"What?" Hearing the weird smile of the man in the bamboo hat, Princess Qianyue couldn't help but backed away, with a bad feeling in her heart.

The man in the bamboo hat sneered, and took off his toga and the hat on his head, revealing a rather handsome face.

If Su Yu were here, he would definitely recognize that the person in front of him was none other than Gu Taixu!

A character who has been entangled with him since Kyushu.

"I'm Gu Taixu, and I'm honored to meet the princess." Gu Taixu smiled very politely.

Princess Qianyue was not sure, she looked at him and said, "What do you mean by saying that you wanted to ask me for a long time ago?"

"Literally." Gu Taixu smiled, and traces of blood-red mist gradually lingered on his body surface.

The mist grew more and more, and finally surrounded Gu Taixu like a cloud of blood.

In the blood cloud, beasts roared again and again, and the four slightly incomplete beast shadows kept roaring, extremely ferocious.

Princess Qianyue backed away in fright, but she was surprised to find that her body of nine gods manifested uncontrollably.

The nine statues of the divine mansion are majestic and solemn, facing each other with the four beast shadows.

"What is that thing, why can it affect my Nine God Body?" Princess Qianyue was even more frightened and uneasy.

Gu Taixu put his hands on his back, and said leisurely: "Princess, have you ever heard that the body of the Nine Gods can be divided into innate and acquired?"

This point, Princess Qianyue really heard from her father.

"so what?"

Gu Taixu chuckled: "Now that you have heard it, you should understand the difference between the two. In order to evolve the innate body of the Nine Gods into the body of the Nine Paths, you need to constantly sharpen your body, but the acquired body..."

A creepy thought popped into Princess Qianyue's mind: "You...you want to..."

She remembered that her father once said that the only way for the body of the acquired nine gods to evolve into the body of the nine realms is to devour it.

Only by devouring the endless essence of life can one have a chance to transform into the body of the nine realms.

The process is vicious, bloody and horrific.

Could it be that the opponent's purpose is to devour himself?


It seems that the princess has guessed it. "Gu Taixu's eyes became serious and hot: "My body of the acquired nine gods was eaten by a small animal for most of it, and I have long lost the opportunity to advance to the body of the nine realms!" But, until one day, I knew that in this world, there is actually an innate body of the Nine Paths! "

That innate nine-path body is naturally Princess Qianyue!

"If I can eat the innate body of the Nine Paths, then I can return its body to me, not only can I restore my former divine body, but also improve my divine body, and the chances of transforming into a body of the Nine Paths will be much greater in the future! "

Princess Qianyue trembled in her heart: "You approached me in the first place because of my divine body?"

"Otherwise, my princess? Do you really think that everyone in the world revolves around you like your father and the people around you?" Gu Taixu said contemptuously.

I have to say that Princess Qianyue is the most spoiled girl he has ever seen.

She is completely self-centered, thinking that it should be taken for granted that others treat her well.

He even killed Xiao Liefeng who had always loved her in the end.

Such an extremely selfish and stupid woman opened his eyes.

But because of this, he had the opportunity to get close to Princess Qianyue, and even planned her secretly to help them complete their great cause.

"No, it's not like this." Sensing the crisis, Princess Qianyue flinched back desperately: "Father, save me quickly..."

Her words came to an abrupt end, and it was only at this moment that she realized that her father was already dead, and she still died by her own hands.

Those strong men who protected him in the past have also fallen.

The sky is big and the earth is big, but she is the only one left.

There is no one Xiao Liefeng who silently guards in the dark and watches her experience.

There are no warriors who are devoting themselves to silently accompanying her.

There is no guardian who cares whether she is injured.

There are, but her enemies who show their true colors.

"No, this is not what I want." Princess Qianyue finally couldn't help crying

Gu Taixu sneered: "Crying can change fate? Princess, maybe your father has always loved you, but never taught you a truth!"

"Everyone needs to pay the price for their actions, and no one is an exception, including you."

After the words fell, the four beast shadows on his body roared wildly.

Princess Qianyue turned around and ran, crying while running.

She wanted to seek help, but all she could find was her father's already icy body, the fallen corpses, the ruined Kingdom of Nevernight.

And what caused all this was not others, but herself.

"Acknowledge your fate, your own people want you to die, and the enemy also wants you to die, it's really intolerable, death is not a pity." Gu Taixu said coldly.

With a whoosh, a thread of blood shot out from its body, piercing through Princess Qianyue's ankle, causing her to fall to the ground.

Before she got up, several blood lines came over and shot into her body.

Every time, Princess Qianyue uttered excruciating pain.

Because the blood line not only runs through the body, but also penetrates deep into the bone marrow, absorbing the body of the Nine Gods hidden in the body.

Like an earthworm, she kept struggling and rolling on the ground, begging for mercy.

But Gu Taixu didn't have the slightest sympathy, what responded to her was more and more blood entering her body.

The body of the Nine Gods condensed from her body was constantly weakened by the frantic swallowing of hundreds of blood lines.

Instead, behind Gu Taixu appeared a frail divine figure.

