The Divine Nine-Dragon Cauldron

Chapter 2167 Pretending to be noble

"Is your Excellency here to pay a visit to the lay monk?" A boy with a kind face came up with his hands clasped together, and said calmly.

Su Yu nodded.

The boy stretched out his right hand and made a gesture of asking: "Please wait patiently, Your Excellency."

Most of the people in front of him were mortals, and there were occasional warriors who were quite humble. Su Yu didn't intend to forcefully jump into the queue, and stood silently at the back, waiting quietly.

But the boy did not leave, and stared at Su Yu calmly: "Don't you respect the layman?"

Su Yu was puzzled and asked, "Why do you say that?"

He never said a single word, how can it be seen that he doesn't respect layman Qingyuan?

The boy pointed to a group of people kneeling on the ground, and said, "They are the ones who really respect you."

Among the visitors, only Su Yu stood, and the rest all knelt.

"Respect requires kneeling?" Su Yu laughed.

An expert outside the world, but needs the kneeling of others to gain a sense of respect?

Indeed, as Su Yu expected, it is false to live in seclusion, but it is true to attract people's attention.

"Your Excellency wants to say that, I have no choice but to remind you, please respect layman Qingyuan." The boy finished his words, turned back to the hut with a smile on his face.

Su Yu didn't take it seriously, and waited silently.

At this time, several people managed to break through the fog and came to the hut.

They knelt on the ground emotionally and piously, waiting for layman Qingyuan to be received.

"Three predestined people, please come inside." It was supposed to be Su Yu's turn to enter, but the boy arranged for three people to enter first.

Everything comes first.

If latecomers can be placed in front of others at will, what is the point of Su Yu's duty-bound queuing?

Seeing the boy's deliberate targeting and exclusion, Su Yu shook his head in disappointment.

He came here this time just in case.

If the old man of Miezheng is still easy to talk to, he doesn't mind giving him some opportunities.

During the ten years of traveling, Su Yu entered Taixuxuan Palace many times, and found a lot of things filled with primordial energy from inside.

These things are irreplaceable treasures for Taoist masters, and they are hard to find outside.

It's a pity that he didn't even see this person's face, but was blocked by his boy.

Shaking his head, Su Yu took out Miezheng's letterhead, and said calmly, "Layman Qingyuan, I'm gone. This letter is handed over to him. Well, it's not mine. It's the letterhead that an old friend of his specially asked me to hand over."

The main purpose of his coming here is to deliver the letter.

He didn't expect this layman Qingyuan to lead him to the horoscope.

He had inquired on the way that there was a Star Alliance Chamber of Commerce in Liuli Civilization, which meant that he could easily inquire about the news.

It's nothing more than spending more money.

"Didn't you ask Qingyuan Layman for something?" The boy was obviously stunned. Almost all the people who came here wanted to ask for Qingyuan Layman.

Su Yu said indifferently: "Probably nothing, I need to ask him."

With Su Yu's strength and financial resources, Layman Qingyuan begged him to be more or less the same.

After speaking, he stepped on the grassland and walked towards the forest.

After walking a few steps, a distant and indifferent voice came from the hut: "Is it okay to say that a friend comes from afar?"

The letter in the boy's hand suddenly flew up and flew into the hut.

A moment later, a skinny old man with white hair and white hair came out with a fly whisk in his hand.

His face was expressionless, and he seemed indifferent.

Looking at it at a glance, it is quite fairy-like.

The people in front of the hut kowtowed and shouted when they saw this person: "Immortal Master Qingyuan!"

He was the person Su Yu was looking for.

"Since my friend is a friend of Patriarch Miezheng, he is also a friend of this layman, please come in." Layman Qingyuan's words were ethereal, always giving people a vague sense of aloofness.

As if condescending.

Su Yu clasped his fists together: "The letter has been delivered, I still have something to do, so I won't keep any more."

Su Yu has always disdained to be with someone who thinks he is noble.

"Since you've come to my thatched hut, I'm leaving here. I'm afraid people will mistakenly think that I'm neglecting distant guests." Layman Qingyuan dusted off the dust, then turned back to the house silently, and said, "Please come in."

He secretly used a trace of Taoist power to restrain Su Yu and bring him into the hut.

With Su Yu's physique, in fact, he can shake it away without any effort.

However, Su Yu was not in a hurry to leave because he used such force to keep people.

Simply pretending that he couldn't break free, he was taken into the hut.

Layman Qingyuan sat down indifferently, and took a sip of tea to himself: "Name!"

Su Yu just looked at him without saying a word.

Layman Qingyuan never looked at Su Yu from the beginning to the end. Seeing that Su Yu didn't answer, he said indifferently: "For the sake of sending letters and paper, I made an exception to fulfill your wish. Tell me, what wish is it?" .


His tone is very light, but also very crazy.

It was as if Su Yu was just an ant and he was an omnipotent god.

Su Yu thought it was funny, and he could only pretend in front of ignorant mortals, but in front of him, he was playing tricks.

However, since the other party asked, Su Yu would naturally not be polite, and said, "Take me to fix the astrolabe."

Layman Qingyuan suddenly raised his head, frowned and looked at Su Yu: "What are you doing there?"

Su Yu said calmly: "Can you do it?"

From Layman Qingyuan's eyes, Su Yu saw a bit of fear.

It seems that Layman Qingyuan may not be able to lead Su Yu there.

"Of course!" Layman Qingyuan suppressed his fear and pretended to be indifferent.

Su Yu said: "Then I'll be fine..."

Layman Qingyuan interrupted Su Yu, saying: "Wait a minute! I help people realize their wishes, not everyone is worthy of help, that requires fate."

Just now I was talking about helping you realize your wish, but now I want to talk about fate.

In fact, he couldn't do it, so he tried to get rid of it, right?

Su Yu said: "From the point of view of a layman, is my fate enough?"

Layman Qingyuan took a sip of tea and said lightly: "That depends on you."

He flicked the whisk, and a silk thread drifted away, turning into thousands of chicken feathers and falling all over the ground.

"Life is like this chicken feather. No one knows which piece can change your destiny." Layman Qingyuan said without changing his face: "There is a piece of chicken feather with the word "Fate" left by me on it. If you can If you find it, it means that you are destined to get my help."

Su Yu smiled in his heart when he heard it, it was not easy to be able to speak of cheating in such a fresh and refined way.

"Okay, I'll try." Su Yu chuckled lightly, his eyes sweeping over the chicken feathers all over the floor.

As a result, after sweeping, it was discovered that there was another universe on the feather.

Each piece is covered with a unique aura, and Su Yu's pupil technique can't see through it.

However, Su Yu was not in a hurry.

He casually grabbed a piece of common chicken feather three feet in front of him, and then secretly used the evil king bead to copy the magic spell of layman Qingyuan just now, and wrote the word "Yuan" on the chicken feather.

Seeing this, Layman Qingyuan sneered slightly.

Among the thousands of chicken feathers, the probability of him finding the marked chicken feather is zero, right?

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