The Divine Physician’s Overbearing Wife

Chapter 1180: Small pot pot (3)

Chapter 1180 Small pot pots (3)

Even the pot that chased everyone's mouth stopped, and looked down at the Xuanyuan monarch who stood at the head of it.

Yes, this pot has no eyes, but Xuanyuan Guojun can always feel that it is watching him.

That look is like watching a pot of food that can be cooked by it.

Sensen's, it is terrible.

After thinking about it for a while, the giant pot came to the front of the Xuanyuan monarch, and the rusted iron pot collapsed. This force was fierce, and finally Xuanyuan Guojun was aware of the pain of those monarchs.


It hurts too!

Since he broke through to the Holy Warrior, he has already become a head iron. This is the first time he has experienced the pain of this beggar for so many years.

Under the anger, Xuanyuan Guojun couldn’t take the South String, and the long knife slashed to the iron pot.

I only heard a bang...

He slammed the long knife forged with the cold star iron into two pieces.

The body of Xuanyuan Guojun was frozen. He looked up stiffly and looked at the iron pan. It just broke the surface of the skin.

Those skins, or the rust that has already rusted, are not damaged in other places.

"Xuanyuan Guojun, this woman is the devil," said Aotian Guojun, who was smashed out of the heads of countless brains. He was crying and miserable. "I just saw that this pot was released by this woman. She is Devil! Xuanyuan Guojun, let's run."

The heart of Xuanyuan Guojun is also a bit worried, but if he runs, the whole face is gone, how can he rule Xuanyuan State in the future?

When he passed out, he was thrown away.

Therefore, Xuanyuan Guojun has a face, a serious and calm road: "Hey, is that kind of person who will escape? In a district, a pot of iron, can you still kill me? What's more, even if you die in all directions, I am dead, at least I am worthy of the people of Xuanyuan, and I am dying to exile the world of the mainland. Therefore, I would rather die as a deserter!"

His sleeves are breezy, his justice is stunned, his face is cold, and his righteous words are spoken.

The monarchs of all countries looked at the Xuanyuan monarch with the eyes of worship.

Of course, if his legs can't tremble, maybe they will believe him more.


The giant pot was angry, and its whole pot jumped up, and the people in front of it were copied into the pot at the fastest speed.

It didn't even know where to take out the cumin, sesame oil, salt and pepper, pepper, and all the brains were poured into the pot.

The action of the giant pot was too fast, and soon everyone else did not react. Those people entered his pot and struggled to struggle.

"Wow, is the pot pot cooking?"

Qing Han smelled the scent of the scent, and ran out of space without the consent of the wind.

Not to mention other people, even after seeing this green han, which was out of thin air, he stunned and looked surprised.

"Small dump, do you have a storage bag that can hold a living thing?"

Otherwise, how did Xiao Qinghan suddenly appear? Before she thought that the two spirit beasts, Qing Han and Fu Chen, set off in advance, and did not expect to be brought to her by her.

The wind is a little smiley: "Well."

After the completion, she gently pinched the back of Qing Han's hand, but suddenly saw Mu Qing looked at her eyes with thoughtful thoughts.

The storage bag of the living thing is used for the sake of one-on-one. If you want to cover the second uncle, it is estimated that it is somewhat difficult.

Fortunately, Mu Qingqi did not ask anything, and looked at the battlefield again.

(End of this chapter)

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