The Divine Physician’s Overbearing Wife

Chapter 1231: The wind is like a sacred, holy warrior (2)

Chapter 1231 is like a wind, the holy warrior (2)

It’s like... the people of that world have no way to come out.

This is the rule set by the people who set up the world.

The whole continent that exiles the world is in a formation. The enchantment is also set by the formation method. Since it is a formation, there is a rule of the law, even if it is the ancient book that Gu found. Above, there is no clear reference to why people over there cannot get out.

Exile the mainland, as its name suggests.

Ancient books also mentioned that the people of that world were exiled here, and the beasts who exiled the mainland were defending the continent.

Gu began without breaking the enchantment because... he exhausted all the power to break the enchantment.

He had hopes at first, hoping that he could cope with these enemies, and there was a chance to see his daughter again...

But now, he has no choice.

He can only use his last strength to help them... Get out of the world, lest it be trapped there for countless years.


Gu began to spurt another blood. This time, his body's spiritual power did not exist at all, and his body slammed down.

When the line of sight was blurred, he saw that the strong had swarmed, like a bee seemed to surround him.

Through the fierce and powerful enemies, he seems to have crossed the time and space, and once again saw the smiling face that smiled 20 years ago.

"Hey, I finally... I can see you again."

Since twenty years ago, his beloved wife has left him, and he has done it for her life.

The only thing I can't bear... is only their daughter Gu Yiyi.

Gu began to close his eyes slowly. He didn't know if it was his illusion. In the moment he closed his eyes, he saw a giant pot descending from the sky.

Yes, the giant pot.

With a bang, he squatted on the head of one person in front of him, and his head was blooming directly, and the wet splashed on his face.

Gu began to smile.

Maybe... he has an illusion?

I can actually see a flying pot...

Gu Shi’s eyes were completely closed.

Only a tender voice, sounded from his ear, clean and pure.

"Mother, this guy is still out of breath, it's a pity..."

Gu Shi: "..."

In the end, he couldn't open his eyes again, and he passed out and didn't know anything.


Under the sky.

The girl slammed into the red dress of the city and stood up against the wind. Her stunned eyes swept coldly to the strong men in the sky, slowly raising her hand, and a long sword appeared in her palms out of thin air.

The infinite spiritual power is like a silk thread, entwined in her body, and the red is flying, like a king.

The wind is perfect, and the crown is the best in the world.

"Sacred Warrior???"

The strong men of the Tenjin House are all aware of the wind. Many people have seen her at the banquet of the Mu family.

They all know that the wind is chasing Gu’s daughter Gu Yiyi, and Nanxian is going to catch people.

But why... Is the wind back?

Actually broke through to the holy warrior! ! !

Everyone’s heart was full of horror, and the expression of the wind was full of panic.

Even the wind is coming back... What about the South String Son?

It is said that the Nanxian son was very strong at the beginning. Now, more than a year has passed, has he become... stronger?

"Mother," Qing Han's hand dragged the gang, smiled, "Gu's grandfather has not broken."

(End of this chapter)

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