Many strong men on the city tower showed no signs of surprise except that their faces were even paler.

No one would believe that the Star Alliance merchants would spare no effort to attack the Evernight Empire, and would show mercy and forgive them.

There is only one exception!

Princess Qianyue froze in place, unable to believe what she heard.

But the phrase "not one left" still echoed in the world, telling her again and again that the Star Alliance Chamber of Commerce was going to massacre the city.

"No, that's not the case!" Princess Qianyue climbed to the top of the city with difficulty, wanting to question her, but the army of the Star Alliance Chamber of Commerce rushed into the imperial city without any hindrance, and began to fight. Start the killing ring.

A series of screams sounded immediately.

Under the city wall, there was blood in the stool in an instant!

Looking at the corpses of the fallen citizens of the Nightless Empire, looking at the dazzling bright red.

Princess Qianyue felt chills in her heart, feeling unprecedentedly frightened.

She got into trouble!

It's a catastrophe!

All those deaths were caused by her alone!

"No, don't care about my business, I... I was also deceived." Princess Qianyue was unwilling to take responsibility, let alone dare to take responsibility, talking to herself to shirk responsibility.

"All officers and men listen to the order, the city is alive and the people are alive, and the city is dead and the people are dead!" Xiao Liefeng roared loudly as he had no hope of rebirth.

However, very few responded.

The warriors on the city wall, generals and soldiers all stared at Princess Qianyue.

Pairs of hateful gazes converged into a raging flame that burned the sky.

"Die for the country, die for the family, I am willing, but to protect the princess, please forgive me I can't do it!" A general threw down his saber, sat on the ground, waiting to die with his neck held high.

He would rather be hacked to death by the rebel army than die to protect such a damn princess.

"I only die for the people, not for the princess!"

"Please grant the princess a death!"

"Please the king kill the princess,

Peace the wrath of the world! "

"My lord, please kill the princess!"

In the face of a national crisis, all the creatures on the city wall shouted in unison, demanding that Princess Qianyue be killed.

Every sound, every sentence, every word is full of incomparable resentment towards Princess Qianyue.

Xiao Liefeng closed his eyes in pain, then opened his eyes, and looked coldly at Princess Qianyue: "Come here, stand in front of the city, and apologize to the ghosts of the people of Liming and the soldiers of the general who you killed!"

Princess Qianyue was accused by thousands of people, so panicked that she cried and sobbed: "I am not wrong, I also want to think about the world, why do you treat me like this?"

This remark angered everyone even more.

"Kill the princess! If she doesn't die, I won't die!"

"Kill! Kill! Kill!"

Princess Qianyue's rebuttal was drowned out by the voices of people all over the world.

Xiao Liefeng's feelings for Princess Qianyue completely disappeared along with more and more pungent blood breath.

With a movement of his figure, he pinched the back of Princess Qianyue's neck, brought it to the front of the city wall, and said sadly to the generals, soldiers and warriors who were fighting bloody downstairs: "I, Xiao Liefeng, am incompetent. Damn, this is the biggest fault of my Xiao Liefeng's life!"

"Now, in the name of the Emperor of the Nightless Emperor and Princess Qianyue's father, I will execute this evil beast in public!"

He has made up his mind!

As soon as he grasped it with five fingers, he exerted force, trying to crush his head!

However, at this moment, Piao Yunzi suddenly made a move.

Several white clouds floated beside him, and his figure appeared strangely behind Xiao Liefeng, with an extremely pale palm imprinted on his vest.

Xiao Liefeng had already taken precautions, so he had no choice but to throw Princess Qianyue aside and fight back with all his strength.

Guangmingyu didn't have the slightest intention of sitting still, so she flew over and flanked Xiao Liefeng one after the other.

"Hehe, that's fine, I'll come to appreciate the combat power of the two superpowers of the Liuli Civilization." Piaoyunzi was not afraid, and fought with the two of them with ease.

At the same time, after a fierce fight.

In the end, the army defending the city of the Nightless Empire was still unable to stop the Star Alliance Chamber of Commerce army, which was several times larger than its own side, and was completely wiped out in the tower.

The army of the Star Alliance Chamber of Commerce broke into the city and strictly followed Piao Yunzi's orders.

Kill anyone you see, whether it is a living thing or a pet, any living thing must be killed one by one, and absolutely no one will be left alive.

There are piles of corpses in the city, and blood flows like a river.

From martial arts experts to ordinary people to the old and the weak, women and children, none of them escaped unharmed.

When dusk falls.

In the formerly prosperous imperial city, only the army of the Star Alliance Chamber of Commerce was left, armed with weapons, examining the corpses one by one.

If any living beings pretending to be dead are found, they will be killed immediately on the spot.

The boundless blood water, under the high temperature transpiration, exudes a thick blood mist.

Blood mist filled the imperial city, turning it into a bright red city.

The setting sun was like blood, and under the setting sun, the silent imperial city was like a ghost town floating out of the underworld, adding a bit of gloom.

The Nightless Empire is destroyed!

At the end of the world, a white cloud drifted over.

Piaoyunzi has two hands on the left and right, and each is holding one person, which is Xiao Liefeng and Guangmingyu.

The former had only half of his body left, dying.

The latter was intact, but all power was sealed away, just like a mortal.

"See Senior Piaoyunzi." A shadowy man emerged from the tower.

He is none other than that mysterious bamboo hat man.

