The Divine Physician’s Overbearing Wife

Chapter 1193: The difficulty of the gods (7)

Chapter 1193 The Difficulty of the Tenjin House (7)


Sitting high above, Mu old man's face is heavy, his eyes are serious and cold.

In his first place, except for Mu Ling, there are only the uncles of the Mu family.

These people's faces are quite ugly, and there are some sorrows in the eyebrows.

"Homeowners, the Qin family wants to rebel, we must choose the next one. Now the Qin family's strength of the Qin family has surpassed the beginning of Gu, if we choose the family, maybe... the Mu family is escaping this time."

"Yes, the owner, anyway, Gu Shi, the owner of the house, was also robbed by him. His name is not right. His strength is not good enough to be destroyed. It is also what he should bear. Why do we have a foot?"

"I think, we still rely on the Qin family as well. Don't be like the idiot of Luo's family. Because the power is quite good, the Qin family gave it away. Now life and death are unknown. The people of Luojia hate him. ”

"Homeowners, in order to admire the family, you must make a choice. It is not easy for us to survive in Tianshen for so many years, and we must not let the ancestral foundations be destroyed."

Mu's face is getting colder and colder, but he never makes a word, and people have no way to find out his mind.

Just then, a chuckle came from outside the door.

When the people turned their heads, they saw the plain clothes of the snow-colored dress coming out of the door, and the pace was amazing.

When Mu Ling appeared from the appearance of Su Yi, her eyes had already stayed on her face, and she could no longer move away. Her eyes were awkward.

Since Su Shi moved into the courtyard of his father a year ago, he never looked at her so close.

It’s like... time is fixed at this moment, and among his eyes, he is full of the figure of a woman who is like a fairy, as if he was surprised at the beginning of the year.

Time to treat her very well, did not leave any traces on her face, in contrast, he and Chen Guangyu ... are old.

Only her, looks still, the scenery is still.

Su Yi smiled and walked in: "You want to give up the beginning of the Gu, this is impossible. Xiao Qing and Gu Yiyi's marriage is the father and Gu Shi set, only waiting for them to return after the appointment Do you think that the father will abandon the family regardless of Xiaoqing?"

Mu's uncle's face changed in a big way. Although they hated Chen shun and accepted the smock, but for them, the interests of Mujia are above all else. At this time, it is necessary to collude with Gu Shi, which is equivalent to Looking for a dead end!

"Little lady, the head of the family and the head of the government are only verbally agreeing, not counting. Since the body of the second master has recovered, he can't find a woman."

Su Yi smiled and said: "The first one, I am not the lady of the family, your little lady is only Chen Lijun! Second, Xiao Qing and the father are the people of love, what do you think, they Will you abandon Gu Shi?"

There is no wind in the hall, but the clothes on the clothes are not windy from Yang. Her eyebrows are calm and calm, but the coldness contained in the black shackles makes people shudder.


Mu's father's hand fell heavily on the table and slammed up: "Enough!"


"Everything is done according to what Su Yi said. Since I promised to get married, I will not be willing to keep this promise."

If a person does not believe in words, what is the difference between them and animals?

He is not Muling, he can ignore the promise he had given to Suyi.

Since he promised to take care of his engagement, no matter what happened, Mujia could not betray it!

(End of this chapter)

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