The Divine Nine-Dragon Cauldron

Chapter 2237 Emerald Wings

Su Yu didn't know how high Zongzu's realm was.

However, it is definitely not higher than Zulong!

"This is a snake gall. After swallowing it, it can heal all injuries, including the wounds of heaven." Snake Ancestor took out a green snake gall and handed it to Su Yu.

Heaven trauma?

Su Yu's heart moved, and he asked: "If the memory is erased by Heavenly Dao, will it be effective?"

He thought of Qin Xian'er.

Is being wiped of memory considered a trauma?

Snake Ancestor said lightly: "It works, but it's not obvious."

Even so, Su Yu still felt delighted, even if there was only a little effect, Su Yu was extremely satisfied.

The last one was the bone ancestor. He took out a broken gray bone and said, "This bone contains a trace of my divine power. I hope it can be used at critical moments."

Su Yu took it, and the skin on his palm immediately rotted in a large area.

The deep burning pain stimulated the nerves, forcing Su Yu to release the dragon scales to isolate the corrosion on the bones.

Seeing the dragon scales emerging from his arms, the pupils of the third ancestor all changed, revealing a hint of excitement and anticipation.

"Go." Snake Ancestor urged a little impatiently.

Su Yu had no choice but to go to the remains of Zulong for a try.

Going here is extremely dangerous, with ten deaths and nine lives.

But if you don't go, you will die immediately.

He gritted his teeth secretly, and keep this account in mind for now.

If he had a chance of revenge, he would definitely let them taste the pain.

"I still don't know what the three seniors want me to look for?" Su Yu asked.

Gu Zu took out another bead, which was dim: "You are carrying this bead, when you get close to that thing, it will emit a dazzling red light."

Is that so?

"Understood." Su Yu jumped off the bridge.

The bottom of the river doesn't seem to be very high,

Su Yu took a leap and realized that he still couldn't jump to the bottom of the river.

As far as he fell, the bottom of the river became deeper.

But in the eyes of the third ancestor on the bridge, Su Yu's figure became smaller and smaller after jumping off, and finally disappeared like a sesame seed.

"After waiting for an era, I finally waited for a person with the blood of the dragon clan to come." Snake Zu said with emotion: "We can take back the weight of the characters for people and the weight of the characters for land. We have left the will."

Zongzu paused slightly, raised his head and sucked towards the sky, a wild wolf coiled around me in the cave, who was far away in the herringbone Zhongli, suddenly twisted his body in pain.

From the corner of its eye, a moth drilled out and flew towards the sky.

There were also many other beasts, and after a burst of pain, bugs flew out of their bodies.

It turned out that the reason why Su Yu was hunted down by that wild wolf was because Su Yu's unique dragon aura attracted the attention of the moths in the wolf's body.

Su Yu once wondered that as food, he should not be enough to be hunted down by that wolf.

Now the truth is revealed.

Because the third ancestor was too powerful, it was inconvenient for him to carry out the heavy duty himself, so he went to capture the dragon clan who broke in.

Therefore, they can only rely on beasts with heavy human characters to help them find them.

"I don't know if he can get that thing successfully." Zong Zu took back many bugs and stared at the long bone of the ancestor dragon, feeling uneasy.

Bone Ancestor said coldly: "If you succeed, you must succeed, if you fail, you must succeed! The destruction of a new era is about to begin, but we are trapped here and cannot leave! Only when we get something, can we have a chance to leave."

The mood of Snake Zu and Zongzu suddenly became tense.

There was a gloomy and hostile look on Snake Zu's face: "When I go out, the first thing I want to kill is Lu Zu, that old bastard. If there is no scheme by him, we would have left this place on the day when the era reopened."

Zongzu was also extremely resentful: "The day our third ancestor broke the seal is the day when he died!"

It sounds like they're stuck here, not of their own free will.

Instead, he was framed by a fellow who was also at the ancestor level.

Bone Ancestor said indifferently: "Okay, let's prepare for the sacrifice first, it will take several years to complete the sacrifice."

At that time.

It took Su Yu three days to finally land on the bones.

Viewed from the bridge, the skeleton of the ancestral dragon is only a million feet in size.

But when it landed on it, it was discovered that its body was as big as a continent!

There is no end in sight!

There is no specific location for what Sanzu said, it all depends on the beads in his arms.

In desperation, Su Yu could only wander around on foot to look for it.

He tried to take a step forward, but suddenly a purple-black flame with extremely high temperature burst out from under his feet.

"Dragon's breath?" Su Yu's heart skipped a beat, and he jumped into the air immediately.

But seeing the place where he was standing, the air was completely burned by the dragon's breath.

The soles of Su Yu's feet were also swept by the remaining power of the dragon's breath, causing severe burns.

It's hard to imagine what would happen if Su Yu didn't react in time and was engulfed by the dragon's breath!

"Walking is so difficult?" Su Yu's heart sank.

But the difficulties are just the beginning.

He tried to fly, but found that the atmosphere here was abnormally frozen, and the flying speed was as slow as a snail!

With such a huge keel and such a speed, it would take several years to find it impossible.

We must find a way!

Su Yu thought about it for a while, and suddenly his heart moved, which stimulated the dragon blood in his body, turning him into a dragon body.

Suddenly, Su Yu felt the air around him suddenly loosen, as if the shackles had been lifted from his body.

