The Divine Hunter

Chapter 22 The Messenger of God

The fire, the screams, the screams, the wailing, tore apart the silent night.

The Sacred Forest burst into the sky with blood.

The flower beds in the courtyard of the Temple of Freya fell to the ground, the blooming flowers were ruthlessly trampled on, and several priestesses fell in a pool of blood near the gate of the temple, the blood stained their white burqas and the cold marble under them. On the floor, the young and beautiful face was frozen with fear before his death.

Between several dignified and solemn temple buildings, the pale golden curtains were ignited by flames, and the dazzling flames illuminated the messy hall. A group of crazy men rushed among them, rummaging through boxes and overturning cabinets.

The beds, tables and chairs, candlesticks were thrown into a mess.

They greedily stuffed the delicate silverware in the lockers, the gold containers, and the coins in the donation boxes into the linen bags.

Tear the books and documents of the holy scriptures and dogmas that recorded the Sunnah of Freya's holy words into pieces, sway them all over the sky, and burn them to ashes with laughter!

There were also a few thugs who were ravaging the poor priestess who had no resistance in the corner of the temple. Listening to their wailing and screaming, the smiles on their faces became brighter.

On the other side, a dozen or so priestesses circled around the gardens and halls with the pirates. The pirates were like leopards hunting duikers. struggle for fun!


Mokwag stood in front of the corpse of Yudai Yuwen, the high priest of Uva, and looked around. The quiet and solemn temple in the past had been reduced to a ruined wasteland in his hands, and a pride surged in his chest. "What is Freya, the mother of the bullshit, under my hands, she is just as small as an ant!"

"Why are you standing there?!" He turned around abruptly and glared at the motionless subordinates behind him - a total of five pirates did not join the team of burning, killing and looting, standing behind his deputy Aina.

"Stop it, Mokvargo! Before, you asked us to attack Nilfgaard and the seven Skelliger families, and we will follow to the death!" Aina held the battle axe in her hand and looked at the captain without fear. " But today's looting was a total mistake!"

"Have you forgotten? We have to pray to Freya every time we go to sea. She blesses us. She is the mother of all Skellige people! I will never sin against you today!"

"Boss Mokwag, the priest of the goddess has shown a miracle just now!" The pirate who had a scar on his face and was treated just now shook his head, "If you offend the goddess, you will be punished, and the sinner will be better off dead!!"

"Stupid! Even an ordinary Skellige woman,

In the face of invaders, they also know how to wave hoes and harpoons to resist, but look at this goddess and her priests? "Mokwag's expression was extremely contemptuous and disdainful." Their performance is not as good as that of women on land? ! "

"The law of the jungle is the truth! What qualifications does Freya have to become the god of Skellige? It's better to give me a mortal to sit in that position!" Mokwagg's eyes slowly swept over the five former subordinates, but none of them were still there. Move, but quietly clench weapons and shields in a defensive stance.

Mokwag's narrow eyes shot a cold light, and his cheeks tightened, "Forget it, you cowards, after tonight, get out of my dragon boat! You are no longer the greatest pirates in the archipelago!"

"If you are willing, stick at the door like an idiot and wood, and appreciate my feat!" Mokwag dragged his bloody sword and rushed straight into the center of the temple, the splendid main hall!

Several crazy-looking pirates are destroying the white candlesticks on both sides, the overturned flower beds, and the lifelike statues of sacred animals.

Only the statue of the Virgin in front of it still stands.

Mokwag strode up to her, his eyes suddenly condensed.

Suddenly, he felt the pale stone eyes of the statue and blinked at himself - thunderbolts, violent storms, and earth-shattering thunder exploded in his mind!


Mokwag's brain was suddenly stinging like a needle, and he shook his body, covering his mouth and nose, and a warm liquid poured out, and his fingers were full of red blood.

And the pirates who were wreaking havoc around him couldn't help but stop.

"Boss Morkwag,'re bleeding!"

"Haha, what are you afraid of, let me continue! Don't stop!" He shook his head and smiled, wiping his nosebleed with his clothes at will, and jokingly looked at the statue's graceful and dignified face. Leia, what's your ability? It's not enough for me to warm up!"

