The Divine Nine-Dragon Cauldron

Chapter 2236 Three Ancient Ancestors

Wuxin Tiezhu's indifferent face was covered with a look of surprise, and he said slowly: "I think, they should be the natives who were reborn in Tianzi!"

Su Yu nodded, but shook his head in his heart.

To be exact, it should be the creatures that survived the previous era!

The unrivaled emperor of the past, the great hero of Juetian, worked so hard to build the lotus seat of crossing evil, and it did not completely fail!

At least a few people survived and have been hiding in Tianzizhong.

Not only was Su Yu thinking in his mind, how many people survived in the last era?

There are not only three crossing evil lotus seats, there are other crossing evil lotus seats, but they don't know where.

Did those crossing evil rosettes successfully protect those powers?

What's more, half of the great powers of heaven and earth did not choose to cross the lotus seat back then, but adopted other methods to survive the catastrophe of heaven and earth.

If they are still alive, where are they now and what are they going to do?

While thinking, the Demon Subduing Pestle in his hand suddenly trembled and came out of his hand.

Su Yu grasped it subconsciously and grabbed it.

On the bridge, there was a whisper: "It's strange, there seems to be something on that beast that hinders the return of the magic pestle?"

It turned out to be a tall figure on the bridge, about to take back the Demon Subduing Pestle.

"Wait, that lion seems to have the breath of a warrior, no, it's the breath of a dragon!" A tall figure said in surprise.

"Really?" Another tall figure suddenly stood up.

At this time, the tallest figure among them stood up, with ecstasy in his eyes, and laughed up to the sky: "God! We are about to give up, and we will automatically send a dragon to the door!"

Hearing what they said, Su Yu's heart skipped a beat, with a very bad premonition.

The Dragon Clan they are talking about should mean him, right?


The three of them walked towards the shore in unison, and every time they took a step, there was a terrible thunder and earth fire, which seemed to prevent them from reaching the other side of the land.

But, they completely ignore,

Every step of the way.

The clouds and mist on the bridge flowed rapidly, turning into bursts of white mist and rushing into the ground.

Wherever the white mist passes, all trees, flowers and plants wither and die, losing their vitality.

Confirming that they came for him, Su Yu's expression changed again and again, and he backhanded the Jiubi Lingzhu to Wuxin Tiezhu, and shouted: "Take it, and get away from me quickly!"

The other party came for him, and unintentionally following him would only increase the danger.

"They are for you?" Wu Xin Tie Chu immediately understood Su Yu's intention.

He wanted to protect her.

He also entrusted such an important Jiubi Lingzhu to her.

"Quick!" Su Yu's voice was serious.

Those three people are probably the unrivaled powers of the last era, the heroes of heaven and earth. Once they descended, Su Yu would have no strength to resist.

Unintentionally following Tie Chuan by his side, he would only suffer unreasonable disasters.

It's better to give her the most important Jiubi Lingzhu.

If he is still alive, he will look for Wuxin Iron Catcher to come back.

If she dies, the Jiubi Lingzhu loses its owner, and it will automatically open, and she can get back the golden basalt.

Wuxin bit his red lips, then looked at the three suffocating figures who were walking, gritted his teeth, and said, "Is there anything you need to explain?"

If those three people really came for Su Yu, he would have escaped death.

So, she was asking about Su Yu's last words.

As a police officer, she has witnessed too many fellow police officers fall before her eyes.

Their death has numb the heartless iron catcher.

But the farewell to Su Yu made her feel an inexplicable oppressive pain in her heart.

"Confession?" Su Yu thought of many people in his mind for a moment, and finally, he fixed on the picture of Qin Xian'er, his eyes filled with regret.

Qin Xian'er had already forgotten him and everything between them.

All I remember is his name.

That's all.

"If you meet someone named Qin Xian'er..." Su Yu wanted to explain, but at this time Qin Xian'er was still in the distant Shura civilization, and it would take a thousand years to get there.

What about confession?

"It's okay, you can go." Su Yu waved his hand lonely.

Wuxin Tiezhu closed his eyes slowly, murmured the words "Qin Xian'er" in his heart, then nodded, and said, "Come back alive."

She knew that the chance of Su Yu coming back alive was very small.

Touching the left chest, Wu Xin jumped on the gold and silver horse and left alone.

She knew that with her own strength, she was helpless, and all she could do was to carry out his last words.

Although, it was Su Yu's unfinished last words.

The lion also seemed to sense the unusualness of the three tall figures, and immediately ran away in fright.

Not long after running out, there was a violent thunder explosion behind him.

Su Yu turned his head and saw that at the end of the sky and the earth, dense thunderbolts descended in a criss-cross pattern, bombarding the three tall figures.

However, the three figures were happy and fearless, and finally stepped into the ground from the magnificent bridge.

The moment their soles touched the weight of the ground, the earth shook and the mountains shook, and the situation changed.

Many spiritual veins dried up in an instant, countless plants and trees immediately lost their vitality, and the spiritual energy in the world was completely gone.

The land that was still full of vitality before was reduced to a barren and abandoned land in a blink of an eye.

And those three figures have never done anything!

Just step on it with one foot!

