Sashasky’s monthly salary is 500 rubles, which is considered a high income in the Soviet Union where the average monthly salary is 230 rubles.

He hopes to obtain a no less than 7

00 rubles salary!

Then there is his family. Sashasky is not very old. He has just been married for four years, has a three-year-old son, and a wife who stays at home full-time.

He proposed to find a stable job for his wife, with low salary requirements, as long as the average salary in the Soviet Union was 230 rubles.

As for the three-year-old son, he needs to go to kindergarten, the kind that can speak Russian.

After Chen Feng listened, he made a decision on the direct phone call on the spot!

"no problem!"

"His treatment is 1,000 rubles a month directly! His wife 500!"

"It's easy for my son to go to kindergarten!"

"In our Northeast, there are also a lot of Da Maozi people living, and they have their own minority kindergartens! Just send his son to school there, and I will cover all the expenses!"

"You ask him directly, when will he be able to complete the resignation procedures and fly to Longguo!"

Chen Feng said to Anna on the other end of the phone.

"A week at the earliest."

"Okay! Then I'll wait for him to arrive!"

After hanging up the phone, Chen Feng couldn't help pumping his fist excitedly!

It's done!

With this new material from Sashasky, you little devils will not bow their heads when the time comes!

Let 017 take a look at the powerful black technology of the Soviet Union, haha!

Of course, it doesn't mean that Sashaski can toss this thing out and apply it to motorcycle production as soon as he arrives in Longguo the next day.

At least for a while.

But with this reassurance, Chen Feng no longer has to pay attention to the threat from Suzuki's laboratory!

Big deal, the foot basin country market, don't worry about it for now!

Let Longteng motorcycles enter the European market first!

The purchasing power of consumers there is very strong, and all the money earned is in Euros!

Oh no, it’s the US dollar! Chen Feng just remembered that it’s just 1991, and the birth of the euro will have to wait more than ten years!

As for what kind of name Sashaski will be placed in after he comes, Chen Feng asked Hu Li to inquire about this matter yesterday.

Simply put, there is no precedent now, that is, it is blank!

Chen Feng, this is the first person to eat crabs!

After all, decades have passed since the days when Soviet scientists assisted the Dragon Kingdom on a large scale in the 1950s.

Even at that time, the scientists of the Su State were still receiving their domestic salaries and subsidies, and had no real relationship with the Long State except for assisting in the work.

The units, state-owned enterprises, and factories in Longguo were unable to effectively manage each other, which led to overnight, after the scientists of Suguo left a large amount of unfinished aid after a single order.

Projects, all back home!

So, after inquiring and inquiring, Hu Li came back and told Chen Feng tactfully.

At present, there is no ready-made example of employing Su people in China.

In this matter, I'm afraid I have to look for "relationships" to see if there is any special way to accommodate it.

So Chen Feng immediately thought of his uncle Chen Fuqiang!

He ran to the economic committee, where his uncle worked, and told Chen Fuqiang about it!

"Xiao Feng, I understand this matter."

"You want to turn that Sashasky into an engineer of your motorcycle factory, so that he can work in Longguo with peace of mind, right?"

Chen Fuqiang said after listening carefully.

"Well. Uncle like this, because it takes a long time from research and development to the production of samples, and finally put into actual mass production applications. This new technology will not

It can be leaked to the outside world, so it is impossible for me to let him complete his work in Su.

"Furthermore, no scientist in Long Country understands his current technology, so we can only bring him to work."

"I know, it's a bit sensational to get a Su countryman to work, but now this matter must be done, so I can only ask you for help!"

"Then tell me, how do you want me to help?" Chen Fuqiang knew that his nephew had an idea, so he asked along with his words.

Chen Feng was already prepared for this, and smiled!

"The Economic Commission where you work now also has the right to suggest policy reforms."

"Here I have a very bold idea..."

The method he referred to was the poaching policy formulated by the Dragon Kingdom in order to introduce electronic experts from the Soviet Union on a large scale after the disintegration of the Soviet Union in the previous life.

"Double Citation Project"!

This "double introduction" naturally means the introduction of talents and technologies from various CIS countries after the disintegration of the Soviet Union. .

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