"Sure enough." Su Yu murmured.

The space block near the keel should be the result of the remaining will of the ancestor dragon, the purpose is to prevent others from invading.

Only the dragon blood can move freely.

When it fell, there was no more dragon's breath on the ground.

With a soft breath, Su Yu quickly searched for the thing.

after one month.

He walked through most of the dragon's body, and finally came near the neck of the dragon's body.

A few days ago, the beads in his arms began to feel faintly hot, showing a faint red light.

So Su Yu slowed down and searched around.

At this moment, he was standing in front of a huge bottomless pit.

The beads in his arms glowed a dazzling red light.

Obviously, it is very close to what the third ancestor said.

"This place should be the place where the ancestor dragon's heart is?" Looking at the huge artificial pit, Su Yu seemed to see the scene where the emperor of the Holy Mountain pierced the ancestor dragon's back with his finger and destroyed the heart when the previous era was shattered.

With a slight sigh, Su Yu jumped into it.

He thought in his heart, could it be that the third ancestor asked Su Yu to find the dragon's heart?

But Longxin should have been destroyed by the Son of Heaven long ago.

As he continued to enter the deep pit, Su Yu felt the residual power of destroying the world remaining in the deep pit.

It has been an era so far, and it still hasn't disappeared.

And the deeper you go, the more terrifying the aftermath of the world-destroyer will be.

When it reached the bottom completely, a broken dragon heart came into view.

In the dragon's heart, there is a world-destroying power.

They are like living creatures, constantly swimming around the broken dragon heart.

Su Yu's arrival alarmed them, and they rushed over one after another with a sneer.

As soon as his face changed, he immediately sacrificed the little bug on his shoulder.

The little bug opened its mouth and sucked it, and then swallowed up the remaining power of destroying the world.

However, Xiao Chong himself was also exhausted.

Su Yu was secretly startled, Zongzu said that this worm could devour all attacks no higher than him.

It's obvious that Xiao Chong behaved like this. The seemingly ordinary attacks just now were absolutely fatal!


There are countless Mieshi Yuwei here, a few being swallowed will not hurt the root, but completely enraged Mishiyuwei, and they are shot like arrows.

Xiao Chong hastily opened his mouth to swallow, and after swallowing ten pills in a row, he finally missed one and hit him on the waist.


The little worm was directly beaten to ashes.

After Su Yu's expression changed, he took out the bones given by the bone ancestor, and slapped towards the incoming ray of world-destroying power, smashing it away alive.

But there was a deep scorched mark on the bone.


More and more powers of destroying the world are coming, and there is a posture of vowing not to give up until Su Yu is destroyed.

Su Yu's heart was heavy, no wonder the Third Patriarch didn't dare to come here lightly, this place is indeed extremely dangerous.

Looking at the heart that is close at hand, and then at the overwhelming power of destroying the world, Su Yu gritted his teeth and shouted: "Dimension shift!"

He used the space domain to replace the dragon's heart with the outside world.

In an instant, Long Xin appeared at Su Yu's hand.

Without hesitation, he grabbed the palace-sized dragon heart and rushed out of the pit immediately.

Those Shishi Yuwei followed closely, and quickly caught up with Su Yu, rushing towards him like a violent storm.

With a solemn face, Su Yu pulled out the King Quan Longzun sword with his backhand, and swept across with it.

Its original intention is to block the castration of Mie Shi Yuwei.

Unexpectedly, when the sword was released, the entire dragon body shook violently.

A ten thousand zhang-high dragon's breath emerged from the dragon's body, engulfing everything above the dragon's body in an instant.

Those remaining prestige of destroying the world disappeared immediately!

Only the Baizhang range centered on Su Yu was safe and sound!

Su Yu was stunned. The dragon's breath was so violent just now, maybe it could seriously injure or even kill one of the three ancestors?

This is the real reason why they dare not set foot on Zulong's body.

He stared at the King Quan Long Zun Sword in his hand, it seemed that this sword caused the vibration of the ancestor dragon's remains just now.

As a magic weapon inherited by the Dragon Clan, is the King Quan Longzun Sword related to the Zulong?

Just as he was thinking, suddenly, the broken dragon heart in his hand trembled violently, and then disintegrated inch by inch.

It was attacked by destruction back then, and since the entire era, it has been eroded by the power of the destruction of the world, and it has long been overwhelmed.

After a shock right now, it was finally unable to maintain its shape and fell apart.

Su Yu was stunned. Could this be what the Third Patriarch wanted?

It's all destroyed, so what's the use?

However, Su Yu soon realized something was wrong.

"What's that?" Among the debris all over the floor, Su Yu faintly glimpsed a piece of emerald color.

Sweeping the sleeve robe, Su Yu swept away the fragments, revealing the whole picture of the emerald object, which turned out to be a pair of palm-sized emerald wings.

Sculpture elite, lifelike.

Su Yu tried to pick it up, and the beads in his arms seemed to be burning, emitting an unusually bright light.

This is what Sanzu wants!

Between the tentacles, Su Yu was surprised to find that the emerald wings were very soft, and they were close to human body temperature, which was extremely warm.

Holding it in your hand is like holding a ball of fresh life.

"What is this?" Su Yu didn't remember that dragons had wings, and the ancestor dragon protected them in the most important place like the heart.

The second update at half past ten.

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