The Divine Hunter

Chapter 17 The Missing Father

A warm sun wheel quietly tilted from its overhead position to the west sky.

The witcher who returned to Luofuteng Village quickly asked the people in the village all over the place, but unfortunately the information they got overlapped with the confessions of Aggie and Ava.

Until he meets a young man...

At the east end of the village, under an old oak tree with intertwined roots and emerald green branches and leaves in the shape of an umbrella.

A thirteen or four-year-old boy took the initiative to find them.

Compared to the stature of Skellige men, he looked a little too thin. He was skinny under the simple linen coat and gray fur coat, and it seemed that a gust of wind could blow him down.

Hands covered with overworked calluses and frostbite, clearly a child of a poor family.

There are a few freckles on the bridge of his nose, a messy short gray hair, his face was flushed by the sea breeze, his eyes flickered timidly with blue light, and his expression was restrained and hesitant.

"Brother Clotte, Mr. Linus Pitt, are you inquiring about Uncle Altoran?"

"What's your name, boy, do you have any clues about him?" The witcher gave him a gentle smile, and the boy took a deep breath.

The man didn't look much older than him, but with a kind smile at the corner of his mouth, exuding an unspeakable affinity, the boy couldn't help but trust him.

"My name is Yank, and I'm asking you to do me a favor. If you find Uncle Altolan, can you help me and ask him where my father is?"

"Tell me more," Roy raised his eyebrows, "who is your father and what does it have to do with Altolan?"

"His father's name is F**," Clotte couldn't help shaking his head and sighing when he saw the young man's face, and explained on his behalf, "I live in the Tiger Village in the east of Luofuteng Village... But my character is not very good, and I have always been idle, Addicted to gambling, never asked about his wife and children, but it's been a long time since he showed up...sorry, Yank."

"It doesn't matter, what you said is the truth." The boy shook his head, his eyes darkened, "My father used to go to the casinos on Big Skelliger Island to fool around and lose all the money in the family, making his mother sick. Over a year ago...he disappeared."

"Why do you think Ortolan took him?" Roy asked, staring into the boy's eyes.

Yanke pursed his lips and stared at the village where the smoke was rising not far away, "One night a year ago,

After midnight. I was woken up by a soak of urine, got up and went out to pee, but unexpectedly found F** and another man standing under the eaves, whispering in the moonlight, and then they left together and walked into the wilderness. "

"It's a little far apart, I can't hear them clearly, but the man's dress is not in the style of Skelliger at all, and his actions and demeanor are also a bit of a land man's pretentious feeling. I learned that the man's name is Ortolan."

"The next morning, when my father came home, I felt that he had become a little weird. In the past, apart from asking for money, he never said anything to my mother and me, and gave us a little pity and distress, but that day, he looked at us. There's something in his eyes..."

The freckles on Yanke's face were full of surprise, "A little guilty... I wondered what he did with Altolan out at night, and his whole person suddenly changed... So for the next few nights I started to Pretending to be asleep, staring at him, I found out that the two of them had been undercover for a week."

"A week later, in the morning, he took my hand very abnormally and came to my mother's hospital bed, explained a big story to us, recalled the absurd behavior in the past, sincerely repented to my mother and I, and cried heart-to-heart. , like a woman...and make me promise to take good care of my mother in the future."

"After repenting, he left a sum of money on the table and ran away from home, never coming back."

"Why haven't you mentioned this to everyone before?" Clotte patted the boy on the shoulder and said reproachfully.

"Mother won't let me talk about... that money..." the boy twisted.

Clotte suddenly realized that an orphan and a widowed mother had left a gambler's father and received a considerable amount of compensation. There was really no need to tell outsiders, otherwise they might be jealous.

"But why are you willing to tell us now?"

"My mother is sick, and the money is almost spent... And for more than a year, every time I think about the experience during that time, I feel more and more wrong," Yanke glanced at the faces of the two, "F****** The tone, demeanor, and words of the day I left were like explaining and explaining to me and my mother..."

"Last words." The witcher said solemnly.

"Yes! F****** is a gambling man and never cares about his family, but he is my father!" The teenager rubbed his hair and took a deep breath, "I want to know where he went, and his mother's health is getting worse and worse. The better, I can go to the ground to wash and cook, and sometimes I miss my father!"

"His disappearance must have something to do with Altolan!"

That's right, the witcher nodded, held nightly secret meetings for a week, and left a sum of money for the family to go unaccounted for.

There was no doubt that Ortolan had taken him.

"According to you, this money should also be given to your father F** by Altolan?"

The young man nodded.

A trace of pity flashed in Clotte's eyes, and he reluctantly comforted, "Perhaps Ortolan hired your father... and gave him a commission. F****** is a good gambling man, but he is strong, and he is a bodyguard and thug. good choice.”

"Is that so?" The young man's blue eyes were sparkling, and hope rekindled in his heart.

The witcher shook his head, listening to the young man's description, the Archmage's money was more like a sum of money to buy a life, bought the life of a bad gambler, in his opinion, F** may have suffered an accident.

But he didn't break the teenager's hopes.

"How long ago was your father's disappearance, do you remember?" the witcher asked.

The boy answered without hesitation, "I have recorded every month from the day he disappeared to today! A full year and four months have passed."

Roy's eyes sparkled under his sunglasses, and his spirit instantly disappeared into the timeline in his mind.

Two years ago—

Altolan and Ava were married and spent four months on their honeymoon on Inda Island.

Entering a four-month lull.

Entering the two-month derailment period, Ortolan disappeared.

Ava remarried two months later.

Ava spends a year with her new husband.

In this way, the time when the teenage father disappeared was between the period of indifference and the period of derailment.

Altolan first took the gambler F**, and then brought three women who looked like his wives to the island.

Is there some kind of internal connection between two seemingly unrelated events?

Roy couldn't help thinking seriously about a question - the archmage is really a derailed playboy.

Or use these three women and one man to achieve a certain purpose?

He had a strong hunch that the answers to these questions were all hidden in Altolan's secret laboratory on the island.

"Mr. Linus, Brother Clotte, please help me... I just want to have a word with Fern." The teenager pleaded.

"Tell me more about your father's appearance and age." Roy said.

"About six feet tall, one hundred and eighty pounds, strong build, gray hair, bearded, thirty-five..."

"I remember. I'll tell you when there is news, so go home first." Roy patted his shoulder and watched the hesitant young man slowly leave Luofuteng Village.

The witcher glanced at the sunset on the horizon again, and the rosy glow covered the wooden houses with a gorgeous gauze.

"Come on, Ava should calm down, let's visit her again."

To find the Archmage's secret laboratory, he had to start with his once closest wife.

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