The Divine Hunter

Chapter 23 3 Questions

The sacred owl circled over the temple, screaming shrill!

The priestesses stood outside the main hall.

Fourteen of them squatted on the ground, folded their hands, closed their eyes and recited Freya's holy name silently, as if they were doing a daily evening prayer.

The thin body under the robe trembled with the sound of sharp knives piercing the flesh, wailing, and groaning from the main hall.

The eldest, with a calm personality, Sigdelifa calmly looked into the main hall, with fire, sword, and blood light reflected in his pupils.

A figure with golden light flashed around the main hall at high speed around a dozen pirates.

He stirs the blood and rain of anime like a meat grinder on the battlefield. The weapons, armor, and flesh and blood of pirates are disintegrated under the sword, and there is no enemy of unity.

One person burst out with the momentum of thousands of troops.

What was even more bizarre was that a blood-colored tentacle was entangled behind him, and as he swung his sword, it slapped the enemy like a serrated python.

The pirates who were attacked seemed to have been immobilized, unable to move, craned their necks, and allowed the witcher to beheaded!

Less than ten seconds.

The fighting and noise in the hall were cleared up.

Among the stumps on the ground and the blood in the sky, only two people were left standing opposite each other.

"Who are you, Your Excellency?!"

In front of the statue of Freya lying on the ground.

Mokwag's face was stiff, his eyes flickered, his hands and feet were weak, and he could hardly hold his sword and shield.

In less than ten seconds, the brothers who accompanied him from birth to death and experienced hundreds of fierce battles turned into mutilated corpses all over the ground. He had never seen such a terrifying skill, it was like a nightmare.

A huge sense of powerlessness enveloped him, and he understood that this guy was absolutely invincible.

Behind the witcher, his arms were thick and bloody, and every time he waved, he seemed to be singing a hoarse lament, awakening the memory of fear in his heart.

Countless terrifying visions flooded his mind.

Merchant sailors whom he robbed and killed in the past,

Old people, women and children screamed and crawled up the grave of the bloody corpse, and their bloody palms grabbed his legs, as if to drag him into hell together!

The pirate chief lowered his head, and he could no longer see the slightest arrogance and arrogance in his expression!

"Who am I? Isn't it the messenger of God Freya who was spurned and insulted by you! Aren't you going to chop me into meat sauce?" Don't let me down, a pirate who dares to insult Freya, how can you be afraid of a mortal body like me, with a steel sword in my hand?"

"Aren't you always a rat who bullies the soft and fears the hard?"

"Don't you have a lot of energy when you hurt unarmed priests?"

The witcher threw the weapon directly at his feet.

"I-I'm joking with you." Mokwagg gritted his teeth, and also dropped his weapon, with a smile that was even uglier than crying, "How dare we go against a big man like you?"

Morkwag took a step back, cleared his throat,

"I just asked the brothers to accompany you to warm up and try your skills."


He watched the witcher's face,

"It turns out that you are more powerful than I thought! You are fully qualified to join my fleet! Become the new deputy captain on the Sea Lion!"

"With you joining, my fleet will be even more powerful. When we join forces, let alone Skellige, the entire North Sea, no, including the marine area of ​​Nilfgaard, will become our territory!"

"What practical benefits can Freya give you?" Seeing the witcher's silence, Mokwag further emphasized, "Have you seen this legendary goddess, even dozens of pirates in our area can't do it? Handle!"

"She really doesn't deserve to be called a god!"

"She can't give you anything!"

He stretched out his hand to the witcher with a warm smile.

"Besides, as long as you cooperate with me, all the gold and silver jewelry harvested today will belong to you!"

"And tomorrow, your name will be heard all over the world!"

Roy's mouth curved, his smile full of disdain.

"I can give you more!" He immediately increased his chips eagerly. "I have loan businesses in Novigrad and Ron Esset. As long as you cooperate with me, I will transfer the business to you!"

"Adding up these sums of money, ordinary people will spend more than ten lifetimes!"

"I'll give you the jade of passion!" He took out a beautiful aqua blue diamond from his arms, "This thing is worth a fortune!"

"Not bad for being the 'greatest' pirate in the archipelago, how dare you woo me at such a time? But sorry, I'm hard-headed, I can take what I want by myself!"

Roy shook his wrist and drew a circle on the ground with the blood that slipped from the tip of the steel sword, "Now tell me the truth, how many people do you have? Where is your ship? The greatest pirate in the whole Skellige, shouldn't There are only twenty or thirty people in this area, right?"