Through this method, Gu Taixu deprived Princess Qianyue of all the bodies of the Nine Gods.

The whole process lasts for a cup of tea.

During this period, Princess Qianyue endured extreme pain that she had never experienced in her entire life.

At this moment, she finally regretted it.

Regretting why I would rather believe in the bamboo hat man who met once, but unwilling to believe in the repeated strict orders of my father.

She ruined everyone and herself.

In the boundless pain, her soul finally collapsed, her sanity was completely lost, and she became an unconscious fool, crying and laughing while lying on the ground.

After getting what he wanted, Gu Taixu raised his head to the sky and shouted loudly: "The body of the Nine Gods has finally recovered, which is far better than before."

Behind him appeared nine fierce and complete beast figures.

Among them, four beast shadows are extremely solid, releasing the coercion of the Taoist master!

"Su Yu, the day when my body of the Nine Paths is fully accomplished, it will be the time when I will be crushed!" Su Yu is the one Gu Taixu never forgets the most.

The hatred for taking his wife and hurting him made him never forget Su Yu.

If it is not destroyed for a day, it will never be peaceful for a day.

Finally, looking at Princess Qianyue, who was crazy and turned into a fool, Gu Taixu sneered, raised his finger, tapped on her forehead, and said leisurely: "I used to let Su Yu go because of carelessness, and in the end he became my life and death enemy , I will not make the same mistake a second time."

Even if Princess Qianyue became a fool, Gu Taixu would not let her go.

Unexpectedly, at this moment, Princess Qianyue, who was clearly insane, suddenly had clear eyes and begged: "No, I will not be your enemy, I swear!"

She turned out to be pretending to be crazy, trying to trick Gu Taixu into letting him go.

But who knows, Gu Tai's humility and cruelty are not as expected.

Gu Taixu was taken aback for a moment, and then his face turned colder: "Then, it's time to kill you!"


A beam of bright light was blown out from the fingertips, piercing through Princess Qianyue's head.

In the end, the princess who single-handedly harmed the Nightless Empire finally fell down completely.

After finishing all this, Gu Taixu crushed a piece of jade formula, and said via voice transmission: "Mr. Jintong, I have obtained what I want, and I will definitely fulfill the agreement to help you complete that matter. Farewell!"

After finishing speaking, he broke through the air and left.

On the other side, in a certain hall.

Piaoyunzi smiled evilly, looking at the indifferent Guangmingyu.

At this time, Guangmingyu has a ball of light constantly expanding and contracting in the abdomen, which is the Taoist weapon that Guangmingyu has been hiding in the body.

At this moment, being urged by it, it is about to explode.

"I didn't expect you to have prepared a long time ago, and left a trace of the power of the Taoist master in the Taoist artifact." Piaoyunzi looked relaxed.

Guangmingyu said indifferently: "Women who fall into your hands never end well, so, even if I blow myself up to pieces, I won't let you get a single cent!"

Piao Yunzi chuckled: "Of course you can die, but what about your Guangming Palace members? The female disciples named Xuan Hua and Xuan Yin are also stunning beauties. If I catch them, guess what?" , how would I treat them?"

Guangming Yu's expression tightened, and before the battle, she secretly sent the two girls away.

But today's Liuli civilization is already dominated by the Star Alliance Chamber of Commerce, how long can they escape?

Once caught, end...

"Piaoyunzi, what do you want?" Guangmingyu glared at her.

Piaoyunzi looked at Guangmingyu's beautiful body with an evil smile: "As long as you are willing to serve me well and make me happy, of course you can let them go, otherwise, I will let them make up for it!"

"Shameless!" Guangmingyu was ashamed and furious.

"Whether you agree or not is up to you. What I Piaoyunzi dislikes the most is forcing others." Piaoyunzi clasped his arms in front of his chest and laughed.

Guangmingyu's eyes flickered and struggled, and after a while, she bit her lips, and the flickering light in her body gradually dimmed.

Left and right are death, and instead of letting Xuan Hua and Xuan Yin suffer the pain, it is better for her to bear it herself.

Piaoyunzi's eyes were burning hot, like a hunter who had succeeded in a trick, he licked his tongue excitedly.

But, at this moment, a cold voice pierced the sky above the hall.

"You can't trust the words of a villain." His tone was cold and dreamy.

Piao Yunzi only felt a blur in front of his eyes, and fell into a long and incomparable dream.

In the dream, he was entangled by a group of peerless women, which made him unable to extricate himself.

He knew it was a dream, but he didn't want to wake up from it.

"Wake up quickly!" Piao Yunzi finally shouted, forcibly shaking the dream away and returning to reality.

But the bright jade in front of him has disappeared, leaving only broken dream fragments.

"Who, who ruined this deity's good deeds?" Piao Yunzi roared as he broke through the roof.

Outside the imperial city, in a deserted temple.

The seal on Guangmingyu's body has been touched, and her strength has been restored.

Looking at the tall, white-clothed woman in front of her, she was pleasantly surprised: "Daughter of Destiny!"

The one who rescued her was the mysterious and extraordinary Daughter of Destiny from Guangming Palace.

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