The Divine Nine-Dragon Cauldron

Chapter 2238 Ancestral Dragon and Different Feathers

Zulong suffered a devastating attack, but still hid this thing deep in his heart to protect it, which shows that it is extraordinary.

Su Yu tried to instill primordial power into it to see if it could make it react.

As a result, the prehistoric power in Su Yu's body evaporated out of thin air to nothing left.

Su Yu was startled, and immediately swallowed a mouthful of spiritual flesh to replenish the power of the prehistoric.

Unexpectedly, as much as it is replenished, the prehistoric power will disappear.

It seems that there is a bottomless pit in its body, swallowing all the power of the prehistoric.

He blinked and stared at the jade wings in his hand.

It can only be this thing!

Ordinary people might have thrown it away in fright, but Su Yu did the opposite.

Instead of throwing it away, he gritted his teeth slightly, continuously took out more resources, consumed them, and transformed them into the power of the wild.

One day, two days, three days, four days...

Until a whole month, all the resources that Su Yu finally found in Renzizhong were exhausted.

But the emerald wings didn't change at all, it could devour no matter how much power was given.

Su Yu has no extra resources to transform.

He pondered, looked at the emerald wings, and then looked up at the three stalwart figures on the bridge.

"Since they arrested me because of my dragon blood, could it be my blood that can affect the emerald wings?" Su Yu flashed, and carefully sacrificed a drop of dragon blood, which dripped on the emerald wings.

Suddenly, a very faint dragon-shaped texture appeared on the jadeite wings that had not changed for a long time.

At the same time, a faint telepathy appeared in Su Yu's heart.

At this moment, Su Yu had a feeling that as long as he inserted the emerald wings on his body, he could control it to fly away!

He was ready to sacrifice a drop of dragon blood again.

But suddenly, he retracted his fingers.

The third ancestor was staring at Su Yu.

If the emerald wings are really refined,

After going back, one can imagine what will happen to him.

Are you afraid that you will be killed immediately?

Holding the emerald wings in his hand, Su Yu stood there meditating.

He brought back the emerald wings and acted according to their orders. Will the third ancestor definitely let him go?

Even if Zongzu promised, he would let Su Yu live.

But, let me ask, would a person care about his promise to an ant?


If they are in a good mood, they may let it go.

If you are in a bad mood, you won't.

"My destiny is in my own hands." Su Yu didn't pin his hopes on them, but thought hard about countermeasures.

After a long time, he had several feasible plans in his mind, so he took the emerald wings and left.

Perhaps because there was no follow-up dragon blood dripping in, the faint dragon pattern dissipated and could not be detected.

At that time.

on the bridge.

The third ancestor stood majestically, staring at the keel from a distance.

"More than a month has passed, is he still defeated?" Zongzu's brows showed a gloomy look: "Waste me a robbery worm!"

Snake Ancestor's face was also not good-looking, and he said in a low voice: "It seems that it was the eruption of the dragon's breath more than a month ago. Because the dragon's blood was not pure enough, he couldn't resist it."

A month ago, they saw clearly from the bridge that the entire keel suddenly spewed out dragon's breath, burning the whole body.

Under such circumstances, they would also be in danger, let alone Su Yu?

Only Gu Zu, with the calm look on his face, said: "Wait patiently, Ancestral Dragon is the most tolerant towards the offspring, and may not harm those with dragon blood."

Sure enough, half a day later, a figure the size of a sesame seed flew up from under the bridge.

The pupils of Zongzu and Snakezu shrank sharply, feeling apprehensive, and stared at Su Yu who was getting closer without blinking.

When Su Yu flew onto the bridge and spread out his palms, revealing those emerald wings.

Snake ancestor and Zongzu rushed forward and snatched the emerald wings away.

Because of the excessive force, Su Yu was pushed away by them, and smashed heavily on the bridge pier, making his bones strong, and his body turned upside down.

Su Yu was in pain physically and mentally, silently recovering his body with vitality.

Looking at the excited and fanatical eyes of Zong Zu and Snake Zu holding the emerald wings, Su Yu completely extinguished the idea of ​​entrusting his fate to them.

He ventured up to the keel, and they never cared about how many near-deaths he experienced in one month.

Even disregarding Su Yu's relatively weak body, he robbed him brutally.

Such a person who regards him as an ant will have kind thoughts in his heart?

"Ancestral dragon and different feathers, it really is still there!"

"The hard work of waiting for an era is finally not in vain!"

Zongzu and Snakezu were very excited.

The bone ancestor also came over, stared at the emerald wings, and said in a concentrated voice: "It is rumored that in the last era, there were actually two ancestor dragons, one male and one female. Perhaps the holy mountain deliberately made the male ancestor dragon extremely powerful. But the lifespan is short, and the female archosaur is weak, but the lifespan is boundless."

"When the male proto-dragon was dying, the female progenitor-dragon resolutely cut off her own dragon's heart and transplanted it into the male progenitor-dragon, so that the male progenitor-dragon lived until the end of the era."

"The male ancestral dragon was sad, so he refined his heart into a pair of wings, watered it with his whole life, and tempered it into a pair of the best wings in the world that can fly over life and death. Break through the barrier of life and death, and find the female archosaurus again."

"But it's a pity that the ancestral dragon failed to survive to the new era, and the different feathers of the ancestral dragon carved from the heart of this female ancestral dragon were completely covered in dust."