"Keep hurting me! Let me see your miracle!"

However, the statue did not respond any more.

Morkwag looked at something around her neck, a rose-cut aqua-blue diamond.

It was the size of a fist, and it shone as brightly as the summer sky.

"The legendary 'Jade of Passion', Freya's treasure..."

Mokwag squinted, licked his lips, his expression greedy diamond,

"In the future, let me take care of it!"


The statue of Freya was kicked to the ground by him!

Mokwago aimed the tip of his long sword at the "Jade of Passion" embedded in his chest and swayed it vigorously.


"Boss Aina, what should we do next?" At the gate of the temple, a pirate with a gray turban flashed with anger in his eyes, "Would you like to stop them?"

"Are you crazy?" Another pale-faced pirate shook his head, "We are only five people, how can we fight with fifty of them who kill red-eyed lunatics? We should go, we didn't offend tonight. God Freya, she has a lot of adults, so she won't care about us!"

"Boss Aina, it will be too late if you don't leave."

The bearded deputy rubbed his arms with the uniquely shaped wolf tooth necklace. This is his ancestral wolf tooth with magical cursing ability, and it has not come in handy yet, "We just walk away like this, we will definitely be killed by the fox. Leia blames it for the inevitable bad luck in the future, and we have to put in a little effort to atone for it."

"It's impossible to kill these stupid and arrogant blasphemers! Their leader Mokwag must be punished!"

"Guys, look over there!"

Standing at the bottom of the steps, the pirate looked back by chance, suddenly widened his eyes, and said in a surprised tone.

"There's someone there!"

"Don't be so surprised and scare people! At night, I don't believe that there are still people coming to the pilgrimage?"

"A man in a black cloak is approaching!"

A light wind blows.

In the last second, the man had just stepped on the sacred stairs, at least twenty meters away from them.

next second.

There was a flower in front of the five people, and there was a strange figure in front of them.

A black cloak shrouded the whole body, two uniquely shaped long swords crossed behind him, and a pair of different-colored pupils shot out a terrifying cold light in the firelight and blood light.

"Aina?" Roy's thoughts turned, and combined with the memories in his mind, he instantly understood the current situation.

Tonight is the day that the legendary pirate Mokvargo invaded the Temple of Freya!

The pirates were divided into two groups, one was burning, killing and looting, while the other stayed out of the way.

And this Aina was the one who made Morkwag put on a wolf's skin in the future.

Then the meaning of that mysterious call becomes clear. Help a goddess?

"You, are you a human or a ghost? How do you know my name?"

The bearded deputy trembled like a cat with fried fur, pulled out his weapon, and pointed the tip of his long sword at the witcher as if facing a great enemy!

"I am the messenger of God Freya, come to cleanse the sins!" The witcher said righteously, and the beast-like vertical pupils swept across the cheeks of the five.

Immediately, an invisible and huge pressure was pressing on the face like a towering mountain.

The palms of the five were sweating, and they were almost out of breath.

"Aina, there are four more. Since you haven't attacked the priestess of the goddess, just stay here honestly, plunder for me, and don't let any sinners go!"

As soon as the words fell, the witcher pointed to the open space in front of him, and an ice element with a height of more than two meters and covered with solid ice drilled out of the lavender spherical door of annihilation and appeared at the entrance of the temple.

With two huge arms stuck at his waist, he was as motionless as a door god, and his icy blue eyes had no human emotion.


The bowstring vibrates!

The space suddenly distorted.

The tall figure just disappeared without warning.


The five of them swallowed saliva in unison.

"Did you hear me, guys!" Aina glanced at the ice element, with hope burning in her eyes, and raised her arms and shouted, "The messenger of the goddess has come to save the field, let's stay here to atone!"


"Haha... Keep running, two little darlings, can't run so soon? I haven't had enough fun yet." A man in blue cotton armor who was as strong as a bear smirked, turning his wrists flexibly. The swaying blade slowly approached the corner of the courtyard.

