The Divine Physician’s Overbearing Wife

Chapter 1194: The difficulty of the gods (8)

Chapter 1194 The Difficulty of the Tenjin House (8)

This is the basic truth for people.

"But, the owner..." Mujia Shubo, headed by Mu Xi, was a little panicked and persuaded with tears. "What do we do for the foundation of the family for so many years? Are you sitting and watching these foundations destroyed?"

The smile of Mu’s father is ironic.

"After letting me give up my family, will you let me choose to push the South String to Qin?"

Everyone breathed a stagnation, and they did have such an idea.

Qin Yuer has already broken through to the high level of the holy warrior, which is the realm that most people can't reach in their lifetime.

If Mujia can marry the Qin family, then the status of Mujia in Tianshen House will be stable.

But in the face of Su Yi and the old man, these words have not been bold enough to say it, but express their thoughts with their expressions.

Mu old man sneer even more: "Ningly destroy ten temples, do not split a marriage! South string likes a small dumpling, he does not like Qin girl, you want to let him 娶 Qin 妃 children, really whimsical! ”

Mu Hao paused and drummed up with courage: "Wu Muling used to be in love with Chen Guang, and did you not dismantle them?"

This time it was not only the old man, but even Muling’s face changed.

Mu Ling did not expect this moment to admire this, he carefully looked at the plain clothes, after seeing her indifferent face, my heart was slightly lost, empty.

Mu old man looked coldly at Mu Wei: "What kind of mother, what kind of daughter, there is, I can see that my vision for the day is also correct."

Not long ago, Mu Ling had a slap in the face of Chen Lijun outside his hospital. He did not see it, but felt that his heart was very comfortable.

Chen’s mother killed his beloved wife. Even if he died, he could not have such a daughter-in-law!

Killing your wife's hatred, don't share the sky!

Chen did not kill Chen, but because she was young, he did not have a disaster on her body. This does not mean that he can accept Chen.

Only Muling, who lacks the heart, is distressed by Chen, a young and mournful mother, and often visits her, leading to long-lasting love.

Ha ha……

Muling was not too young at the time, so she would feel distressed. Chen Xiaoyu had no mother at a young age. Why didn’t he give this pain to Mu Qing? Compared with Chen Lijun, Mu Qingyi has never seen his mother since he was born.

How can he not hate it!

"Moreover," Mu's father's lips sneered at the disdainful sneer. "Can a son be like a grandson? Sons are dog things, only grandchildren are my own people."

Mu Ling: "..."

Somehow, he has a very heartfelt feeling.

Su Yichan coughed twice, and said: "Master, this is known by Xiaoqing, it will be sad."

"Oh, that has nothing to do with me," Mu's father's eyes swept over the other people present. His expression was calm and cold. "You can't discuss anything here. Today's deliberation, stop here, go to the meeting!"

Everyone was a little uneasy, and they wanted to continue to persuade something. The temper of the old man could not be poured into the oil. They had indulged for a moment, but they could not say anything.


Suddenly, a rush of voice came from outside the door.

Master Mu looked up and saw a guardian squatting in. He was sweating and screaming with tears. "Father, the big thing is not good. Just the spies came to report, saying that it is the Qin family." Going to this side, it seems that we are coming to our home."

(End of this chapter)

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