Chapter 1205, Qin Yu (3)

Qin Yuer’s heart was once again burned like a fire, and her hand couldn’t help but hold her tight chest.

How could this be……

Why can't she use spiritual power?

Is it because of the aftereffect of the elixir?

No... No, the aftereffect of the elixir just made her become old and had no other consequences. She took Luo Fei and even had a battle with Gu, and nothing happened.

Suddenly... What happened to Qin’s mind, making her face more ugly.

She has been good before today.

Today, she has only done one thing, which is to take the last drug left by Qin Lan to take it.

No, impossible! Even if Qin Hao wants to leave the Qin family, she is so good to him, he will not be like this to her, she must have been wrong!

Qin Yuer slowed down, and she went to Qin’s father, looking at the plain clothes in front of the old man with the sorrowful eyes.

"Su, originally, you should be my mother-in-law, but unfortunately, you would rather choose the windy woman who is extremely vicious, and would not choose me..."

"My kindness, my gentleness, are all forced by you guys! I am a gentleman who treats people for a good life. The wind is like a dumping and Gu Yiyi is everywhere for me. They are not allowed to enter the family." Then, I also snatched my brother."

"I hate them, don't wear them together!"

Qin Yuer's eyes are full of blood, covered with bloodshot.

All her good education, all kindness and gentleness, is all because these talents are gone.

It is them, turning her into a demon!

Her momentum suddenly became stronger, even if the heart was burnt even more, she did not care, a pair of red eyes looked coldly at the people in front of me.

The air is getting more and more gloomy, the wind is raging, and even the sun in the sky does not know when it will disappear.

Later, came the voice of screaming and screaming. When Suyi looked up, he saw a group of young young men and women carrying weapons and killing them from the crowd.

Those... are the orphans she has adopted.

I haven't seen you for twenty years. These children have grown up...

The tears of Suyi flowed down, soaked her face, her lips trembled, and nothing could be said.

"I only walked for a few days, I heard about the change of Tiancheng."

In the sky, a voice passed down, old and hearty.

"Suyi hoe, what happened so, why not let me know?"

Under the emptiness, Hai Rong walked out slowly. He stood shoulderlessly with one hand and smiled at the old face. "Maybe this time, I have been alone for so many years. It is rare to meet such a forgotten year. How can it be? Sitting and watching?"

"What's more..." Hairong's gaze was smiling. "I also want to get some recipes for spiritual medicine from the head of the dumplings. I can't care about you."

Su Yi suddenly laughed.

Hairong is afraid that she will be guilty, and she deliberately said so.

After all, it is often more important than the recipe of the medicinal diet...

It’s not surprising that the icing on the cake is not enough.

Faced with these sudden people, Qin Li’s face does not change: “No matter how many people you come today, it’s impossible to change the end. If you don’t have to talk nonsense with these people, we will solve the problem directly after going to the house. ""

"it is good."

Qin Yuer’s sleeves are rising, and endless powers are raiding, such as violent storms, and the momentum is amazing.

(End of this chapter)

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