As everyone knows, he has already fallen into the trick of Wen Jianxuan and others.

Ghost Eye and the others hid in the dark, looking at Su Yu who came back to investigate the situation as expected, and sneered endlessly.

"With this kind of strategy, you dare to compete with our ghost-eyed brother!"

"Hehe, the fish finally took the bait!"

Ghost Eye smiled deeply and said, "Brothers, what are you waiting for?"

huh huh——

Each of the seven sneered and appeared from the shadows.

They had already prepared to block one direction each, and it was very difficult for Su Yu to escape in an instant.

Su Yu was caught off guard by them blocking the way, and a trace of panic flashed across his face.

"Su, I didn't expect it!" The third-ranked member of Jiujiange sneered: "This is called, there are people outside the people! If you want to plot against us, you don't weigh yourself, how many catties are there!"

Ghost Eye said indifferently: "Su Yu, we suspect that you stole our things, please cooperate with us to check your storage space."

This is of course words that can provoke Su Yu.

If Su Yu doesn't agree, they can take advantage of it.

If they agree, they can use another reason to make a move.

No matter what, Su Yu can't think about it today.

"Hmph, if you want to catch me, it depends on your ability." After a moment of panic, Su Yu immediately used the power of space to rush out of their encirclement in an instant.

Guiyan was slightly surprised: "This person is also proficient in space magic?"

But it was too late to be surprised, Ghost Eye immediately led the people to chase: "Chasing!"

The two sides chased after each other, and soon chased out of Liuli City and arrived at an abandoned manor in the suburbs.

The manor is full of ghosts and no one is inhabited.

The weirdest thing was that after Su Yu sneaked into the manor, his whole body seemed to evaporate.

No matter how hard they searched, there was no trace of Su Yu.

"Where's Su Yuren?" Ghost Eye was surprised.

They clearly sensed that Su Yu had entered the manor, why couldn't they find it?

"Sealing this place means digging three feet into the ground, and I must find out the person surnamed Su!"

Unexpectedly, under the cover of a soundless emptiness, Su Yu was quietly leaving the manor and returning to a quiet courtyard in Liuli City.

This courtyard seems to be the same as the outside world, but in fact, it is surrounded by masters in the dark.

It's hard for a fly to fly in.

In the courtyard, under the cover of nothingness, Su Yu entered silently.

Then he quietly entered a secret room in the courtyard.

After entering, the power of nothingness around Su Yu disappeared, revealing the figure of the little unicorn.

"I don't have much power of nothingness, so save your use." Since the evolution of the little unicorn, most of the power of nothingness in his body has evolved into the power of chaos, and only a few are still preserved, so use it once less.

Su Yu nodded, and a faint smile crossed his face: "It's enough."

He looked towards the center of the secret room, where a person exactly like him was sitting cross-legged.

To be precise, Su Yu's soul is now in a state of separation, and his original body has always been in the secret room.


With his soul returning to his body, a knowing smile appeared on the corner of Su Yu's mouth.

This courtyard is the courtyard of the Grand Master of the Guangming Palace.

An hour ago, he came to the courtyard and specially came to visit the Grand Palace Mistress.

If it was someone else, the Grand Palace Master would not bother to meet him, but Su Yu was the second person to be taught by the God of Light in nearly an era.

It is not a day or two that the Grand Palace Mistress wants to meet Su Yu.


There was a knock on the door outside the secret room.

Su Yu stood up, opened the door and saw a graceful, glamorous middle-aged woman standing outside the door like a blooming peony.

She is one of the three superpowers who are famous in Liuli civilization, the master of the Guangming Palace!

When meeting her for the first time, Su Yu never thought that the Grand Mistress was born so beautiful.

He only knew that the Grand Palace Mistress was a woman.

"Master Su, do you have a clue?" The Grand Palace Master stared at Su Yu with indescribable eagerness in his eyes.

An hour ago, Su Yu suddenly came to visit,

It is said that he came to return the fixed astrolabe under the order of the King of the Nightless Emperor.

As for Su Yu, she was naturally happy to meet him.

She also wanted to see what would happen to Su Yu, who had disrupted the deer competition and trampled almost all the messengers of light, and the mysterious person who was taught by the deer of light, but refused on the spot.

Therefore, meet him immediately.

From the point of view of conversation, Su Yu is really good.

In terms of strength, the Grand Palace Mistress could barely see that Su Yu should still be hiding something, especially because there was a vague threat on her body, which made her, who is the three superpowers of the Liuli Civilization, faintly uneasy.

The two chatted for a long time, but in the end the Grand Palace Master couldn't hold back and asked about the Guangming Deer.

She was eager to know if there was something special about Su Yu that could allow the Luminous Deer to teach the Dharma.

In fact, she had no hope.

Perhaps Su Yu himself didn't understand why the God of Light would teach him the Dharma.

And even if he knew, why did he tell her?

Who knew, Su Yu didn't veto it outright, but said that he had some clues, but he needed to sort them out.

In this way, the Grand Palace Master generously handed over his practice room to Su Yu to let him think quietly.

An hour passed, and she really hoped to get Su Yu's answer.

