The Divine Hunter

Chapter 18 Necklace

"I'm just a poor woman, I finally got rid of the nightmare, can't you let me go?" Ava stood in front of the bonfire, and the light of the fire showed a pure, beautiful and sad face, "I've said everything I need to say. !"

"Madam, after this time, unless your life is at stake, I swear that I will never disturb your peaceful life again." The witcher sitting on the bench opposite the bonfire folded his hands on his knees and stared into each other's eyes. "I learned from Yanke of Creeper Village that Altolan once took his father, the gambler Frandon..."

"Have you seen them act together?"

The woman clasped her fingers together and thought for a moment, "I woke up from a nightmare one night and found that both Altolan and Frandon were at home."

"What are they doing? What were they talking about?"

"I didn't hear it clearly. Later, Altolan only explained that there was an important business to discuss. I was very surprised at the time. What does he have to talk about with a rich businessman and a gambler?"

"How long ago exactly?"

"A little over a year ago..." Ava lowered her face and pursed her lips. "At that time, he had already started to ignore me on purpose, but he hadn't hooked up with other women yet."

Roy patted his knee lightly, which matched Yanke's confession.


"There is another thing. I learned from Aiji, the guard at the port, that the women your husband had an affair with were all prostitutes."

"So what?" Ava wrinkled her tiny nose, her tone full of disgust.

"The three prostitutes look a lot like you, do you have any special ideas?"

"What do you want to explain, he still loves me?" A sarcastic smile appeared on Ava's mouth, and her voice became sharp, "So I found a few substitutes for me, but left me aside? You don't think this is the case. Is it ridiculous to speculate? Whether the person he is looking for is beautiful or ugly, a betrayal is a betrayal!"

"If he still has me in his heart, he won't neglect me, torture me, and make me suffer!"

"Wow--" The loud cry of the baby rang out from the bedroom door, and the woman hurried over, picked up the swaddle from the wooden stroller, and gently patted the child's back.

"Asa, don't cry, mom is here, mom is here."

Roy's eyes swept over the chubby boy with red lips and white teeth inadvertently, his pupils condensed - the boy's white neck is hung with a gray necklace, the pendant is a diamond-shaped stone, carved on the stone. With a small pattern.

Indistinct in the light of the campfire, it looks extremely unremarkable.

But the witcher came within a meter of the child, and the pit viper pendant on his chest began to buzz.

Chaos energy is surging.

He was breathing harder.

"Ma'am, this necklace looks very special." Roy suppressed his excitement and tried his best to speak calmly.

The woman hugged the baby, her delicate profile face exuded a holy light, and a loving smile appeared on the corner of her mouth.

"Fahd gave it to the child."

"No, no, this is what Ortolan left to you, right?"

The witcher looked at the mother and son with bright eyes.

The woman tightened her body, her face pale for a moment, but no longer sophistry.

"Well, you're right, it's a gift from Altolan... It doesn't look worth much, so I put it on him."

You are so wrong, it's worthless! ?

Roy roared in his heart, and his pupils shone with deep light——

Guardian Pendant

Material: obsidian, silver, magic, halite, evil spirit dust, wheel injection dust, periwinkle...


Physical protection, energy protection, evil spirit protection, disease resistance...

After each activation, the amulet will automatically draw Chaos energy from the air to replenish consumption.


The witcher has never seen such a powerful enchanted trinket, with several useful functions and auto-charging.

According to his estimates, the necklace is worth tens of thousands of crowns.

"So this child is Altolan's own flesh and blood?"

"Before he disappeared, I was pregnant for several months, and after I remarried Fahd, I gave birth to Yasa, and Fahd didn't mind that.

Ava's gentle gaze turned to the wooden window, towards the sea, with a sweet smile on the corner of her mouth, "He regarded the child as himself. "

Under the witcher's observation, this baby was just an ordinary boy, without any magical powers.

He failed to inherit his father's magical talent.


Under his mother's gentle comfort, the child stopped crying, holding one of his mother's fingers, and looking at the witcher curiously with his big black eyes,

Roy was caught in conflicting emotions.

Even if the mage is rich, he will never give away such a precious enchanted pendant easily.

"Altolan..." The witcher couldn't help sighing, his eyes locked on the pendant on the baby's neck, trying to see the pattern on it clearly. "He must attach great importance to this child. He loves the child very much. And if you leave the necklace, it means that you still have him in your heart."

"No, you don't understand anything!" Ava seemed to be stimulated by some kind of stimulation, and suddenly let out a low growl, glaring at the witcher, "I hate him! The necklace is just... just kept as a souvenir..."

"He doesn't love me and the child either! His behavior before he disappeared is unforgivable!"

"What did he do to you?"

Roy lowered his voice.

"I didn't say that besides emotional betrayal, he has more terrible mistakes." The woman shook her head and gave the last clue, "I broke down and committed suicide because of his well-known cheating scandal. He saved his life. He took me and gave me a quick recovery, I thought he would change."

Ava pursed her lips tightly, fear flashed in her bright eyes,

"But that night I woke up from my sleep and saw him standing in front of my bed, holding a fish-killing knife and looking straight at me."

"That kind of look, I saw it on pirates who went out to sea and loot when I was very young." The woman shrank her shoulders and took the child into her arms, "I could feel it—he wanted to kill both of us at the time. "

Ava hugged the child and sobbed, and even the beauty mole at the corner of her mouth was dyed red with tears.

The baby felt his mother's grief, and accompanied his mother to cry.

"Under my begging, he left without saying a word. But I could see he was hesitant and reluctant!"

"How can a father have such a beastly idea? This is more desperate than cheating!"

"Although he spared my life and my child's life, I don't want to see him again!"

"He fulfilled me, he disappeared by himself."

The witcher remained silent until she had vented her emotions and wiped away her tears.

She was sweet with her for four months, and then left her in the cold, cheating on outsiders.

The talisman that is worth thousands of gold left to the child has disappeared without a trace.

He just saved his wife who committed suicide, and wants to kill her again with a knife.


Altolan's actions became a word in the witcher's mind - paradox!

The witcher can only think like this - he took the gambler, and the three prostitutes who looked like his wife, and finally wanted to kill his wife himself, all in order to achieve a certain goal?

But when the time came, he regretted it.

And to solve these mysteries—

"Mrs. Ava, I have an unkind request... Could you lend me this necklace to use?" the witcher pleaded, "I promise to return the original at most tomorrow, or what do you want? "

"I only have one request!" The woman hugged the child, looked back at Roy, tears flashed in her beautiful eyes, and pleaded hoarsely, "Don't mention that name to me again, don't disturb our family again! Please!"


With a click, the wooden door opened and closed.

The witcher held the necklace in his hand before his eyes, and the dim light illuminated the delicate carvings on the pendant - a star-shaped pond, and three willow trees by the pond.

A strong intuition told him that this had something to do with Altolan's secret base!

"Mr. Linus..." Clot, who had been waiting for a long time, said to the witcher, "I've already found a tavern for you to stay in. It's in the Big Lobster Tavern, which has delicious wine, food, and even some special services, including your satisfy."

"Don't worry, man, you call yourself a tour guide, and you must know all the sights and terrains of Indalsfail like the back of your hand?"

"I'm not bragging," the tour guide smiled proudly and pointed to his flowing blond head, "Is the map of the island memorized here?"

"Have you seen this place?" Roy showed him the necklace.

The latter stared at the pattern on the pendant, but after ten seconds, his expression changed.

"I remembered it was in the woods near the no-man's land to the north! I fished in this pond a few years ago!"

"lead the way!"

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