The Divine Physician’s Overbearing Wife

Chapter 1179: Small pot pot (2)

Chapter 1179 Small pot pots (2)

It stands to reason that seeing the Aotian Guojun will be close to the wind, the South String should be angry or impatient.

However, what Xuanyuan Guojun saw from his face was still the wind and the wind.

As if everything is well-informed.

The heart of Xuanyuan Guojun sank, he couldn’t think too much, and the old body flashed in the air, standing in front of the South String.

"Kid, you alone, can never resist the power of my six countries."

Since then, there have been only six countries in the exile.

The Haitian Kingdom and the Heavenly Kingdom, which have been destroyed, are no longer within the countries.

Nanxian’s indifferent Yangjian collided with the long knife that Xuanyuan Guojun had smashed from the air...

The endless power spread from both sides, and the face of Xuanyuan Guojun was also changed drastically. His arm had a feeling of being shocked. The whole face was covered with iron blue, and there was a blood in his throat. Sprayed out.

He is the first master of the exile of the mainland, and he must not lose all his dignity in front of a boy.

Therefore, he hardly swallowed the blood that had reached the throat.

"Kid, you look at your woman now, and later, she will become the soul of our knife!" Xuanyuan Guojun's lips hang with a satirical arc, looking down at the South String with that condescending look.

The implication is that how do you resist now and compare with the real thing, you can't even protect your own woman, what is the use?


At the moment when Xuanyuan Guojun was on the sidelines, his smile was solidified, and his eyes tightened. He seemed to see a scene that people could not believe. The face of Tieqing became pale and colorless.

I saw a huge pot hanging from the sky.

There is still a door on the pot, which is bronzed and looks like it is a few years old.

The pot has long been rusty and eclipsed, but it is fierce and abnormal. A pot of pots keeps squatting, slamming the heads of the six kings, just like playing the hamster.


The pan made a scream of anger, and the whole pot was a little trembling, so it wasn't enough after it was knocked, and it hit the heads desperately, as if you wanted to blast all of these heads.

The masters of the six countries are not bad, and their heads are very iron. Naturally, they will not burst after a few knocks.

This strength... is much stronger than the dying holy warrior of the Haitian kingdom.

Even so, this pot has used such a large force, and they are not able to withstand it. They can no longer attack the wind and fall, and can only run around with their heads.

But the more the pot is knocking, the more it does not stop, the chasing of this group of people around, the speed of running.

Xuanyuan Guojun: "..."

He looked at the group of monarchs who had been chased by a pot and fled, and the whole face was flushed. He felt that his face had been thrown away, and he screamed angrily: "You all stop me!"

No one cares about him.

In the entire forest, he will respond to his only rustling wind.

The face of Xuanyuan Guojun is even more ugly, and this is the first time this group has not obeyed his orders.

"Hey, let all of you stop, otherwise, you will send people to destroy your country! Even a pot that doesn't know what the origins will be able to persecute them to this point. Your behavior is just throwing us to the face of the mainland." !"

This time, Xuanyuan Guojun was indeed very angry, and he was not vocal, and his eyes were full of anger.

Sure enough, the group stopped.

(End of this chapter)

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