The Divine Nine-Dragon Cauldron

Chapter 2168 Purchasing Information

"Ignorant child, how dare you cheat!" Layman Qingyuan reprimanded sharply, as if angry.

It looked like it was extremely angry.

How could he believe that Su Yu could really find that one piece among thousands of chicken feathers by such a coincidence?

There is no doubt that Su Yu must have tampered with it.

Su Yu put down the chicken feather casually, and said calmly: "Yes, this piece of chicken feather was forged by myself."

Unexpectedly, Su Yu didn't defend at all, but admitted it openly.

This action made Layman Qingyuan unable to vent his anger, he gradually calmed down, and said with a displeased expression: "I beg you to do things not with sincerity, but with deceit! I'm sorry, I can't help you realize your wish."

"Hehe... Layman is really stupid." Su Yu smiled, picked up the piece of chicken feather, and rubbed it between his fingers: "I can create what you call a chicken feather that changes fate. Let me ask you, I still need to be under your rules , looking for the chicken feather you bestowed."

For such a person who feels good about himself and likes to pretend to be noble, Su Yu will naturally not be polite, pointing directly to his inner thoughts.

Sure enough, Layman Qingyuan was annoyed, squinting his eyes and staring at Su Yu: "Junior, for the sake of Patriarch Miezheng, I forgive you once, and if you speak out loud again, be careful..."

Su Yu was not even interested in listening to his words, so he interrupted directly, saying: "I had already decided to leave, but you insisted on helping me with one thing, but in the end, you couldn't do it, and you played some tricks to trick people, and you got caught Expose it and turn into anger!"

He stood up slowly, with no concealment of contempt in his eyes: "To be honest, I think it's quite tiring to maintain the image of Qingyuan Xianzun all day long! For the sake of Patriarch Miezheng, I won't make it difficult for you , do it yourself."

If Su Yu wanted to embarrass him, it would be too easy.

In front of all the people who enveloped him, he was beaten violently, so that his image as a layman was completely lost.

However, for the sake of him being Mie Zheng's deceased, Su Yu was too lazy to do this.

"Ignorant child!" Layman Qingyuan jumped up against the table, excited with the power of a Taoist master, as if he was about to strike.

Su Yu had a half-smile but not a smile: "It's better not to be impulsive."

While speaking, he casually opened the curtain and left the thatched cottage.

Layman Qingyuan's face was ashen, and after struggling for a while, he gradually restrained the power of the Taoist master in his body, and hummed secretly: "I dare not do anything to you because of the many people around you? Hmph, you are smart!"

Obviously, he misunderstood what Su Yu meant.

Su Yu told him not to be impulsive, to prevent him from being beaten violently, not to threaten him with his image.

"I am dignified layman Qingyuan, what can I do to you?" He couldn't swallow this breath in his heart, and his heart moved: "Didn't you want to inquire about the fixed astrolabe? Okay!"

"Xiao Luan, come in!"

The boy from before immediately came in with his waist bowed, and said respectfully, "What do you want me to do, Layman?"

"Notify the Star Alliance Chamber of Commerce that the information on locking the astrolabe has been strictly blocked recently.\u003c\u003e"


Only a few people know about the astrolabe chart, Layman Qingyuan is one of them, and the intelligence agency of the Star Alliance Chamber of Commerce is the second.

The rest are the superpowers of the Nightless Empire.

Su Yu is an outsider, and the only way to obtain information about the astrolabe is the Star Alliance Chamber of Commerce.

Blocking the Star Alliance Chamber of Commerce, where can Su Yu find information?

"Within ten days, you will definitely come back and beg me!" Layman Qingyuan felt much relieved, and smiled lightly.

But even if Su Yu really came to beg him, he would not help.

All he wanted was to let out a bad breath.

After handing over the letterhead of Mie Zheng, Su Yu came to the capital of the Nightless Empire.

The capital is prosperous, and companies controlled by the Star Alliance Chamber of Commerce can be seen everywhere.

Among them is the intelligence line.

When Su Yu entered, a white-haired old man immediately received him very warmly.

"Dare to ask the young master to come to the door..."

"The price of the information on the astrolabe is easy to negotiate." Su Yu said concisely, omitting the polite words.

The white-haired old man's smile deepened: "Little friend, please take a seat."

Accompanied by the white-haired old man, Su Yu entered the quiet and well-isolated backyard.

"The shopkeeper of the old intelligence agency, Yu Xiangdong, can make the decision unless he has special information." The shopkeeper's implication is that he can make the decision by himself without consulting the boss for the information on the astrolabe.

"That would be great." Su Yu said indifferently, "How much is it?"

Yu Xiangdong smiled all over his face: "100 million dao coins."

100 million?

Dao coins are different from currencies such as god stones and crystal stones, and are extremely expensive.

The Cangjing Zodiac Hall that Su Yu has been to may not have one billion dao coins.

Right now, just one piece of information is asking for 100 million Dao coins, which is really worth a lot.

Su Yu took a brief inventory of his family property, excluding the things that had not been sold, the pure Dao coins in his hands were only two to three hundred million.

Su Yu thought for a while asking for Dao coins halfway through.

Dao coins can still be earned, but the information on the astrolabe must be obtained. \u003c\u003e

Every day that the evil girl dies, the palace of the evil girl will change for one more day.

If it's too late, God knows if the Hall of Evil Women still exists, or it may fall apart like the Qijue civilization, or it may be annexed by other forces.

"Deal." Su Yu said decisively, and took out a gold card.

Seeing this card, Yu Xiangdong's pupils shrank. The gold card is a money card that will only be issued by the Taoist Palace with a storage limit of more than 500 million.

The silver-haired human race in front of him is indeed a high-ranking customer.

Yu Xiangdong rubbed his palms together, smiling all over his face, and said, "According to the rules of our intelligence agency, give money first, then give information."

Intelligence is different from other goods. For ordinary goods, if the customer regrets after receiving the goods, they can still snatch the goods back.

But the information, once the guest knows it and repents, how to get it back.

Su Yu knew that this was indeed the rule of the intelligence agency, so he took the lead in transferring 100 million Dao coins to the other party with a money card.

Yu Xiangdong let go of his heart, and his mood opened up a lot.

That's a huge deal!

"My lord, please wait a moment, I will go to the treasury to get the scroll of relevant information." All the information about the astrolabe is sealed in the treasury.

The specific content, he himself does not know.

"As soon as possible." Su Yu nodded lightly.

Yu Xiangdong walked towards the back hall quickly.

Unexpectedly, when they reached the atrium, a clerk came up quickly and said in a low voice: "Shopkeeper, Layman Qingyuan's boy is here."

The shopkeeper looked serious, with a hint of fear: "Where is it?"

"It's in the front yard."

"Quickly, please enter the back hall..." The shopkeeper looked hesitantly at the living room where Su Yu was, and said, "I'll pick it up in person, please treat this young man well."

After finishing speaking, he left Su Yu behind and hurried to the front yard.

In the living room in the front yard, the boy was leisurely playing with a valuable ornament in the living room.

"Hey, what kind of wind blows Mr. Xiaoluan here." The shopkeeper smiled, as if he was honoring him with the same status.

The well-behaved and calm boy in the thatched hut is carrying one hand on his back at this moment, which makes people feel a little arrogant. While continuing to play with the decoration, he said lightly: "Of course I came here under the order of the layman.")! !

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