The Divine Physician’s Overbearing Wife

Chapter 1232: The wind is like a sacred, holy warrior (3)

Chapter 1232, the wind is like a sacred warrior (3)

If Gu is still awake now, and he is said to be called a grandfather by a thousand-year-old monster, he is estimated to be directly mad.

"Fuchen, Qinghan, you take care of the government, I am going to envy the family."


Qing Han's tender face is full of smiles, no sense of urgency.

Fu Chen was a little worried: "Mother, can you do it?"


The wind is like a scorpion, and her hand is falling, and a person who rushes in front of her has been shackled by her.

"Just broke into the holy warrior, just... I have to practice."

Not long ago, she just found the enchantment, and it was not easy to break the enchantment with the help of Fuchen.

As for the giant pot...

Oh, sorry, it’s okay to beat people, and it’s obviously not going to break the enchantment.

It’s a pity... After breaking an enchantment, there is another one, even if they use up all the power, they can’t break it.

Of course, this period is not without benefits, at least the wind has broken through to the holy warriors!

However, this is also related to the ball. When the ball is doing its best, it forces a part of it to the wind, and it is still unconscious. The wind is filled with anger and grief, but there is no Noticed.

Until... When she broke the enchantment, she exhausted the spiritual power over and over again, and used the black sword of Dantian to fill the spiritual power.

As a result, she was allowed to break through the bottleneck and go straight to the lower order of the holy warrior!


Two more people rushed from the two sides to the wind.

Under the anger of the giant pot, he slammed into the past and directly smashed the man's body out of it. He fell on the ground and even the chest was sunken.

The wind is also the shot, and the other person is also under the knife.

She was stained with blood, stepping on the bodies and walking slowly toward the outside of the city.

In addition to the holy martial artists sent by He Xin later, other people... I dare not take it out, and I want to reduce my sense of existence.

Every time the wind goes by, there are samurai masters who want to stop her, but no one can stop her.

Xiao Qinghan yawned and she blinked: "Fuchen brother, I am a little sleepy."

Fuchen had already squatted down and took the elixir to Gu, and after seeing his breath stabilized a lot, he stood up and turned to those who left the scene.

These people have seen the wind have left, leaving only two children, but quietly relieved.

They don't care about these two children, they want to leave this place.

Qing Han squinted at the small head, softly soft and soft to see the group of people who are about to leave: "If you bully, you want to run?"

"Small kid, don't worry about it, or your uncle will send you to the wolf now!"

Replace those who are in the country of Liuyun.

There is no courage to talk to these two little guys.

It is a pity that the people of Tenjinfu do not know these two little guys, and they are not afraid of the horror of these two little guys.

Qing Han was really angry, she was at the door, fiercely licking her teeth.

Even if she pretends to be vicious, this appearance seems to be harmless to humans and animals, without lethality.

"I am super fierce, I will bite people, you are not afraid of me!"

She is fierce.

Those who are in the country of Yunyun are afraid of her.

"Get out!"

This group of people rushed to escape, and waved to Qinghan.

However, his hand was not close to Xiaoqinghan, and he was firmly tied by a vine. He slammed and hanged in the sky.

(End of this chapter)

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