What appeared in front of him were all extremely top-level magic weapons, talisman papers, and high-quality pills.

Among all the items, there is one that attracts the most attention, and that is a cup that emits a soft light.

Slightly taller than a teacup, there is a clear spiritual liquid flowing inside, exuding a strong fragrance.

Anyone who smells it feels tired and relaxed.

"Holy Grail of Light!" Ghost Eye recognized it alone, and his face changed rapidly in astonishment.

The Holy Grail of Light is the inheritance token that the Grand Palace Master of the Guangming Palace never leaves. Only the Grand Mistress of each generation of the Guangming Palace can grasp it.

How come here?

The bad premonition in his heart is getting stronger and stronger!


At this time, several members of the Nine Swords Pavilion who hadn't been controlled suddenly rushed forward, scrambling for the treasures in the formation.

Especially the Holy Grail, several people are fighting for it.

Ghost Eye's face changed suddenly, and he shouted: "Don't move, put it down!"

However, there are not many people who are as calm as him when encountering a shocking treasure right in front of them.

They completely ignored the warnings of the ghost eyes, and they were almost crazy about each other.

"A group of idiots! This is a trap!" Ghost Eye shot himself, shooting several rays of light from his eyes, separating them.

After a lot of hard work, they finally woke up from the madness of grabbing red eyes.

"Think about it, why are the inheritance tokens of the Guangming Palace here?" Ghost Eye shouted: "Why did the surname Su bring us here?"

After some hard work, they finally realized that something was wrong.

"But, didn't the person surnamed Su fall into our trap? There is no chance to set up a trap here, it doesn't make sense." Someone doubted.

Guiyan's heart was extremely heavy. Under his plan, Su Yu had indeed fallen into their trap.

However, there is one exception.

That is, Su Yu had already seen all of his plans in advance.

He thought that this move was very clever,

But in fact, Su Yu had already expected that he would do this.

The subsequent appearance and escape are the real "smooth push the boat"!

The people who asked Jianxuan mistakenly thought that their plan was successful, chased here regardless, and then found the inheritance token stolen from Guangming Palace.

Thinking of this, Guiyan was unwilling to admit that it was true from the bottom of his heart.

He didn't believe that a person's calculation ability could be so accurate that he could predict the future.

However, there are various indications that the other party is indeed a master of scheming!

"Put down all the things, wipe off the traces on them, and leave immediately!" Ghost Eye felt more and more bad, and ordered in a deep voice.

The six members of the Nine Swords Pavilion felt a bit of reluctance. These are rare magic weapons that cannot be bought even if they have money.

It's a pity to give up like this.

Just when they were hesitating, a faint cold hum came.

"I don't know who it is, it turned out to be several juniors of Wen Jianxuan."


Guiyan's heart sank suddenly, as if stepped on by one foot, falling into the hunter's trap.

The space in front of them suddenly brightened, and a group of people walked out of the dazzling light.

The leader is a beautiful woman with phoenix eyes, gorgeous clothes and graceful temperament, giving people a sense of majesty and dignity.

The breath on his body is impeccable, but it gives people infinite coercion.

Seeing her, Guiyan's heart almost jumped into his throat, and the worst situation appeared.

No, it was worse than the worst scenario imagined.

The Great Palace Master himself is here!

With a cleverness in his heart, he immediately took the initiative to step forward and saluted respectfully: "Ghost eyes refer to the Grand Master of the Bright Palace."

The rest of the members of the Nine Swords Pavilion who were holding treasures were at a loss because of the sudden arrival of the Grand Palace Master, and stood there in a daze, motionless.

The phoenix eyes of the Grand Palace Master swept across them, and when the Holy Grail fell on one of them, his eyes were cold: "I have to say, Wen Jianxuan's juniors are talented, and you can steal the inheritance token from under the eyes of this palace. Enough to be proud of."

A trace of murderous intent, like a cold wind, blows into everyone's heart.


The other six people finally let go, like a hot potato, they put down all the things in their hands, shouting for injustice.

Ghost Eye also hurriedly said: "Grand Palace Master, please listen to my explanation, how can we steal the token of Guangming Palace?"

"Hmph!" A fish-dragon realm Taoist snorted coldly with heavy nostrils, making the whole world tremble: "That's because we are blind and misread the scene where you divided the spoils?"

At this moment, Ghost Eye absolutely hated the group of pig teammates.

In other words, he was inexplicably afraid of Su Yu's calculation ability.

Could it be that he didn't even know when he and others discovered the formation and when they fought for the magic weapon?

Otherwise, how could it be such a coincidence that Guangming Palace and others saw this scene?

Thinking of this, he couldn't help looking at Su Yu among them.

But he saw Su Yu with his hands folded in his sleeves, looking like an old god.

"What are you looking at me for?" Su Yu noticed the ghost's eyes, and asked strangely: "You should explain to the Grand Palace Master how you stole the inheritance token."

Guiyan's heart was shocked, and he confirmed that everything was done by Su Yu.

He looked at Su Yu with eyes full of awe.

