Chapter 1204, Qin Yu (2)

"Hey?" Qin Li frowned, asking again.

Qin Xiaoer took a deep breath, her face gradually recovered calm, calmly said: "I am fine, but I came here, I thought of the shame I had suffered at the Mu family, I could not hold back for a while."

"Really? Your body is not in trouble?"

Qin Li’s heart is a bit embarrassing. Recently, Qin Yu’s old age is too much, and her body can’t make any mistakes. After all, the Qin family now relies on Qin’s children. He can’t bear these consequences.


Qin Xiaoer gently responded, her eyes once again looking at the door of Mujia, her hand could not help but hold her chest tightly.

I don't know why, at the moment when she used the spiritual power, the heart is like being burnt, the pain is unbearable, but for the Qin family... In order to stop losing the dignity in front of the family, there is more pain, she must also Hold it down!


"Suyi, cough!" Father has stood up, his body is not like the original health, even the footsteps are somewhat swaying. "This war, I am inevitable, I only ask you one Things, if I am no longer, I hope... you can manage the home for me."

Su Yiyi supported the arm of the old man: "Master, you..."

"The neighbors of Mujia are not good things. I have always understood these things, but... Mujia is not only bad guys, such as Zhang Lao, who guards the Lingyao Pavilion, and the head of the guardian Muzhong... I have been sick since I was sick. After that, the old people who were driven out of the family..."

"Mujia is the millennium foundation that the ancestors passed down. I don't want the Mu family to be destroyed. But what I firmly believe is that as long as someone is still alive, there is hope for reconstruction! You and the South String...I am admiring Hope!"

Father's heart and mirror are like, Mu Qing's character is too simple, not suitable for managing Mujia, although the temperament is not enough poison, but she has the son of Nanxian...

Therefore, in the Mujia, he is willing to believe, only these few people.

"Dad, don't talk nonsense, who said that we will die today? I will protect you from leaving here."

"Ha ha ha," the old man laughed a few times, tears and tears. "My old man has never done anything evil in this life. The only wrong thing is that he has given birth to this little hybrid, which has attracted so much. problem!"

If Muling had wanted Qin Yuer to give the South String as a beggar, it would not evoke the thoughts of Qin Yuer, and would not let Qin Yuer hate it.

All in all, all things are the fault of Muling!

Master Mu opened the hand of Su Yi and gradually walked toward Qin.

His pace is firm, steady, and calm.

The eyes are determined and will return to death.

"Qin Xier, don't say that my grandchildren don't want to be yours, even my old man, I also look down on you in this kind of woman. My grandmother and daughter are only windy, you are entangled with my grandchildren. Endless, my old man will not let you go!"

Qin Xiaoer has not received such humiliation since she was a child. Her face is white, and the long sword in her hand has crossed a curve. With a bang, the body of Mu’s father will be a few steps away.

Blood oozes from the chest of Mu's father. He doesn't even wrinkle his brows. The old face is still sneer, his eyes are majestic and cold.

(End of this chapter)

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