Su Yu felt sad when he heard such legends from the sidelines.

The world is infinite, and there is love in the world.

After an epoch of long waiting, it ended in ashes and annihilation.

No wonder Zulong's heart is so damaged, but these wings are intact.

Before dying, what Zu Long most wanted to protect was not his own life, but the hope that was heavier than life.

I hope that in the next life, in the new era, I can see my lover from another life again.

"Hey, it's touching." Bone Ancestor said lightly, "However, it's actually pedantic! If it wasn't for protecting this heart back then, how could Zulong, who was the Nine Great Ancestors, be destroyed so easily by the Emperor of the Holy Mountain?"

Zongzu dismissed it: "There are tens of thousands of magical soldiers in the world, and the magic is boundless. How can a word of love kill people! Zulong is really worthless."

Snake Ancestor also shook his head and sighed: "Unfortunately, he doesn't even understand this simple truth. We, the heroes of the world, can only come to an end if we are ruthless and righteous."

Hearing their remarks, Su Yu was extremely contemptuous.

If people live in the world, if there is only eternal life, but there is no bondage, what is the meaning of eternal life?

So what about living through the epochs again and again?

After all, it is a walking dead without a soul.

"This ancestral dragon's feather has fallen into our hands, let us bloom its brilliance again, so it is worthy of the good intentions of the ancestral dragon for an era." Snake ancestor's contemptuous tone contained a hint of sarcasm.

With a wave of his sleeve, all the clouds and mists on the bridge dissipated, revealing the scene on the other side.

An incomparably tall furnace tripod, like a mountain, stands on the plain.

Under the cauldron, the corpses of beasts were burning.

Those wild beasts, without exception, are all at the level of superpowers.

However, at this moment, they can only be reduced to firewood.

The third ancestor didn't know what method to use, one by one wild beasts, like moths plunging into a flame, one after another threw themselves into the fire, becoming a part of the flames.

The cauldron was burnt red, and the wine-red liquid inside was constantly evaporating huge bubbles.

"Let's start!" Sanzu flew to the sky above the cauldron, staring at the wine-red liquid inside.

Zongzu held the ancestral dragon and feathers in his hand, and sighed: "Our three ancestors have dripped a drop of their own ancestral blood every day for a whole era, just waiting for this day."

If you want to control the ancestral dragons and feathers and fly away from this imprisoned glazed ancient cave, you can only rely on their ancestral blood to irrigate them.

Because the ancestor dragon and the different feathers have been the long instructor of the ancestor dragon for an era, the strength of the three ancestors is far inferior to that of the ancestor dragon. Long Yiyu was brought under control.

For this, they pay too much.

The blood of the ancestors is given uninterrupted every day, but it is stuck here and cannot be replenished.

Year after year, day after day, their strength has not increased but retreated, and they are far inferior to their heyday.

Because of this, they cannot make any mistakes.

This time it must be successful!

"Start!" Zongzu threw Zulong Yiyu into the furnace.

Immediately, the entire furnace started to overwhelm, and countless spiritual liquids rushed out of the furnace.

It turned out that the ancestral dragon and different feathers were violently resisting, trying to break free from the furnace.

"Junior, come here!" Snake Ancestor's eyes were sharp, and he photographed Su Yu in the distance, and said, "I will borrow your dragon's blood."

Unable to resist Su Yu's resistance, he slapped Su Yu's back with his palm, causing him to spit out a mouthful of blood mist.

The blood mist condensed in the air, the human blood was removed, and the remaining dragon blood condensed together and dripped on the ancestor dragon's feathers.

Immediately, Zulong Yiyu immediately calmed down, slowly being eroded by the blood of the third ancestor.

In this way, a day later, Zulong Yiyu resisted restlessly.

Snake Ancestor slapped Su Yu's chest again, spat out a mouthful of blood, and sprayed it on Zulong Yiyu's body.

Watered by the dragon's blood, Zulong Yiyu became quiet again.

Snake Ancestor's tense expression gradually eased, and he laughed: "Sure enough, the blood of our third ancestor is not enough to refine the ancestor dragon and feathers. It must be appeased by the blood of the dragon clan."

Gu Zu and Zong Zu also let out a long sigh of relief.

It worked out.

They didn't realize that Su Yu, who was ignored by them, had a deep chill in his eyes with his head down.

He wiped the blood that hadn't dried up at the corner of his mouth, and said coldly in his heart: "The painstaking efforts of an era? Okay, I will leave you with nothing!"

They only regarded Su Yu as a blood bag, and when necessary, they would slap him to bleed out a mouthful of blood.

If it weren't for the worry that taking out the dragon blood from Su Yu's body would affect the effect of the dragon blood, they would have drained Su Yu long ago and turned him into a piece of human skin!

Since they are not benevolent, of course Su Yu is not righteous!

Time flows slowly.

Every day, Su Yu would be slapped by the Snake Ancestor, and a mouthful of dragon blood would come out.

Su Yu endured silently, waiting for the moment when the time was ripe.

one year later.

Everything is on the right track, and Sanzu's heart seems to be at ease.

He didn't keep Su Yu under strict supervision.

As long as Su Yu voluntarily handed over a drop of dragon blood, Su Yu was allowed to move around on the bridge.

The third update at five o'clock in the afternoon, see clearly, it is the third update, not the third update at once!

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