He rolled his eyes and answered honestly,

"This time, in order to avoid disturbing the old Donna Ann Sindar, I only brought less than one-fifth of my men."

"As for the two ships...", "It's moored in the sea to the north, how about I can take you there now?"

"As long as you spare my life, I am willing to transfer the position of captain to you in front of all my subordinates, and I can also be my deputy!"

"How is it, Your Excellency the new captain?"

Roy suddenly tilted his head and made a gesture of listening, "The conditions are very tempting, but unfortunately, goddess, I don't want to forgive you!"


An afterimage and a triangular charm flashed across Mokwag's eyes, and the whole figure was stunned in place like a puppet, staring at the air.

The witcher took the "Jade of Passion" from him

"Come in, everyone!"

Sigurdlyfa, who had been peeking outside the door, led a group of sisters into the hall after hearing this. A trace of great vengeance to be avenged.

"Who are you, your Excellency, a believer of the goddess? Why do you want to help us?"

"You can think of me as Freya's messenger, ordered to come to crusade sinners." Roy put his sword back, lifted the statue of the goddess, put the diamond back into the groove on his chest, and pressed it.

"Now this pirate leader Mokwag has temporarily lost his resistance, I will hand him over to you, but he is extremely sinful, it is best not to let him die too happily!"

"Are you?"

Some girls carefully picked up the bloody weapons on the ground and awkwardly surrounded the pirate chief.

Someone found thick ropes and began to tie his hands and feet.

"Me? I have to destroy his foundation!"

Leaving a sentence, the witcher strode out of the main hall.

And a group of delicate and weak priestess, watching his distant back, and the flowing black cloak, with gratitude and respect in their eyes.

The messenger of the goddess, how powerful and full of charm!

Once again, he turned to the stunned pirate leader who was bound by the five flowers. His originally gentle eyes glowed red, and he became extremely hateful!

It's all gnashing of teeth.


"The five of you have done well, and you can make up for what you have done." The witcher walked to the gate of the temple. The five pirates headed by Aina were panting, their armor and weapons were covered in blood, with a bit of confusion in their fierce expressions. The bodies of the companions who offended the goddess were already lying under their feet.

The ice spirit has run out of time and has disappeared.

The witcher patted Aina on the shoulder with admiration, "Continue to work hard to make amends, stay here, I'll come when I go."



The witcher's shape flashed with the arrows... over the thick bushes, the woods howling in the night wind... and disappeared into the depths of the night.

Indalsfair Island, North Bay.

The witcher stood on the steep reef on the edge of the island and looked at it with extreme eyesight, and it was faintly visible that two dark dragon boats were moored in the sea, motionless, like evil beasts lurking in the shadows.

The bare masts that sway gently with the sea breeze are their vicious spines.



The cloaked man standing on the cliff rose and fell several times in the sky like a bird, and unknowingly landed on the collision angle in front of the dragon boat on the left.

Looking around, more than fifty heavily armed pirates are sitting on the deck waiting in battle.

The helmsman heard the strange sound of breaking through the air, stared at the direction of the collision angle, and rubbed his eyes.


The crossbow bolt pierced through a large mouth, and a cloud of bright blood and white brains burst out from the back of the head.

The helmsman fell back without a word.

"Be vigilant! Enemy attack!"

On the dragon boat, there were sharp shouts and horns, and someone lit a torch.

The firelight illuminated the sneer at the corner of the man's mouth.

"Sinners! Freya's punishment is here!"

"Whoosh whoosh—"

With the continuous vibration of the bowstring, the three pirates' heads blossomed!

The fourth arrow, a small black arrow penetrated several other bodies, shooting a hole in the fir deck.

The densely packed swords swung wildly at the witcher.

"To bully less with more, right?"

Roy thought aloud.

The whole dragon boat suddenly made a loud "bang" and shook violently!

The pirates stared wide-eyed, and a huge shadow landed in the middle of another ship.

Moonlight and firelight revealed its ugly face and its four-meter-tall, rock-muscle body, and a poplar tree in its right palm of astonishing latitude. It was so heavy that the entire dragon ship and the pirates on board began to sway.

"Ice Giant!" The man's exclamation penetrated the night and was drowned by the strong wind.

It swept the willow tree horizontally in its hand, and with a "click", the towering mast collapsed in half, knocking down a group of people.

At the same time, as it exerted its force, the stench on the ice-blue skin that was comparable to canned herring diffused into the air!

The pirates were instantly stuttered by the stink!