The curtains hanging under the eaves were cracked by the flames.

A young woman in a white robe, Sigurdrefa, opened her hands like a hen protecting her calf, standing in front of a petite, thin, trembling girl, cursing the pirate with a trembling voice,

"Stop it! Sinner! You are offending the majesty of the goddess, and you will be punished if you make mistakes again and again! As long as you dare to touch us, I curse you to fall into hell forever!"

"Go on, be louder, I'm waiting for your curse, it's as pleasant to sing as it is! It's just to cheer up our next fun!" The man was even more excited when he heard the words, his facial features huddled together, "Maybe Freya's curse will be in the future. Like a scar on our body, a symbol of honor!"

"Come on, crown me, give me honor, your goddess, it's useless!"

"Come here, little darling!" The man grabbed Sigurdlyfa's clothes and tore off the burqa with his big black-haired hand, revealing her smooth and jade-like shoulders.

"Go away, go away!"


The sound of sharp blades piercing the flesh.

Liquid splashing sound.

Sigurdlyfa and the girls behind her held their breaths in horror.

The wild laughter on the face of the arrogant man suddenly solidified.

A sword pierced his neck, and the bone and jade-like blade reflected white light.


The shadow behind him pulled out the blade cleanly.

The blood flowers flew like fallen leaves, spraying the priestess all over her face.

The pirate made a muffled "uuuuu" in his throat and fell head-on beside the priestess, his cheeks buried in the filthy dirt, his hind feet twitching.

And Sigurdlyfa, who folded her arms in front of her chest, saw a grotesque and terrifying scene——

The pirate on the left who was violent in the flowers trembled, a long sword passed through his lower back, he was like a field mouse caught in a pitchfork, his limbs stretched back, and he breathed without a word.


A vague shadow flickered in the brightly lit courtyard.

In the corridor on the west side of the courtyard, a burly man who was chasing a girl with a pale face trembled, his bald head rose into the air, and rolled ten meters away.

Like a fountain of blood gushing out from the broken neck, the headless corpse continued to run a few steps towards the screaming priestess under the action of inertia, leaving a blood-soaked path.

Kneel down on your knees, then your chest and abdomen.

And the blond girl who escaped the catastrophe fell into a sluggish state, and her pupils were filled with white jade-like sword light!

It danced in the garden like light from the moon.

In the sound of "咻咻" breaking through the sky, a swift black shadow bathed in ethereal firelight, galloping and swept across the night sky, so fast that the wide cloak behind him is like a huge European nighthawk spreading its wings in the night. !

Sometimes it swoops to the ground, sometimes it soars into the sky.

The sound of the sword and the vibration of the bowstring are his trembling voices of lamentations dedicated to the dead.

Every time it landed, there was bound to be a pirate who snorted and splattered blood on the spot.

Couldn't even cry.

Killed in one hit.

In just five seconds, more than ten pirates unknowingly lost their lives. A group of priestesses escaped from the tiger's mouth and rushed to the corner of the garden, like small animals hugging each other for warmth, huddled back to back.

"Are you all okay, woo woo... What happened, who saved us? Has the goddess appeared?"

Said a priest who was crying like a small cat.

"Yes! Freya is saving us! Punishing the murderer!"

A girl with red and swollen slap prints on her cheeks gritted her teeth and said,

"Ugh, but Priest Uvar died. Many sisters died! We are the only ones left!"

"Why are you crying! Woohoo... The souls of the sisters have entered the palace of the goddess!"

The priestesses clenched their pink fists, and their teardropped faces were filled with sadness, fear, and excitement!

The three robbers raging in the temple house noticed an unusual movement-why did their brothers who were screaming and having fun suddenly lost their voices, so they rushed out side by side.

However, they had just left under the eaves and stepped into the marble slab.

A terrible wind suddenly blew in the courtyard.

The wind was blowing, the roof of the temple creaked, and the sashes slammed.