Su Yu frowned, and said in thought: "Grand Palace Master, my knowledge is limited, if it is not the answer you hoped for, please don't blame me."

The voice of the Grand Palace Master was round and soft: "Young Master Su is willing to tell me that it is the utmost benevolence, how can I blame you."

Su Yu nodded, and said: "To be honest, I once met an old Taoist priest sweeping snow on the border between the two countries. This person is involved."

"Old Taoist?" The phoenix eyes of the Grand Palace Mistress pondered, "He's the only one?"

"There is also a tombstone with three characters engraved on it."

The Grand Palace Master asked, "Which three words?"

"Zhuo Tianran."

Unexpectedly, the pupils of the Grand Palace Mistress shrank sharply, and she took a step forward, holding Su Yu's arms with both hands.

Subconsciously, she exerted so much force that even the thunder in Su Yu's body was ejected involuntarily.

A huge pain was transmitted from Su Yu's arms to his soul.

Looking at the expression of the Grand Palace Mistress again, his eyes widened, his jade face trembled slightly, and he was staring at Su Yu, how could he still have the composure and composure of the Grand Mistress of the Guangming Palace?

Su Yu knew that, just as he had guessed, that old Taoist priest was indeed an extraordinary person.

"Grand Palace Master, please don't get excited."

It was only this reminder that the Grand Palace Master realized that he had lost his composure, quickly withdrew his hand, and said apologetically, "Sorry, I lost my composure! Mr. Su, can you tell me where that old Taoist is?"

Su Yu shook his head and said, "People have already gone to the entrance of the building."

He narrates what happened.

After listening, the Grand Palace Master looked at the distant sky and sighed: "Time is also fate! It turns out that he has always been in the Liuli civilization, and we have searched for it for many years."

Su Yu's heart moved: "Dare to ask the Grand Palace Master, who is that old Taoist priest?"

"Didn't you read his name?" The Grand Palace Mistress turned around, looked at Su Yu, and said quietly.


Suddenly, Su Yu said in surprise: "The name on the tombstone is the name of the old Taoist priest?"

"Yes." The Grand Palace Master affirmed.

Su Yu was stunned, there was someone who erected a monument for himself!

That old Taoist is really not an ordinary person!

"Is this person special? Is he the... master of the Bright Deer?" Su Yu guessed.

The Grand Palace Mistress hesitated for a moment, but did not hide anything, and said, "Yes, but it's not just that!"

"He is the founder of Liuli civilization, a person who has lived from the previous era to this era!"

Su Yu's heart was flat, but he didn't think it was too strange.

Only in this way can its various mysteries be explained.

"You don't seem surprised?" The Grand Palace Mistress looked at Su Yu's expression and was slightly surprised.

Wouldn't anyone be surprised to learn that they saw an ancient venerable who lived two epochs?

Not many people are as calm as Su Yu.

Of course Su Yu wouldn't be surprised, he just swallowed the soul of an old monster from the last era not long ago, that is, the remnant soul of that demon.

"In the last years of the Era, anything can happen." Su Yu said flatly.

Looking at the sky, Su Yu clasped his fists and said, "I only know so much, I've already told you all, and I'm leaving."

The Grand Palace Master nodded slowly: "As a thank you, I will give you something."

She casually explored the storage world of her own space, ready to take out some things.

Unexpectedly, at this moment, she discovered that several important treasures were missing from her storage world.

One of them is a magic weapon comparable to the astrolabe level!

"Who broke into my space storage world and stole my magic weapon!" The aura around the Grand Palace Master's body changed from gentle to extremely fierce.

The strong wind blowing around the body is enough to crush a patriarch level Taoist to death.

"Grand Palace Master! What happened?" Outside the small courtyard, the four fish-dragon realm Taoist masters who guarded the Grand Palace Master appeared one after another, wondering in surprise.

The Grand Palace Master narrowed his eyes and looked around.

When sweeping past Su Yu, he paused slightly.

Before Su Yu came, there was nothing unusual in the storage world.

Could it be him?

However, Su Yu has been under his nose all the time, trying to steal her things in front of her, can he treat her blind?

Therefore, the most unlikely one is Su Yu!

She passed Su Yu, and then the four Taoist masters of the Ichthyosaur Realm, her eyes became cold, and she laughed angrily, "Stealing things to this palace, I really don't care about this palace!"

She admitted that the thief's ability was too clever.

She was able to break into her own storage world without a sound, and she didn't notice it.

But, it's a pity that people in her state have more or less unique auras on their bodies, and they can sense their orientation in just a single thought.

"I'd like to see who ate the bear's heart and leopard's gall!"

After the words fell, she closed her eyes slightly, then opened them suddenly, shot in a certain direction, and said with an angry smile: "Go, go and see who they are!"

With the sleeves rolled up, several people, including Su Yu, left the place in an instant.

At that time.

Those who were still searching for Su Yu closely did not find Su Yu after digging three feet.

It was a surprise to find a hidden formation.

"How could there be a shielding formation?" Ghost Eye sensed something was wrong.

Su Yu didn't see him, but he left behind a formation to cover things. Could it be that there is a mystery?

A black light shot out of his eyes, shattering the formation.

As a result, what caught his eyes surprised him.

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