The man in the bamboo hat was accompanied by the dull-looking Biyun Hongxian and the distraught Princess Qianyue.

"Hehe!" Piaoyunzi threw the two of them on the ground with his hand.

Their capture meant that the Guangming Palace and the Evernight Empire had been reduced to the dust of history.

There is no Guangming Palace in the world, and there is no Night Empire.

"How is the battle going?" Piaoyunzi asked.

The bamboo hat said humanely: "Except for a few fugitives, there are no survivors."

"Well, very good." Piaoyunzi turned his eyes to Princess Qianyue, with a smile on his lips: "Princess Qianyue, what do you think?"

Princess Qianyue trembled, and immediately lowered her head, not daring to meet Piao Yunzi's eyes, for fear that he would include herself in the scope of "no survivors".

"As for me, what I like the most is to leave future troubles. Now, you must regret smashing the core of the formation. You must hate me?"

Princess Qianyue quickly said: "No, no, I don't, I don't hate you."

"Really?" Piaoyunzi came over, stretched out his index finger, and picked up Princess Qianyue's snow-white chin, with a hint of evil in his eyes: "I have never tasted the taste of a princess before, you, you can be willing to have fun under my knees what?"

Princess Qianyue is not a little girl, so she naturally understands what Cheng Huan wants.

It means that he has become Piaoyunzi's plaything since then.

However, she agreed without thinking, and nodded again and again: "I am willing, I am willing, just please don't kill me."

Piaoyunzi smiled evilly: "There are two conditions for not killing you, first, to be my woman, and second, to show loyalty."

He stuffed a dagger with a strange shape into the hands of Princess Qianyue: "This is my Taoist weapon, the cold soul dagger, the Taoist master in the realm of heaven and man, with just one dagger, he can fruit his soul and kill him!" die."

Princess Qianyue's heart trembled, she understood what Piaoyunzi wanted to do.

"Only if you kill your father, I will believe that you sincerely want to stay by my side and be my plaything." Piao Yunzi was very happy to see the scene of father and daughter fighting each other.

Princess Qianyue gripped the dagger tightly, her palms trembling constantly, she dared not make a move no matter what.

After all, it was her biological father.

"Princess, have you forgotten that he just wanted to kill you before the army?" The man in the bamboo hat said from the side: "I think he didn't mean to treat you as a daughter at that time."

Reminded by one, Princess Qianyue remembered the scene just now.

At that moment, she thought she was dead.

Because, from Xiao Liefeng's eyes, she no longer saw the loving eyes of the past, and only saw endless coldness and strangeness.

The fear of death made her feel resentful.

"Also, has the princess forgotten that your father slapped you and punished you for facing the wall just because of a mere outsider?" The man in the bamboo hat asked again.

Back then when he came out of the Liuli Ancient Cave, Xiao Liefeng slapped Princess Qianyue once because of Su Yu.

The new hatred and the old hatred completely broke out the repressed dissatisfaction in Princess Qianyue's heart.

She walked forward with the Lenghun dagger in her hand, and said, "Xiao Liefeng, do you know that you are wrong?"

At this time, Xiao Liefeng was extremely weak, and opened his eyes with difficulty. Looking at his daughter with a ferocious face, he said weakly, "I know, the biggest mistake in my life is having you as my daughter!"

Princess Qianyue was furious, grabbed the dagger, and stabbed it fiercely into Xiao Liefeng's chest, resentfully said: "Don't blame me, you were the one who let me down first! I did nothing wrong, but you want to kill me! You don't want to kill me at all! It's not my royal father!"

The evil power in the cold soul dagger immediately invaded Xiao Liefeng's body, quickly destroying his life.

Xiao Liefeng was in extreme pain, but he clenched his teeth and sneered: "My stupid daughter, believe me, your end will be worse than mine, hahaha..."

Princess Qianyue's eyes were full of resentment, and she stabbed fiercely again and again with the dagger in her hand.

Blood splashed all over her face, making her face hideous like a ghost.

It wasn't until Xiao Liefeng completely lost his vitality that Princess Qianyue stopped, breathing quickly.

After confirming Xiao Liefeng's death, she came to Piaoyunzi, returned the dagger with both hands, and said, "The conditions have been fulfilled. From today onwards, I will be Senior Piaoyunzi's woman!"

She thought that if she fulfilled the two conditions, she would really be able to escape.

As everyone knows, from the beginning to the end, it was all Piao Yunzi's tricks.

"Look in the mirror and look at your grimace, I don't want a woman like you." Piaoyunzi laughed evilly, kicking Princess Qianyue to the ground like kicking a wild dog.

The man in the bamboo hat laughed: "If Senior Piaoyunzi doesn't like it, please don't waste it, why don't you give it to me."

"It's up to you." Piao Yunzi said indifferently, turned to look at Guangmingyu who was bound aside, and said with an evil smile: "It is enough for me to have Yu'er, a big beauty!"

After saying that, he took Guangmingyu and laughed and left.

Leave the bamboo hat man and Princess Qianyue on the city wall.

Princess Qianyue got up, lowered her eyebrows and said pleasantly: "Brother, I will obediently listen to you from now on, and don't let the Star Alliance Chamber of Commerce kill me, okay?"

The man in the bamboo hat gave a mysterious and weird smile: "Listen to me obediently? Okay, I have one thing that I have wanted to ask you for a long, long time..."

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