"Grand Palace Master, I have something to report." Ghost Eye knelt down on one knee to show respect: "We came here after Su Yu, and just happened to find something here, so the Great Palace Master came and caught the stolen goods. Success, including coincidences, I hope the Grand Palace Master will think about it."

The Grand Palace Mistress narrowed her phoenix eyes, and said lightly: "The Su Yu you are talking about, which Su Yu is it?"

"It's the one next to the Grand Palace Master." The ghost eyes stared at Su Yu coldly: "If the Grand Palace Master doesn't believe me, we are willing to accept the soul search. We only need to search our memory to confirm whether we are lying."

The Grand Palace Master's face turned cold again, and he said quietly: "You mean Su Yu from the Nightless Empire, right? When did you chase him?"

"From one hour ago to now." Guiyan's heart gradually calmed down.

As long as the truth of the matter is revealed, with the wisdom of the Great Palace Master, he should understand what is going on.

Who knows, the Grand Palace Master said indifferently: "What if I tell you that Su Yu has been by my side for the past several hours and never left?"

In the past period of time, Su Yu was either communicating with her or comprehending in the secret room.

How could Su Yu still have the chance to be hunted down by them and framed?

What's more, he also stole her most important treasure in front of her?


Guiyan couldn't believe it, they were clearly chasing Su Yu, absolutely right.

But how could Su Yu be by the side of the Grand Master of the Bright Palace during that time?

Can't explain it at all!

Of course these can be explained. Su Yu's body was in the secret room, but his soul left his body, and under the cover of the little unicorn, he left without a sound.

Only an empty shell was left in the secret room, and the aura emanating from the body was always there, so the Grand Palace Mistress mistakenly thought that Su Yu had never left.

Seeing that the Grand Palace Master's expression turned cold, Ghost Eye hurriedly said: "Wait! I can let the Grand Palace Master search my memory of the past hour to make sure that nothing I said to my brothers was false."

The Grand Palace Mistress thought for a while, and was about to say something, but Su Yu said from the sidelines: "Grand Palace Mistress, since it's about me, I have to say something! If I remember correctly, the person in front of me is the No. Er's ghost eyes, right? Isn't he best at the secret art of the soul? Modifying people's memory is just a piece of cake."

Guiyan's heart was shocked again. Could it be that Su Yu expected that he would use the search memory as evidence, so he investigated his own information in advance?

Not many people know that he can modify other people's memories.

It's hard to know without careful investigation.

The Grand Mistress thought for a while, and looked at Guiyan and the others with unfriendly eyes. She naturally knew that Guiyan was a soul body, and she had heard of his ability to tamper with other people's memories.

As soon as Su Yu reminded him, he immediately became suspicious of him.

"Grand Palace Master, I think it's most useless to reason with people who ask about Jianxuan." Su Yu said helplessly, "The stolen goods have already been stolen, but they still deny it in every possible way, and even want to blame me!"

"It just so happens that I'm beside the Grand Palace Master today, and the Grand Palace Master personally testified for me. If I'm not in the Grand Palace Master's sight, wouldn't I be fooled by them?"

These words touched the hearts of the four fish-dragon realm masters.

One of them was extremely disgusted and said: "The people who asked about Jianxuan have always been despicable and shameless. Even if they were caught on the spot, they would not admit it. The Grand Palace Master really doesn't need to talk nonsense with them. To deal with such shameless people, he will directly use the method of thunder." Best deal."

"That's right! They got the stolen goods, they have no regrets, and they still want to blame Mr. Su!"

"Yes, as Mr. Su said, fortunately we can all testify for Mr. Su, otherwise, wouldn't we have been fooled by them?"

"It can be seen that the people who asked about Jianxuan really don't take our Guangming Palace seriously, they are so confident!"

Everyone hated what Wen Jianxuan had done recently to the bottom of their hearts, so everyone pushed the wall down and took it for granted.

After everyone said this, the eyes of the Grand Palace Master cooled down, and he sneered deeply: "Even if you are the descendants of Master Ghost, you will not be forgiven for stealing the inheritance tokens of the Guangming Palace!"

Ghost eyes can't argue

It was clearly Su Yu's work, but the result was entirely his fault!

He stared at Su Yu viciously, with fear and resentment on his face: "The surname Su, it's not over between us!"

As he spoke, he crushed a piece of jade hidden in his sleeve.

Immediately, the surrounding space rippled, and a black mass appeared, including the seven of them.

The Grand Palace Master's eyes turned cold, and the jade palm patted it away from the air.

The ghost fog immediately shook violently, and the ghost eyes and others who were in it felt their hearts in their throats, as if they were walking to the gate of the ghost.

This is the shot of the three superpowers of the Liuli Civilization, and they have no power to resist.

"Hmph! Guangmingyu, are you looking for death when you attack the old man's people?" Within the ghostly mist, a skinny hand suddenly protruded out and met the Grand Palace Mistress.

Guangming Yuyu's face changed slightly, and he said in a cold voice: "Ghost master, you allow people under your sect to steal the inheritance tokens of this palace, isn't it provoking a war between the two sides?"

"Joke! What's the use of me stealing your token?" Ghost Master said disdainfully.

This question made Guangmingyu hesitate slightly.

The fourth update at half past seven.

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