"Ah,! The monster is here, but you can't beat it, run, run!"

After a series of exclamations, the giant jumped again, a huge black shadow passed over the hull, jumped ten meters, from the center of the ship, fell to the stern, and at the moment of landing, Big Feet took the three pirates who were trying to escape by jumping off the boat. Stepped into meat sauce!


The ice giant opened his bloody mouth and tapped his chest with his right hand. The ancient roar erupted, and the ice-blade-like cold wind blew vigorously. A group of pirates were like the shivering prey under the dragon's might!

And the ruby-like eyes looked at the pirate on the other side who was waving the sword in a panic, it grinned and launched a charge!

"Bang bang bang!"

The dragon ship swayed like a storm at sea!

The dozen or so pirates who were blocking the way were hit by the speeding carriage. At the moment of contact, their bodies deformed into the air, their bones were broken, and they fell into the sea without moving.

And the sword that swung at the giant, the arrow that fell on it, at most cut through its skin, and was stuck in it by the hard horny.

It's like a hungry wolf wreaking havoc in the poultry pen! Invincible!


After the giant charged, the few remaining pirates no longer had the will to fight, and jumped into the sea like dumplings.

Swim to the island, they still have a way to live.

Stay and die!

When the giant saw this, he didn't stop him, his rough hands grabbed a pirate at will, and hung it in front of his mouth. When he was about to bite his head, he hesitantly glanced at the witcher on the other ship.

Thinking of the rules he set, Nian Nian reluctantly shut his mouth.

Shaking his head and throwing all his strength, the shouting man suddenly turned into a meteor and fell into the sea!

A blood flower blooms on the sea.

"Bang bang bang!"

It began to swing the willow tree, smashing the deck frantically, sawdust flying, and the hull was smashed with holes and holes.


On the left dragon boat.

More than forty mad pirates were crowding towards the witchers in the bow, and a jungle of swords swept in.

An ice element shield stood in front of Roy, blocking the tidal wave of pirates, and under the old Frost Fist, these flesh-and-blood bodies were broken with one punch.

And the witcher's right hand pulled the trigger continuously, and in the sound of "whoosh, whoosh...", the arrow passed through the gap between the limbs of the ice element, and every second, two people must be shot down by the arrow.

His left hand was not idle either. The five fingers were outlined, forming a blue spell, and a pale lightning lit up the night sky, swept from the bow to the stern, and the victim was electrocuted with smoke and hair standing on end, and he fell to the ground.

After the lightning, immediately following the fireball, the orange flame drew a wonderful arc in mid-air, and Igni Fury fell into the crowd and exploded!

A group of people was blasted into the air, the deck was charred black, and a human figure ignited by the flame screamed and rushed to the side of the ship, hit a companion, and fell into the sea!

The remaining pirates finally realized that the situation was not good, slowed down the offensive, and began to jump off the boat to escape!

The ice element received the order and gave way to the road ahead.

The witcher stretched out his hand and grabbed Alondite, his front and back feet separated, the red-and-white blade lay on the side of his face, and the tip of the sword pointed like a bull's horn to the crowd jumping in panic ahead!


A lifelike black dragon phantom appeared behind him, and with the witcher's tensed body, he began to flap his wings, the fine scales stretched, and the howling wind blew the pirates' coats and hats, and the hook-like claws of the hind feet buckled on the deck. , the deck grinned with holes, grinned with a big mouth full of serrations, and screamed!


Sword Form - Dragon!

The flickering firelight on the ship made a galloping shadow.

The witcher who rushed forward with the sword turned into a huge armored black dragon, and rushed out twenty meters in the blink of an eye.

Dragon claws tore the deck, and holes appeared in the boat.

The dragon head broke the mast, and the sails fell into the sea.

And the dragon wings smashed the whole body of the person blocking the way.

When the witcher stopped at the stern of the boat, the dragon shape disappeared instantly, and there were only a few people on the boat who were wailing.

He jumped out of the dragon boat again, and in mid-air, he held Alondite high, aimed at the boat, and from top to bottom, he chopped out a blood-colored sword energy.


A stunning red light lit up in the night!

Jianguang tore the side panels, frames, side girders, gunwale and bulwarks.

The side of the hull was completely split by this sword.

Cold sea water invades.

The dragon boat began to sink slowly.

The witcher stood steadily above the sea, watching the two dragon boats disappear into the sea of ​​ice.

Leviathan, who had dismantled the "toy", swam to his feet contentedly, facing the twenty-odd men who were swimming toward the shore, wailing strangely.