"An annoying law." The figure on the left looked up at the thunder that was getting more and more raging, and with a big mouth, he swallowed all the thunder in the sky!

The strength of those thunders is second only to that wisp of meta-level domain!

The figure on the right is a little helpless: "If it is not necessary, I really don't want to set foot on the land. I will wait until the land is destroyed."

Their strength is too strong, so that the weight of the earth simply cannot accommodate their existence.

Just like a vessel, if something much larger than itself is forced into it, the consequence is that the vessel will be destroyed.

He took a step forward, and in an instant, layers of flames burst out from under the ground, burning everything from the ground to the ground.

Countless beasts in the fish-dragon realm couldn't resist the flames at all, and they were all burned to death and turned into ashes.

Only the lion seemed to be deliberately protected, and there was no flame within a hundred feet in front of and behind it.

The figure in the center looks indifferently at the lion, or rather at the person above.

With just one glance, Su Yu spat out a mouthful of blood with a wow sound.

Its Heavenly Dragon Dao body is like a piece of paper, all inside is fragmented.

"Too weak." The figure in the center shook his head in disappointment: "However, it is true that there is dragon blood, although it is not pure."

Su Yu wiped away the blood from the corner of his mouth, looking at the land of extinction, his heart couldn't be more heavy.

The power of these three people is not weaker than the second clone of Emperor Xiaoyao!

"Come with us." The person in the middle said with a blank expression.

Su Yu hesitated.

Desperate resistance, only death, not even a single hair can hurt them.

Follow them, and play by ear.

The figure on the right said indifferently: "Little ant, why is it so difficult to take your life? Come with us, and after the matter is done, you will be blessed with great luck!"

Su Yu calmed down, jumped away from the lions, and walked towards them.

The huge figure on the left shook the gray robe, sheltering Su Yu under the gray robe, then turned and stepped on the bridge of the nameless.

The moment he set foot on the bridge, the endless sky thunder crashed down.

Every one of them destroys the heavens and destroys the earth, it is extremely terrifying.

Su Yu was terrified when he heard that, if he was alone, he might not be able to bear it all.

With the protection of the man in gray robe, Su Yu came to the middle of the bridge safely all the way.

Standing in the middle of the bridge, Su Yu just felt that the aura released from the crossing lotus seat here is so strong that it cannot be added!

At least a hundred times the weight of a human character!

No wonder the three of them want to practice in the middle of the bridge!

Presumably the third crossing lotus seat is near the bridge, right?

"Zongzu, take that thing out." The figure in the center actually called the figure on the left Zongzu!

The so-called ancestor is the supreme existence of a certain race.

For example Ren Zu.

That was to destroy the supreme existence of the two holy mountain emperors with the power of one person.

This person is called Ren Zu, even if he is not as good as Ren Zu, he is definitely the hero of heaven and earth in the last era!

"Guzu can order people around, hehe." Zongzu laughed dryly dissatisfied, and grabbed into the big river from the air.


The whole river suddenly overturned and split into two from the middle, exposing a very deep riverbed.

The dead bones of various beasts scattered across the riverbed should be the bones of beasts that died in the river for many years.

But the most conspicuous thing is an extremely huge keel!

It was lying at the bottom of the river bed, and its bones were all dreamy nine-color crystal color, shining extremely bright light.

Is this the bone of the dragon clan?

But the color of the bones...

He had seen the remains of the Dragon Emperor, the whole body was golden yellow.

The nine-color crystal-colored keel in front of him is truly unprecedented.

"Hey, it's a pity Zulong, the peerless hero who was one of the nine great ancestors." Zongzu sighed regretfully.

The bone ancestor was expressionless: "It should be said that the three of us were not included in the ranks of the nine holy ancestors, so we were ignored by the holy mountain and escaped calamity."

The two reminisced about the past, and the figure on the far right said indifferently: "You two, the business is important. Whether we can survive the new catastrophe depends on whether the thing in Zulong's body can be activated."

Zongzu glanced at him: "Snake Zu is so caring, it's better for you to come."

The person on the right is the Snake Ancestor.

Dragons and snakes have something in common. Once the thing in Dragon Ancestor's body is taken out, the one most likely to control it is Snake Ancestor.

However, Longzu is known as one of the nine great ancestors of the last era.

Its remains are still full of dangers that they dare not underestimate, so no one wants to act rashly.

The three ancestor-level heros, you look at me, I look at you, and finally reached a tacit understanding, and they all looked at Su Yu.

"Junior, the three of us decided that you will go to Long Zu's body to take out something."

Su Yu cursed inwardly, where the three ancestor-level powers didn't want to go, wouldn't he be courting death if he went?

"The three seniors are weak, and I'm afraid they won't be able to bear the entrustment of the seniors." Su Yu cupped his fists.

Zongzu smiled lightly: "You are indeed too weak, so we will not let you die in vain!"

As he spoke, he stretched out a finger to Su Yu, and a milky white bug came out of the finger and landed on Su Yu's shoulder.

"This thing is called the Transcending Tribulation Spirit Insect. It can devour all attacks that are not higher than my realm. Take it well."

There is not enough time today, let’s just do the third shift, the first shift at 8:00 tomorrow morning, and then strive for more shifts.

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