Like the heartbeat of three people-

The black cloak broke through the void and appeared ghostly. Bowing to knees, holding the hilt in both hands, the pale blade swept across—

"Puff puff-"

The long sword made of keel pierced the chain armor, cotton armor, and three flesh-and-blood flowers without any hindrance.


A group of pirates from another house rushed into the courtyard with axes, swords and shields, shouting.

The shadowy figure disappeared, and the next second was like a god of death descending from the sky.

The white sword blade that was raised vertically above his head volleyed down and slashed down a blood-colored sword energy.

"Puff puff-"

Flesh and blood flew.

The three pirates were like firewood split by a hatchet, split in half from head to toe.

The viscera of the falling blood is as delicate as a blooming red rose.

The person at the back was sprayed all over the face, and it was too late to react.

"call out-"

The witcher pulled the trigger.

A very slight air explosion sounded in front of him.

The man's body trembled, his eyes lost focus instantly, and there was a blood hole the size of a little finger between his eyebrows.

And behind him, the two companions standing side by side also had a small blood hole in their heads, and their faces still maintained the expression of anger and roundness on their faces.

Through the hole, a small half-feather arrow could be seen on a wall ten meters away, and the feather trembled slightly.

"Plop plop!"

When the night wind blew, the three bodies fell one after another.

In just one second, a slash, an arrow.

Six pirates died one after another.

There was no more thugs standing in the courtyard.

The scorching blood was changing with scarlet rays of light.

A figure stood in it.

He was holding a long sword like white jade, and the blood on the sword dripped to the ground.

The priestesses finally saw clearly the savior who killed the pirates - a young man with a blank face, with heroic eyebrows and deep eyes, shining with dark gold and silver-gray light.

He was slowly wiping the flesh on the blade with the clothes of the dead man.

The moon behind it was as red as blood.

He noticed the eyes of the priestesses and nodded reassuringly to them.

"Don't be afraid, just wait a little longer."

The voice fell.

A strong bearded man rushed out of the main hall of the temple, carrying a trembling sack with a corner of the golden water bottle exposed at the mouth of the bag.

As soon as he looked up, he saw the man standing among the corpses.

Four eyes facing each other.

The witcher stepped on the pool of blood, sword in hand, and stepped in front of him.


Gold and Iron Strike!

From top to bottom, the mottled one-handed axe in his right hand slashed the Demon Hunter's left shoulder, but was intercepted by the blade halfway!

The face of the axe cracks at a touch.

The witcher went straight over his body, pulled a sword horizontally between the electric light and flint, and pulled a huge gap in the man's neck - the trachea and cervical vertebra were broken, and only a layer of skin adhesion remained on the back of the neck.

He fell hard, his head rolling out like a ball.

Bags full of gold and silver utensils and coins fell on his back like funeral objects.

The witcher dragged the bloody long sword, like a dragon lizard flicking its tail, and rushed into the main hall of the temple with windy footsteps.

At the entrance of the temple, the rebellious pirate Aina led four subordinates and the ice element to kill, and four corpses were stacked under their feet.

And the fifteen priestesses in the corner slowly followed.


The once solemn and splendid palace has become chaotic and bankrupt.

A dozen pirates are wreaking havoc on the temple building.

And a strong man with star tattoos on his bare arms was reaching for the waistband of his pants, ready to pee on the statue of Freya.


The witcher's eyes swept across the man, and a strong sense of disappointment and doubts arose in his heart - this legendary pirate who did all evil and was extremely arrogant, his physical fitness and fighting strength were only better than ordinary people.

Goddess Freya, Skellige's highest belief, is powerless against dozens of mortals now?

He just watched his priests being slaughtered, and even turned to an unbeliever and a witcher for help.

What is the reason?

"Who the hell are you? Where's my brother?" Mokwagg hurriedly lifted his belt and cursed at his nose.


A dozen pairs of eyes glared at the witcher, and a dozen pirates pulled out the sharp blades around their waists, bared their white teeth, and pressed closer step by step.

Roy turned his head and swept away, smiling warmly as if welcoming a guest.

"Your brothers are waiting in hell for your reunion, hit the road."

"Chop him into meat sauce!"

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