"They have seen the fury of Goddess Freya, and there is no need to pursue them. Donna Ann Sindar's army is waiting for them on the island! Now, go to the sea and find a cave to hide, and wait for me to inform!"


When Roy returned to the temple.

Hundreds of heavily armed soldiers have surrounded the entire temple. The bright swords and shields are printed with the yellow crest of the Haimei family, which are the reinforcements sent by the lord.

Sigurdrifa was conversing with a man who looked like a captain with a serious face and sweat on his forehead, and Morkwag, tied up and beaten beyond recognition, knelt at their feet.

But when the priest noticed the witcher, he immediately greeted him excitedly.

"Ah, you, you're back!" There was an indescribable piety in the priestess's tone, and her eyes were so pious as if she was looking at the goddess' messenger, "If it weren't for you, the entire temple would be Defiled, I and the remaining fourteen sisters also escaped and died!"

"Freya called me to clean up the evil, you should thank the goddess." Roy shook his head to stop her from the next words, "I'll talk about it later, I have to report the situation to Freya first."

"You want to communicate with the goddess? Can I stand by?" The priestess trembled, her face flushed with excitement,


The priestess whispered to the captain and led him past the group of curious soldiers and into the temple.

The witcher looked around and found out.

The corpses in the courtyard and the house have been cleaned up, but the dead priestesses are covered with white cloths and lined up in the center of the courtyard, and everyone is mourning and praying for them.

The corpses of the invading villains were thrown into a pile at will, and no one paid any attention.

Seeing the return of the messenger of the gods, the girls who had changed into white robes all cast curious and respectful glances at him. Black cloak, tall and straight witcher.

He whispered to his companions, and muttered about Freya's messenger.

Roy shook his head and smiled.

Enter the main hall.

Traces of the Morkwag's invasion remain, and the burned wooden utensils, books, and ornaments are far from restored.

But statues of sacred animals and goddesses were erected again.

The witcher approached the statue of Freya.

Gradually, he sensitively noticed that the surrounding space began to change, and a soft mist surged up.

"Don't resist."

A majestic female voice came from somewhere.

He was obedient.

Everything, including Siegfried behind him, was gone.

In the blink of an eye, he entered a strange world.

In the surrounding space, the bright colors like oil paintings fall and rise like a waterfall, and a warm and touching golden light is faintly radiated from them.


He turned around sharply, nothing.

"Witcher, son of the ancient blood, you have saved my believers from further insults, so I will answer your doubts."

The voice full of texture is never far ahead, as if every note contains the rules of this world.

A kaleidoscope of unpredictable Northern Lights flickers in the air...

After the Northern Lights, a pair of liquid golden eyes suddenly appeared, exactly the same as what Roy once saw in the Temple of Goddess Meritelli!

There was another faintly paler, golden woman standing there, nodding at him.

He couldn't see the specific face clearly, but his pale golden eyes were full of ocean-like wisdom and benevolence.

The figure is constantly changing between a graceful girl, a pregnant woman with a big belly, and an old man with a hunched back.

The witcher did not dare to use his observation skills, but took small steps up.

"You, are you a goddess?" Roy tried to keep his tone calm and his eyes docile, "Goddess of fertility, love, beauty and harvest, the patron saint of prophets, fortune-tellers and psychics."

"People who believe in me call me that, but now..." She shook her head, "I'm just Freya..."

"Isn't I in the temple just now? Where is this now?"

"You are not communicating with me in words and voice. Now it is the communication between the soul and the will," Freya said mildly, with a hint of encouragement, "As for this place, it is naturally my domain, you can think of it as the sky and an area above the clouds."

"It's rare to see a human soul as strong and pure as you. Others, even my priests, will only regard this place as a vague dream, everything can't be seen, can't retain memory, even mine It sounded like a dream."

"Wow... that's pretty cool. Dear Freya, can I ask you a question?"

"Why didn't you bring in those pirates and their leader Mokwagra?"

"This bunch of megalomaniacs are not eligible to come in, and they will resist."

Roy seemed to see disdain on the pale golden blurred face.

"Now, the son of the ancient blood."

"Call me Roy," said the witcher.

"Roy, you should know why I am seeing you. Time is precious, let's get back to business. In order to thank you for your help, I will answer three questions for you from now on."

"After careful consideration, there are only three..."

In an ethereal voice.

The witcher was delighted, and Freya's proposal was right in his heart.

He immediately fell into thought.

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