The Divine Physician’s Overbearing Wife

Chapter 1230: The wind is like a sacred, holy warrior (1)

Chapter 1230 is the wind, the holy warrior (1)

A green robe, dyed with blood.

Gu Shi’s footsteps trembled, but he was still stable and standing firm.

Not far from the sky, there are countless figures galloping.

The powerful force is like a huge stone pressed from the sky, so that Gu’s body can’t bear it. After a spurt of blood, the body shakes a few times, and the long sword in the hand is firmly in the ground. Hard to let your knees fall.

He lifted his pale, handsome face and stared at the strong people who came from the sky, with a bitter smile on his lips.

It seems... he still can't hold on.

Gu Shi’s legs were shaking, and the people who faced him in the sky were calm and calm, with a choice to die.

"This life, I started, I have never been sorry for anyone."

"But my wife was killed and my daughter was bullied!"

"Cowardly, it will only hurt people close to you. In order to protect my only daughter, I have to dye my hands, even if I have stepped on countless bodies, I have never regretted it."

"Because...the people I killed at the beginning are all wicked!"

"But I have finally lost the wicked people to resist my determination, so that I can no longer accompany my daughter."

"Even so, I will not fall down until the last moment, I will never bow to these wicked people!"

The man's robes are windy, like the proud bamboo under the cold wind, facing the numerous swords and swords, he is still heading up.

The sword is as light as rain, his robes become awkward, and his body is cut out of blood by countless swords.

He had no enthusiasm for the first time, and the whole person looked very embarrassed.


Seeing such a beginning, they are the enemies who stand on the opposite side, and there is a touch of movement in their eyes.

I have to say that this Gu Shi really has admirable discouragement.

It is a pity that in this world, this is the weak meat.

Since Gu began to serve as the head of the government, they can no longer bully the weak family.

Can no longer steal the girl who is watching.

Gu began to support the weak, how can they accept a house that is not considered for them?

Therefore, Gu Fu has today, he is also his own - looking for...

Gu Shi haha ​​laughed, and there was a strong light in the fierce eyes.

This time, he did not face the group of masters in front of him, but instead his eyes fell on the back hill not far away.

"Small girl, let me... Finally, do something for you. If it is this life, I can no longer protect one by one. I hope... you can help me... protect him forever..."

At that moment, all the spiritual powers gathered in front of Gu Shi's body, and finally turned into a gust of wind, a bang, and ran into the enchantment of nothingness.


The enchantment clearly cracked a gap, and the gap became bigger and bigger. Finally, the sound of the singer turned into countless spots of light and dissipated into the air.

This enchantment has two sides that separate the two worlds.

Under the saints can enter the enchantment, but no one can take it out of the enchantment.

Of course, the South String, which is also a holy warrior, was an exception. Only when he arrived at this strength, he could enter the enchantment.

The people inside can only break the enchantment inside, even if the strength is stronger, it is impossible to break the outer enchantment.

(End of this chapter)

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